Summary: Celebrating the New Year - 2019. Looking at how God brings us New Life Challenges that will lead us to experience Him in ever new ways!

Scripture: Joshua 1

Theme: Walking with God

Title: Life Challenges with God - 2019

2019 will bring Life Challenges. This sermon is to help us understand how we can face those Life Challenges with God's Help.


Grace and peace from God Our Father and from His Son Jesus Christ who came to take away our sin and infill us with His Holy Spirit.

Welcome to 2019! What an incredible year we have before us!

This year can be the most amazing year we have ever experienced. It can be the most enjoyable year that we have every experienced. And it can be the most successful year that we have ever experienced.

Now, how can that be possible? I am glad you asked for that is one of the things that I would like to share with you this morning.

I would like for us to take some time and look at what this man Joshua discovered. Joshua discovered a way to make sure that he, his family and all of his people could experience life to its fullest. Joshua didn't want to waste his time. He wanted to get the most out of his life here on earth and he discovered that the best way for that to happen was to walk in step with the LORD with the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

Now, what does that exactly mean? Does that mean that we spend hour upon hour reading and studying? Does that mean that we have to give up all of our hobbies, all the things that we enjoy doing just to sit in a corner and meditate?

Of course not. Walking with the LORD is merely being open to the LORD. It is enjoying time with God. It is opening up our hearts and our minds to speak to God, to enjoy and to rest in His Presence.

Let's look at what it meant for Joshua to walk with God this morning:

I. It meant accepting God's Life Challenges - v. 2

One of the first things that Joshua learned about walking with God is that God loves to present us some LIFE Challenges. God loves to bring things before us to help us grow inwardly and outwardly. God loves to help us experience life in its fullest.

Our God is not a God who tries to take things away from us. Our God is not interested in making our lives depressed and miserable. Just the exact opposite. Our Heavenly Father seeks ways for us to experience the best we can today, tomorrow and forever.

Let's get into our passage. As you may have noticed, Joshua's book starts rather abruptly. In just a few words we understand that Moses, who had led the people out of Egypt had gone to be with the LORD. For the last 40 years Moses had been God's leader for His People. He had been their prophet, their mediator and their spiritual father.

It was now time for some changes and in the opening verses God speaks to Joshua and gives him and His People a New Life Challenge:

+It is time for some new leadership - some new ways of thinking and some new ways of doing things.

+It is time to cross the River Jordan - it time to cross that barrier that has prevented them from being able to enjoy God's Promise Land.

In verse two God basically tells Joshua -

- Joshua, I want you to become the New Leader.

Joshua, I want you to take over the reins and lead My people into the New Land. I want you to receive My favor and blessing as you and My People go into untamed, uncharted and uncertain areas that will bring you into even more miracles, blessings and anointings.

Now, you have to think that all of this had to take Joshua back for a moment.

God's new Life Challenge had to be rather unnerving for someone around 80 years old. Usually we don't think of 80 year old individuals taking on the mantle of senior leadership but that is exactly what God wanted to happen.

God challenged Joshua to step up and receive the mantle of leadership. For the past 40 years, Joshua had been Moses' chief assistant. He had been everything from Moses' go-fer to Moses' military leader. He had been Moses' right hand man. But Joshua had always been in the shadows and on the side line. He had never had to take the full reins of leadership. At least not the way that Moses had for the past 40 years.

When you think about it, Joshua's job under Moses had been a great job. It had been a wonderful way to experience life for the past forty years. But now, here is God reaching out to this 80 year old man and telling him that it is now his time. It is now his time to accept this Life Challenge and be the way for the People of God to receive God's blessings and favor.

I am sure that Joshua thought that the LORD was going to call someone else to lead the people of Israel. Surely God was going to call a much younger man. A man who didn't creak a little when he stood up and one who most likely still had all his hair and teeth.

I am not sure any of us this morning would have picked Joshua. We might have thought that God and His People needed to go a different direction. However, God is full of imagination and surprises. God hand picked Joshua. We don't know why but then again the challenges God brings into our lives at times not only will surprise us they will surprise others as well.

