Summary: God calls us to join him where he is working . When we attempt to work on our own we do so in vain.

The philosopher Jacques Ellue said, “The first a great fact which emerges from our civilization is that today everything has become “means” no longer in “end”; we do not know where we are going. We have forgotten our collective ends, and you possess great machines; we set huge machines in motion in order to arrive nowhere”

To achieve anything in this life requires work. But is even more so for the Christian who is seeking to become closer to God. Whether Christian tourist on the path walking up the mountain walks the same path as the Pilgrim eats the Pilgrim and the tourist are there for different reasons. The tourist moves forward looking to achieve personal goals, there seeking to find what God can do for them. While the Pilgrim a true disciple walks and works with a purpose and one goal in mind and that is to do all they do for the glory of God.

Psalm 127

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build the labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.

These verses in Psalm 127 start off with a warning. Unless the Lord builds the house and watches over the city everything we do is in vain. One of the greatest architectural projects in history is found in the book of Genesis. While this was a massive well-organized building effort it was also a great disaster and all the work is done in vain. Under the leadership of Nimrod the descendants of Noah decided to build a great power in Babel to reach the heavens openly declaring “Let us make a name for ourselves.” There was nothing about this great monumental tower that honored virtual glory to God. They had the means but had forgotten to focus on the ends. They were building without a purpose and in the end it all was a disaster and in vain has God confused their language and people were dispersed all the world. Over the centuries there have been many great civilizations and empires in each and every one has collapsed and filled as they became more focused on themselves in the means and work towards their own end.

This type of futile thinking has even infected today’s church as we construct our own tower of Babel. Worship services become more of a rock concert been worship. Many pastors do all they can to appear hip and cool hoping to draw in the crowds of people. Where’s much of Christian music once told Jesus, sin, and the cross. Once when it spoke of God’s grace, judgment and glory, now speaks in vague language of these things to become more acceptable to a secular culture. We focus on throwing the church is with people and not with disciples. And unless the Lord builds the house those who labor, labor in vain.

On the other side of this coin are those who do nothing. They feel that God is there to do everything for them. Paul confronted people who had taken this attitude in his letter to the Thessalonians. Pointing out that some walk in idleness and others are just busybodies. We were created to create we are made in God’s image so we are made to work. But we are made to work not on our own but with God.

The Lord builds in the Lord watches over. The implication here is that the Lord works in guards over and watches his work. There is a fundamental difference in the person who just attends church and seizes is some sort of country club or form of community service and a person who cares and is a disciple of God looking to learn, work, and grow closer to God. The disciple knows the key to understanding reality and the purpose of our work and life and existence comes from understanding and knowing God. Disciple does not work just to work they pay attention to what God has done and is doing. They know God has been, is and always will be working. Our very existence of the existence of everything is because God works. The entire Bible as we know it is a history of God working in his creation and with his people.

Our existence started with, “in the beginning God created.” He made the heaven and the earth, all the stars in the sky, the son in the moon, the waters, the land and all the creatures of the earth. He works through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He works through kings and profits to create a nation of Israel is chosen people who would be the people by which the Messiah would come. His redemptive work as seen through Jesus on the cross to work only he could accomplish. In his work he created man in his image man created to work. But not for ourselves, God invites us to join him in his work providing us the means and giving us the purpose to achieve in the end glory for God. There is a common denominator in every letter written by Paul each letter in its conclusion gives us directives on how we are to make ourselves available and be in the right mind to join God where he is working.

In his final instructions to the people of Rome Paul says, “Be wise as to what is good and innocent to what is evil.” To join God in his work we must be able to discern what is of man and what is of God. Paul tells them to avoid any teaching that is contrary to the doctrine and to not be deceived by people who flatter the heart and tell you what you want to hear. We must know God’s desire and will if we are to follow where he is working. We must be students of his word, so we can discern the truth. We must also avoid sin Paul tells us to be listened to what is evil. We must choose the will of God and not the will of sinful man.

