Summary: The Pentecostal outpouring of power was a demonstration of God’s divine influence on an epic setting event - the inauguration of the Christian church. Whenever the Lord sets an important precedent He accompanies it with a demonstration of power to signal

1. The Pentecostal outpouring of power was a demonstration of God’s divine influence on an epic setting event - the inauguration of the Christian church. Whenever the Lord sets an important precedent He accompanies it with a demonstration of power to signal His Divine energetic approval.

By the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church on the day of Pentecost, the Lord wanted to communicate a powerful signal to the world of this new beginning. This Divine power would continue to remain in the church for its edification, instruction, inspiration, exhortation, correction and training in righteousness. Perhaps, your ministry is lacking evidence of the divine power of the Spirit in some aspects of your life, relationships or work.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you carry forth the ministry of Christ’s church while being mindful of the original outpouring of Pentecostal power in the person of the Holy Spirit.

2. Pentecostal demonstrations of power today may be counterfeit unless they completely led by the Spirit of truth, love and authority. There are numerous examples in our present world of people who pretend to demonstrate a supernatural manifestation of the power of God. However, let us remember that the Spirit of God is sovereign and He cannot be manipulated for human purposes or personal advantage.

Application: Ask the Lord to give you the discernment to determine what manifestations of the Spirit of God are genuine and which are phony.

3. Pentecostal power is manifested in an abiding ministry of qualitative and quantitative spiritual fruitfulness. It is easy for some to display a momentary demonstration of power. However, Spirit led power is made known over a long period of many years.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you to manifest both qualitative and quantitative spiritual fruit in all facets of your ministries as proof of the Spirit’s abiding

4. Pentecostal power came with great sound and light so that all could hear and see God’s power. Whenever the Lord demonstrates His power, He makes provisions for even the deaf and blind to bear witness of His precedent setting events.

Application: Ask the Lord to help your ministries to be heard and seen so that everyone can experience the benefits of your fruitfulness.

5. Pentecostal power was manifested through the speaking of many tongues. As a master communicator, the Lord knew that the gift of tongues would allow the apostles to speak about the Spirit and truth of Christ in hundreds of languages to many different ethnic groups present on that day. The miraculous nature of Pentecost bears witness to the omnipotence of God. Our Lord’s knowledge and abilities are so great that nothing is too difficult for Him.

With this great communicative miracle, the entrance of the Spirit would always be remembered as a day when God’s word was simultaneously spoken in hundreds of languages.

Application: Ask the Lord to perform the necessary miracles in your life and ministry to give proof of His power to communicate across language, social and geographic barriers.

6. Pentecostal power proved that the gifts of the Spirit came from God and no one else. No one present on that great day would even suggest that the gifts of the Spirit could be earned by human effort. Every spiritual gift was a direct present from above.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you to remember that each person’s spiritual gifts is given to them by God and cannot be manipulated for any human motivation or purpose

7. Pentecostal power was personal, practical and purposeful. The gifts of the Spirit given on the day of Pentecost were not only for individuals’ benefit but also for the body of Christ. The Lord expects individuals’ spiritual gifts to be used in a way that will benefit the church, not just anyone’s selfish ambitions.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you find a way to help everyone utilize their spiritual gifts for the edification and evangelism ministries of your local church and denomination.

8. Pentecostal power shows people how to succeed when other fail. No doubt, many people were discouraged after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. However, the Spirit’s entrance into the world gave people great hope, strength and expectations of what the Lord would do next. When the Spirit came, He first showed Himself to be a great witness. Let us trust the Lord to continue on in our ministries with the precedents set on the day of Pentecost.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you be His witness through all aspects of your teaching, preaching, counseling, prayers and evangelism.

A humble gift that is used is worth more than a great one that is idle!