Summary: How is the first coming of Christ at Christmas connected to the coming of Christ at the end of time? See the connections and how the same preparation makes us ready to celebrate and anticipate the coming of Christ.

When you look at that picture of a mountain range, can you tell me which mountain is closest or where one begins and the other ends? It’s kind of hard to tell from a distance, isn’t it? Only when you get closer, into the mountain range itself will you be able to tell which comes first and where one ends and the next begins. Throughout these last two weeks of Advent, we have heard the call, “Christ is coming!” We’ve heard the call come from the Old Testament prophets. We’ve heard the call come from John the Baptist as he pointed to Jesus as the Christ. But the call of “Christ is coming!” does not stop once Jesus is born. The Bible views the coming of Christ kind of like that mountain range. The first coming of Christ at Christmas nearly 2000 years ago, so often blends into the second coming of Christ at the end of the time. Sometimes the two events blend so closely one into the other, you can’t tell where one description stops and the other begins. That’s only fitting because those two events are so closely connected. For it is the preparation that takes place for Christ’s first coming, that also makes us ready for the Christ’s second coming at the end of time. And it is Christ’s first coming as that child in Bethlehem that affects our view of Christ’s second coming and the time leading up to it. This morning, in the words of Philippians 4, we again see how closely connected those two comings are and how they prepare us both to celebrate and anticipate the coming of Christ Jesus.

This letter that Paul wrote to the Philippian Christians is what many people have called his most joyful letter. It is true that you can sense Paul’s joy as he thought about his fellow 1st century Christians who he had heard were witnessing their faith in Christ in many different ways. And so it might almost seem a bit redundant for Paul to say, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4). While Paul had heard of many good things going on among the Philippian Christians, he had also heard about two prominent women among those Christians who were fighting with one another. In the verses immediately before the one I just read, Paul told those two women to stop fighting and instead, “Rejoice!” And just in case they didn’t hear him the first time, he says it again, “Rejoice!” Now this might seem superficial, almost like he’s telling them to just pretend like they’re happy. But did you notice where their joy was supposed to come from? Pauls says, “Rejoice in the Lord.” There is the key “IN THE LORD.” This was a joy that was to come from recalling what the Lord had done for them. It was a call for them to remember how Christ had come, the Lord God almighty, to live for them and die for them and rise for them, so that they could live with him for eternity. This is the joy that comes from recalling the Lord’s forgiveness of our sins, and the salvation that Christ had come to win for us. This is a joy that belongs to every Christian through faith, as we continually recall the love of Christ Jesus. And yet, what too often happens to that joy?

You might picture it like a campfire on a cool night. If you stay close to the fire it will keep you warm and toasty. You start to walk away from the fire, that warmth quickly leaves and coolness sets in. The Philippians had started to step away from the fire of Christ’s love and their joy had begun to cool and quarreling had taken over. Their loss of warmth had affected their relationships even with their fellow Christians. Paul tells them to get back by the “fire” of Christ and his love, and to get that joy warmed back up. And I think that’s probably a good reminder for all of us also.

Do you ever sense your joy cooling? You get frustrated with a fellow Christian because of what they did or did not do? Bitterness begins to set in, and you slowly begin to step away from the warmth of Christ’s love. Dear friends, don’t freeze! Come on back, and stand around the fire that Christ provides for us, the warmth of Christ’s love that comes through the repeated hearing and life-long learning of his Word, the regular receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Have that joy warmed back up with Christ’s love for you.

Paul goes on in these verses to show how that joy positively affects our relationships with the people around us as he writes, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near” (Philippians 4:5). That word “gentleness” is kind of an interesting one. It has the picture of “yielding,” let someone else go ahead of you even if you have the right to demand otherwise. Now this is not talking about apathy or ambivalence towards what we know to be wrong or sinful. It’s talking about how we treat the people around us. How good are you at “yielding” to others? It seemed to be a bit of a problem among the Philippian Christians, and unfortunately, they’re not unique. Instead of “yielding” we can be more interested in winning, of making sure that we’re heard, of getting OUR way. How often do we attempt to excuse our lack of gentleness by saying, “It’s my right to…” That’s the voice of our sinful nature, not our faith. That’s the voice that is quick to make demands and slow to show gentleness. But that is not the way of our Savior.

When you are tempted by quick tongue, or a stubborn heart remember Christmas. Look into the manger and remember who this is and what he was willing to do. Paul reminded the Philippian Christians of that in chapter 2 when he wrote, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:5-8). Jesus yielded his divine rights for you. He gave up what was rightfully his from all of eternity, so that he could serve us. What perfect gentleness our Savior has shown to us as he went so far as to willingly die on a cross, so that we could live with him for eternity. Out of joy in what the Lord was willing to do for us, we put our egos to the side and put others first.

Paul adds additional motivation when he adds, “The Lord is near!” That is not a threat but a reminder. Christians recognize that Christ is going to come and take us home to heaven whether through death or the end of the world. So we recognize that we have a limited amount of time. Therefore, we want to make use of every opportunity to reflect the gentleness that Christ has shown to us with those around us.

Paul then goes on to write, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6). These verses remind us that God knows us so well. If there is one thing that the human race is good at, it is worrying. We worry about weather, about money, about our kids, our grandkids, our health, our jobs and the list goes on and on. God tells us how to deal with our anxiousness when he says, “Prayer.” How does prayer help to deal with worry? As we approach our heavenly Father in prayer we are regularly reminded of who this God is and what he done and promises to do for us. We recall the love of the Father to whom we pray, his faithfulness, his promises, his forgiveness, his power, his knowledge of what we need. Our prayers of thanks build our confidence as the Lord reminds us of the many spiritual and physical blessings he has already provided for us.

The hymn writer had it so right, “Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer” (What a Friend We Have in Jesus Joseph Scriven 1820-1886). It’s sadly ironic that when we don’t take time for prayer it’s too often because we are too busy worrying. Take that time with your Father in prayer and grow in your confidence to trust him more and worry less.

Finally, Paul concludes by writing, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). God gives you a peace that surpasses anything that this world can possibly offer. The world’s peace is always dependent upon what people will do or not do, and therefore is always temporary. Jesus’ provides real and lasting peace because this is “the peace OF GOD.” This is the peace that completely depends on what God has promised to you and already has done for you. It is the peace that comes from knowing that Christ has come to bring you peace with God. Yes, the baby of Bethlehem has lived and died for you and your salvation.

When your hearts are burdened by sin and when your mind cannot fathom how God has or is going to do what he promised, the peace of God calms our troubled hearts and minds. He takes us to the stable of Bethlehem and then to the cross of Calvary and asks, “What kind of God would be willing to do that for you?” And there is only one answer. A God who has loved you so much that he came to earth for you, all so that he can come back and take you to be with him in heaven. You see, the coming of Christ, has made us ready, for the coming of Christ. Joy, gentleness, prayer and peace – all yours because Christ came, all so that you can be ready for Christ to come again. Amen.