I am sure that Joshua was as much surprised as anyone else. You can almost hear him talking to himself after Moses had died:

"Well, Moses is gone and my opportunity for senior leadership is over. My time of being blessed by the LORD is coming to an end. I have had a great job these past 40 years working with Moses. I am 80 years old and it's time for me to begin to sit down and take it easy. It is time that I realized that I am in the sunset years of my life."

So, why did God pick Joshua? Why didn't God just let Joshua sit on the sidelines? I am not absolutely sure but I do have some thoughts:

- I think it was so that everybody could understand that everyone was to be a part of this New Adventure - this New Life Challenge.

- I think it was to show everyone that whether you are 80 or 40 or 20 or 5 the LORD wants to bless you, pour out His favor upon you and lead you to experience new adventures, new victories and new anointings.

- I think it was for God to show His People that with Him (God) nothing is impossible.

I believe this morning that the LORD wants to say the same thing to all of us. Regardless of our age, regardless of our position in life the LORD wants to present all of us with New Life Challenges and opportunities this year. I think the LORD wants to challenge us to do new things WITH HIM this year.

Notice what God is doing here with Joshua. God is not calling Joshua to merely do certain things for Him. Joshua is not being called by God to go out and do all these things on his own. God is wanting Joshua to work alongside Him. That is the way God works. He is not interested in us doing things by ourselves or under our own strength. God wants to help us go up to a higher level so that we can be a blessing both to ourselves and to others. And God wants to be a vital part of that process. God wants to work with us, in us and through us this morning.

+ God tells Joshua - It's time to cross the Jordan River

The Jordan River had held Israel back. We don't know how many times they had been this close but they had never been able to cross that river. God had promised them the land on the other side. It was their inheritance as the children of Abraham. They could see it from a distance but they had never stepped foot on it. They had not taken what God had promised them.

There were all kinds of stories floating around. Stories that the people across that River were powerful giants. Stories that the people (Canaanites) across the River would destroy them in a matter of days. Stories that there was no way little ole Israel could ever successfully cross that river and make a stand.

On top of all of this it was the wrong time of the year to try to cross the Jordan River. The Bible tells us that it was near harvest time and during that time of the year the Jordan River spilled out of its banks. In other words the Jordan River was near flood stage. That meant that it would be somewhere over 100 feet deep on average.

Logically there was just no safe way they could cross the River. They did not have the means nor the technology. They didn't have floating rafts or the ability to quickly construct a make shift bridge. If they tried to cross the Jordan River right now it was almost certain that thousands of them would drown. There was no way to get the children and the women across unharmed. There was no way to get all the livestock across safely. The whole idea was crazy.

And yet, with all of this in mind they set out. With all those stories and with the River at Flood Stage they decided that they would make a try.

You have to love these people's faith and determination.

Their mindset was:

Let Joshua lead. Let him begin to pull together a new team. Let him begin to pour his life into a new generation. Let him begin to be the way of blessing and favor for the People.

They looked around at each other and said -

"Let's strap on our sandals, hitch up our robes and put one foot in front of the other and go across the Jordan River. If our parents made it across the Red Sea then we will by the hand of God make it across the Jordan River."

This morning, this year I believe we are called to take up similar challenges. There may be times this year that we need to step up and take the reins of leadership regardless of our age and/or experience. There may be times we will need to take up leadership in our own lives, in our family, at work, at the office and even in the Church.

There will be times we will be called to cross barriers that we have never crossed before - emotional barriers, spiritual barriers, cultural barriers and personal barriers. Whatever Life Challenges the LORD has for us there will be all kinds of reasons why we can't accomplish them. There will be plenty of old stories telling us that we can't make it. That things are too hard and that the way is impossible. That we will have to wait until a better season.

However, if God is leading us towards those new Life Challenges then we need to step up and receive them. Whatever paths the LORD is leading us to travel then we simply grab our sandals, we hitch up our robes and we start walking.

But how can we do that?

How can we have that much faith? How can we possess that type of determination?

How can we trust God the way these Israelites trusted God - new leadership - crossing old barriers so that we can inherit the promises God has for us?

