Lead me to Your Healing Place
Sometimes we get to familiar with man’s adaptation of religion and forget it’s not our religion that meets our needs, wants and desires. The answers to our prayers do not come from our efforts, or the world or those around us.
While God can use anything and everything to meet our needs, because the universe is at His beck and call. The answers we seek stem from the way, the truth and the life He sent us in the form of a baby, who grew up to be the Saviour of the World!
It’s Jesus and only through Jesus where our needs are met on a daily basis and where our Healing comes from. All the self help books are great, along with all the discoveries mankind makes in the field of medicine, they are fantastic and great.
But all that is discovered and created by mankind’s effort for the betterment of society still stems from one thing, God’s Generosity and Immense Love towards us, to give it to us in the first place!
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever shall believe on him should not perish, but have eternal life!
While everything that happens to us (sickness, accidents, financial burdens and a host of other examples) seems as though is all too consuming. It seems that way, because our human nature tries to cope with everything as it happens to us.
It doesn’t have to be a spiritual groundhog day, every day of our lives! There’s a better way and Jesus is the way!
There are spiritual test to be taken along the path of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ His Son! But once they have been passed, they should be viewed as a faith building, growing experience and God expects us to move on from them, to the next level of our relationship with Him!
The accuser on the other hand, reminds us of frailty of human nature and tells us, even though we already passed the test, we should retake it starting with our own efforts of what can I do. Instead of Jesus lead me to Your Healing Place!
The Other day at work, we were looking for a tool. And everybody was looking for this tool, but coming up empty handed and I prayed Jesus lead me to that tool and started walking. Didn’t know where I was going, but I knew that Jesus was going to lead me to it by faith...And He Did! Jesus led me straight to what I asked Him for!
It’s the same way spiritually, for every believer who has ever walked the road of relationship with Jesus. If you ask Him for something, Jesus is bound by His word, His Fathers Promises, when you believe....to deliver what you have asked of Him!
God would have me remind you right now, at this very moment to never forget what you have been given and are entitled 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, for the rest of eternity!
As a believer, you are entitled to all of the benefits and promises God has promised you, delivered by Jesus, Completed and Finished Work!!
2nd Corinthians 1:20-22 NKJ.
20. For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.21. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, 22. who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
The MSG. says I this way,
20-22. Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete.
Our yes and God’s yes equals a sure thing, and Jesus is the guarantor of the Promises made.
And TBS. He is always faithful to complete the work He starts, Praise God!
“always faithful” not sometimes faithful, or every other time faithful, but always faithful!
So many times, we hear God’s tremendous word like this with our ears, but not with our hearts! You see, promises can go through our ears and be forgotten like idle words and the accuser is counting on that happening like ground hog day, over and over...again and again!
But when your heart gets a hold of a promise, that’s when it becomes real to you and God above everyone else, wants your relationship with Him to be real and accessible to you! Amen?
Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus! And friends let me tell you, that’s as real as it gets! Praise God!!
You see, the bible doesn’t say that every believer except for you, is entitled to Jesus Grace and God’s Promises. That’s the accusers line of attack, the accuser doesn’t deny God can and is capable of delivering miracles, he causes doubt that it’s just not for them!
Are you a believer, then you are entitled to all of God’s Promises. It’s time you started acting like you were and are entitled! The Bible says and I quote “For all the promises of God in Him,
(were talking about The Grace of Jesus here and the unfiltered and Unmerited Favor Of God right here, child of God this is for you! This is where the rubber meets the road)
Jesus says Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” That means you!….I want you to say it out loud right now….That means me!….Say it, That means me!! Give God Praise!!
But you say, I don’t feel like it does. What do you mean, you don’t feel like it does? Quit listening to the accuser, he’s the one trying to tell you you don’t feel like it!
Are you telling me your body doesn’t want to quit hurting, are you telling me you don’t want to stop taking treatments, are you telling me your wallet doesn’t want to stop dishing out money for medications! If you are saying you don’t feel like it, you’re lying to yourself and your denying the promises God has made to you!
*Quit trying to feel anything,
*Quit trying to be anything,
*Quit trying to see everything,
*Quit trying to figure it all out!
Take yourself out of the equation all together, You may not know exactly what God is up to, who cares as long as it’s for your benefit! Doctors and scientists still are completely baffled by the complexities of the human anatomy, but God knows all of them! God knows everything about everything, and that’s all we need to know!
This is not an I believe I will help myself Gospel, this is an I believe God help me, lead me to Your Healing Place Of Promise!
Psalms 121:1-4 NKJ.
1. I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? 2. My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. 3. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. 4. Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
God is not only more than capable of meeting every need that you will ever have, He wants to meet every single solitary need for you, that you will ever come up against!
Illus Jun Suyat
Henry Ward Beecher was one of the great preachers of the 19th Century. He was ill one Sunday, so a substitute pastor walked up to the pulpit as the worship service began. Seeing that Dr. