Summary: A sermon in the character of an observer who was seeing the events that unfolded in Mark 12:38-44, where he see the difference between the religious rulers and the widow, and we explore not only what this means for us but what this story reveals about God.

I will never forget that day.

I was sitting near the back waiting to worship and out of the corner of my eye I could the one everyone was talking about.

This is the one who was challenging some of the religious authorities, not with violence but with love and something called grace.

And there were many people following him, 12 men seemed especially close to him. And they were with him that day.

He was getting a bit of a reputation. He was known for telling some wise stories, performing unbelievable miracles, healing people, and mixing with some undesirables. You could tell some highly respected people weren’t too impressed with him. They kept spreading rumours about him, suggesting he was blaspheming God and that he and his followers were just troublemakers.

So, when I turned around and saw him, I couldn’t believe it. He had come to the place I where I worshipped and he wasn’t sitting that far from me. You know what, if I knew he was coming today I would have dressed up. I might even had, had a haircut and I would definitely had been at church before it started. What would you have done if you knew Jesus was coming here today?

As he sat, he seemed to be watching everyone intently, interested in who was coming in.

And that day, like most times we gathered for worship, there were some interesting characters coming to worship.

The first lot of characters were some religious teachers who you couldn’t help noticing as they walked through the door. They made quite a scene. Some people almost bowed for them, others wanted to make sure they were seen by them. They had the best of clothes on, some long flowing glamourous robes. They walked in the place making sure everyone knew they were important. They greeted many of the other important people, but tried avoiding people like me or Jesus. It was like we weren’t good enough for them. But not only that, they loved attacking the venerable and those who couldn’t stand up for themselves, pointing out all their faults and how they are not living up to their expectations or God’s standards. There was one young woman whose husband had recently passed away from a long illness, and you would think they would have some compassion for her, but no. They were more concerned that she met her responsibilities, how she was dressed and that now her husband had passed away she could get back to contributing to society. These religious rulers had a bit of a reputation you know they often made a big fuss about how much money they were putting in the offering bowl, how they weren’t as bad as everyone else and there prayers would be full of flowery language and go on for ever.

It felt like that these religious leaders only wanted a relationship with God for their own selfish benefit.

Have you ever met anyone like that? Despite all their elegance and glamour, they don’t seem very real or caring, do they?

And it got me thinking. Have there been times in my life when I have been like that?

Have there been times when I’ve wanted to be the centre of attention?

Have there been times when I thought I was a little better than some others?

Have there been times when I have used people, without thinking how it might be hurting them?

I remember Jesus saying on another occasion, that many of those who put themselves first on this earth will find themselves last in the Kingdom of God, and many who find themselves last on this earth will be first in God’s kingdom, you can read about this occasion in Mark chapter 10.

Well, when Jesus was looking at these religious leaders, he didn’t seem too impressed. I overheard him saying to his close disciples, “that the religious leaders have misunderstood what God is on about and their actions and attitude wasn’t pleasing to God at all, and they were too worried about what others thought of them.

But shortly after this the real surprise of the day came. A little old lady came to worship. She came in without any fanfare. She almost went unnoticed except that she was by herself and her clothes were in fashion 10 to 20 years ago. She emptied her purse in the offering bowling and all that dropped in were two very small coins. I don’t think you could buy much with what went in there, not even a loaf of bread. And we discovered later that she gave everything she had, wow what trust, how generous is that? And Jesus noticed her, and as he watched her a smile came on his face. It was as if he was pleased for her to be here, even though others seemed to ignore or not even want her here.

You could tell some of the men with Jesus were confused, so he explained to them that this women really appreciated what God had done for her. She came in humbly, recognising that she needed God. This is why he smiled. And when it came to giving, she gave everything she had. Now most of us would say she didn’t give much, but for her it was everything. Most of the people here were only giving what was left over once they had spent money on themselves and their friends so they could look good. God or their relationship with him wasn’t their number one priority. But for this woman, God was number one. She realised that everything she had was a gift from God. As the Psalmist reminds us in chapter 89 verse 11, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them. And so she gave cheerfully just as God through St Paul when he encouraged the Corinthians and us to do, when he said “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). No wonder Jesus had a smile on his face, he had just seen a humble generous woman, who understand her life depended on God.

Have you ever met anyone like this woman? They are remarkable people, aren’t they?

No matter how difficult life is for them they are not just thinking of themselves but looking to help and serve others. And they do this service without seeking thanks or praise. They live life, grabbing hold of what God has given them, seeing all what they have as tools to bless and help others.

I wish I could be like her all the time. Of course, sometimes I help others, like the man on the street the other day. And of course, I give to the church, so God’s work can continue through our little community. But I wonder how does God see my giving? Is it more like this women who is prepared to give first to God, knowing that everything she has is a gift from God or does he see my giving more like those rich rulers where I give from what’s left over and only so others notice? God please help me, please help us, to be more like the humble woman and less like the rich religious rulers.

And there is one more thing. There is probably a few good reasons why Jesus smiled when he saw that women enter for worship and placed whatever she could into the offering bowl.

First of all, unlike the religious rulers who often are about excluding people, telling them they were not good enough, God wants everyone, not just little old women who don’t have much to offer, but anyone even if they are carrying baggage, have flaws, regardless of whether they have a lot to offer or not.

Secondly Jesus probably smiled because this woman recognised that she could come just as she is, that she didn’t have to have her act together to be here. She seemed to know that a relationship with God would help her not just through life on this earth, but importantly to gain the great gift of eternal life and she trusted God to provide.

And thirdly and probably most importantly this woman reflected Jesus himself. She was humble, she didn’t want to be the centre of attention and she did not appear to have much but was prepared to give everything so someone else could benefit. Isn’t this just how God talks about Jesus which he shares with us through St Paul when he is talking to the church in Philippi, from Philippians 2:5-11

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

7 rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8 And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death—

even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

I pray that I, I pray that you, become more like the women in today’s Gospel reading, being humble and being prepared to give generously not so we draw attention to ourselves, but so we help others see and know Jesus, the one who can really makes a difference in our lives.

When Jesus looks at you may he be smiling
