Due to today’s political environment many are saying we are living in the last days. A fellow told me he realized we are living in the last days, when Donald Trump was elected and named his motorcade limo “The Beast.”
I haven’t told him yet, but it looks like the beast was made and named in 2015 when Obama was president.
So because the president rides in a limo called the beast may not be a sign we are living in the last days. But I am sure about one thing occurring in society that proves we are living in the last days, it is the rise of “offence.”
Referring to signs of His second coming and the end of the age, Jesus said, “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” Matthew 24:10
Notice the verse said “many shall be offended.”
Can we say many are “offended” these days? People become offended by minor things. Leaving some of us wondering what in the world is going on.
Differences in opinions on sexuality, politics and theology are major issues that may cause someone to become offended.
People actually hate you if you don’t agree with their views on politics, sexuality or religion. They become offended and want to destroy you.
They want to see you suffer financially or die if they are offended by your viewpoint or interpretation of current events or spoken words.
This wasn’t always so!
There was a time when friends and co-workers disagreed about political candidates and worldviews and still remained friends or worked together peacefully.
But now if you have a different view your friends may hate you and your boss may fire you. People may boycott your business/product or threaten to kill you.
The Mark of the Beast
Is the spirit of offense the mark of the beast? Thayer’s Greek Definitions says, beast means, a wild animal, and metaphorically a brutal, bestial man, savage, ferocious.
Revengeful savagery seems to be the way many deal with offense and differences.
In their mind you have no right to pursue life, liberty and happiness if you disagree with them.
Filled with hatred, in a beastly fashion they may seek to destroy you.
Avoid the Offense Trap
Strong’s Bible Dictionary says, offend means To “scandalize” to entrap, that is, trip up, figuratively stumble or entice to sin, apostasy or displeasure, (make to) offend.
It looks like an offended person falls into a trap that causes him or her to sin. He or she may decide to harm the supposed offender with words or deeds.
But perhaps the greatest harm befalls the offended person. Scripture says, a cruel person troubles his own flesh (Proverbs 11:17).
A cruel, beastly, savage person lives in torment, as cruelty becomes a self-afflicted wound.
Accept Jesus’ Advice
Jesus warned the disciples not to be offended (John 16:1). Offense begins or ends with the offended party. As one may reject an offensive action or word if desired.
Offense led Judas to betray Jesus when Mary used expensive perfume to wipe Jesus’ feet. (Matthew 14:3-11). After the feelings of offense subsided Judas realized he overreacted to the situation and killed himself.
A wise person overlooks an offense, to do so is a mark of strength and integrity.
Scripture says, “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11
Let’s remember that “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” Psalm 119:165
We can make the world a better place by not being easily offended.