What was it that enabled Joshua and His People to accept God's Challenges?

Let's look again at verses 3 - 5

II. They Recognized that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Was Totally Committed to Them - v. 3 - 5

In verses 1 - 2 we see where God presented His Challenges but in the next few verses God also revealed His Absolute Commitment.

Look back in verse 3 -

"I have given you" - not I will give you, not one day it might be yours - but the words God says are in the passed tense - "I have given you".

In God's mind it is all ready a done deal. In God's mind the way has already been made clear because He is the One who is making the way clear.

Look at Verse 5 -

"No one shall be able to stand against you, all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you."

Wow! Let's listen to verse five again -

"NO ONE shall be able to stand AGAINST you, all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will NOT FAIL You or FORSAKE You."

This is Almighty God speaking. This is the Good God of Creation sounding out for everyone to hear that He will be Present with Joshua and His People. This is the most powerful being in all of creation ( The I AM that I AM) committing Himself to be with Joshua and the tribes of Israel. This is the One who spoke all the cosmos - all the galaxies into existence that is promising that He will be with them no matter what comes against them. You want to talk about a promise of commitment? This is the ultimate promise of commitment. This is the ultimate promise of Victory and Everlasting Life.

All Israel has to do is to recognize and receive God's commitment. All they have to do is to realize that they are not going into the land alone. The Life Challenges that God has given them He has also promised that He will be with them until they become reality.

We all remember the story of the young boy David who had been promised that God would be with him. One day the Bible tells us that he picked up five stones and with his shepherd's sling he faced the biggest Life Challenge he had ever faced. Standing before him was a man ( a barrier) over nine feet tall who was holding a sword that weighed about 15 pounds. The average man at the time was under six feet tall and the average sword at the time was under 5 pounds. So, this giant of a man was not only tall but extremely strong.

David knew in his heart he could accept God's Life Challenge because He knew that God has committed Himself to David. God had anointed him to be the next king of Israel. And if he was going to be the next King of Israel he had to act like a king. He had to do the things that ancient kings did and one of those things was to win battles. So, David went in the power and strength of the LORD and together he and God won the battle.

We see Daniel doing the same thing as he enters into the lion's den. He had been faithful. He had faced the Life Challenge of keeping a constant prayer life even when the Persian Law at the time said that it was illegal to pray to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Daniel believed that God would take care of him and of course God did take care of him.

We see the same thing in the life of Queen Esther. She was given the Life Challenge of standing up for Her people. Later on, Elizabeth was given the Life Challenge of bearing John the Baptist. And Mary was given the Life Challenge of bearing and raising the Christ Child. Each of them were victorious because they received God's Life Challenge and understood that they were not going it alone - they were going with God. God had committed Himself to them and with God nothing is impossible.

Whatever Life Challenges the LORD brings to our lives as individuals, as families and even as a Church we must understand that God is going to walk right beside us all the way. God is going to show us the way to victory as long as we allow His Holy Presence to lead us and guide us. God has committed Himself to us.

How do I know that?

Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 28:20 - Listen to the words of Jesus:

"And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Let those words soak in. Take them as signpost of God's commitment.

Jesus is telling us - there will be some Life Challenges for us in 2019. We are invited by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY to receive them and accept them. We are also to understand that with each Life Challenge, with each barrier that the LORD will be with us. He will commit Himself to us. He will not leave us nor forsake us. He will be with us until the end of the age.

Therefore all we have to do is:

III. Act On It - Believe and Start Walking with God v. 6 - 9

+Receive My Life Challenges.

+Recognize My Commitment to You.

+Now, flesh out your faith - Believe and live like you believe.



Biblical theology is full of all kinds of theories and explanations. Many of them are very helpful as we try to understand things like the Fall, Atonement, Salvation and Holiness.

But living the Christian Life really boils down to one thing - taking one step towards God and doing His will. Then taking another step towards God and doing His Will. Then taking another step towards God and doing His will.

It means living in the Present Moment with the LORD. Being constantly alert with our ears tuned towards God as we enjoy God's leadership and the Life that we can experience in Christ Jesus.