To the Corinthians Paul instructed, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” The picture seen here is that of faith that does not grow week. Joining God in his work will not be an easy task and requires us to be firm in our beliefs and strong in our faith because working for God will guarantee we face opposition from a sinful and ungodly world. Yet while we are to do this we are to do this with love. Strength and firmness without love is overbearing and intolerant. Joining God in his work also means to have the same love for others God has. When we work without love we are not working with God but against him. We can be strong in the faith in firm in our convictions without being cool and loving. Peter tells us, “Sanctify the Lord God with all your heart, and always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within you, but with meekness and fear.” This also can be translated with humility and love. Working with God needs to have the heart of God and not filling disdain for those in sin but filling compassion knowing they are lost.

Paul tells the Galatians, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We are not designed nor, should we think we are to join God where he is working and do the work alone. Scripture often describes the church as a body and each part has a function that is connected to the others and essential for the work to be done well. In bearing the burdens of others we are to restore to faith those who have wandered off the path we are to seek out the lost and guide them to the right path. We are to be the light in the salt and unseasoned and darken world. Depending on God for strength is part of living our faith out often times the strength that he provides comes in the form of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. From the beginning God never intended us to do this alone, God openly declared in the book of Genesis is not good that man should be alone.

The last chapters of the book of Ephesians Paul prepares us for battle telling us to Don the full armor of God and that he leaves us with these final instructions, “Praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication.” Prayer is perhaps the greatest tool we have as we seek to join God where he is working. Our work must always begin and end with prayer. We must always be aware and into so that we are in God’s will. Some people are under the delusion that prayer can change God’s mind, but we must come to the reality that a sovereign God a God who knows all things past present and future mind never changes. Prayer at its core is a tool that God uses to align our hearts, our thoughts, and our desires with his will. I remember being asked to take on a project at my local church and why I am always willing to help wherever needed I prayed. And in that prayer that time with God I could fill in my heart and my thoughts that God was telling me this is not a task for me. So I told the person who would asked that I would not be doing it. Then the person who did take over the task excelled at it, and it was a tool for helping them grow in their walk with God. We never want to let her own willingness and pride directives in God’s work is only through prayer we can rest assured that we are working where he wants us to be.

“Rejoice always in the Lord, do not be anxious about anything, pray and God will guard your heart.” This was the final instructions to the Philippians. When we are tired and hurting as we do God’s work there will come a time when we need the scene strength from him and when he gives us that strength we rejoice. When others push back and attack us for doing God’s work we are to rejoice and he will be the one guarding our hearts. It is because we have join God in his work we can rejoice in all circumstances. When you work according to God’s will and desires, when we do so seeking that which he is Hon., just, pure, lovely, commendable and excellent. And we do so with joy we will draw others to God. Paul declared that he rejoices in all circumstances because he knows God is the one who supplies him with every need that he has to complete the task he is been called to do. When God calls you to join him where he is working he will never leave you stranded in the desert.

And to the Colossians he says, “Walk in wisdom towards outsiders and make the best use of time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you might answer each person.” The best use of our time as we work with God is to share the good news of the gospel. To do so is not to do so with fire and brimstone but with wisdom and grace. We should all typing ready to answer the questions of those seeking God. We should always be ready to present the truth firmly but with love. The greatest work God calls us to do with him is to save a lost world, to reunite the center so they may have a restored and healthy relationship with God the creator.

Becoming a Christian is a simple and straightforward process helped along by the Holy Spirit. The spirit opens our hearts and leads us to repentance. Repentance leads us to the cross as we recognize the things Jesus accomplished on that cross taking the penalty for sin. And in the moment that we accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior beginning the right to be called a child of God and become a Christian. Paul in his letters to the churches gives us some great guidelines and how we are to work. Not working on our own but joining God where he is working, as he calls us to be with him. We are called to work together as a body each part no matter how small is important to completing the task. There are many who work hard in the church some try to work in their own strength and for their own satisfaction and glory and in the end their work is futile and in vain. For those who pray fully see the calling of God as he calls them to work in the work for the glory of God in his kingdom for these people God will provide strength to complete the task and blessing in the work. They will run and not grow tired, they shall walk and not grow faint, and God will renew their strength.