We are called to not dwell on the past - it is gone. It cannot be recaptured. It cannot be relived. Even if the past is full of all kinds of medals, trophies and commendations they are all a part of the past. They are history.

Instead, we are invited to focus on both the present and the future. We are to make plans but we are to understand that those plans rest in God's hands. We give ourselves and our futures to the LORD.

That allows us to live and enjoy the present. For that is the only time we really have - this moment - this time - this day - this hour. We are called to listen, to follow and to enjoy our walk with the LORD right now - today. We are called to be open to Him as He speaks to us, guides us and directs our lives. We are called to be infilled with His Holy Spirit. We are called to rest in His grace, mercy and love. We are called to share that love with all those around us.

Now, that doesn't mean that great things will just happen by magic. That poof and suddenly everything around us is perfect.

We have to do our part. We must actively walk with the LORD daily - hourly. We do have to plan. We do have to build. We do have to work. But we do it with God right there alongside us. We do it hand and hand with God directing and leading.

Remember the story of Nehemiah and the wall that he and his people rebuilt?

The Bible tells us that together with the Lord's help they rebuilt the whole 4.5 mile wall that surrounded the city of Jerusalem in a mere 52 days. Now, that was a miracle. Four and a half miles of wall that had to be cleaned out, remolded, repaired and rebuilt. And they did it all in under two months. It was all the result of a co-operative miracle between God and His People.

God gave Nehemiah and his people this incredible Life Challenge. Remember by the way, that Nehemiah was a cup bearer. He had never repaired or rebuilt a wall in his life. He had no masonry or carpentry skills. And yet, God told him to ask the people to help him rebuild the wall.

As you read this story it is one in which God provided the materials, the labor and the protection. Nehemiah had plenty of enemies that tried to stop him and his people from rebuilding that wall. But like Joshua, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY committed Himself to the task. God protected Nehemiah and his workers. God gave them the strength and the ability to make the bricks.

All they had to do was to receive God's Life Challenge, accept His Commitment to them and then step out in faith. All they had to do was to begin to rebuild that wall and trust in God and each day a little more wall was rebuilt until finally the mission God gave them was done.

The Bible tells us that it took the same co-operative effort between God and His People for them to take the Promise Land. The massive walls of Jericho fell down but not by themselves. The People of Israel obeyed the LORD and over a period of eight days they walked around those walls some 13 times. And the end of all that walking they stopped and shouted as loud as they could to the top of their lungs and God began to cause the stones in the walls to shake and tumble down. It was a co-operative miracle.

The truth is the LORD has always wanted to work with us. Moses and the tribes of Israel had to step into the water before the LORD divided it. The manna in the wilderness had to be picked up and cooked into meals. It has always be a joint venture - God and us.

This morning, Our New Year - 2019 lays before us. There will be Life Challenges. God will see to that. There will be barriers that we will have to face. Life will see to that.

The question is will we accept God's Life Challenges?

Will we accept them and decide that in God's Power and Strength we are going to grow in wisdom, grace and power?

Will we accept them and see them as ways to receive God's blessing and favor?

Will we place our faith in God's commitment?

Will we believe that Jesus will be with us through all the things that we face?

And will we decide today, tomorrow and the next day after that we will take one step closer to all the miracles, all the blessings and the favor God has for us?

I believe that 2019 can be our best year. I believe that the LORD has great things in store for us as individuals, as families and as a body of believers. I believe that we will be amazed at all the wonderful things that God wants to give us if we will be willing to accept them.

Will it mean Life Challenges? Will it mean that we will have to allow God to stretch us? Will it mean that we need to be hungry and growing for more of the LORD? Will it mean that we must live in the present? Will it mean that we walk by faith - step by step as God leads us and guides us? Will it mean that we will witness barriers being broken as God leads and guides?

Yes - a multitude of Yes's. A multitude of Yes's that will lead us closer to the LORD, to one another and will enable us to be a light to all those around us.

2019 can be our best year. 2019 can be the best year for your family. 2019 can be your best year.

Closing hymn - Be Thou My Vision

Invitation to the Table: The Lord's Supper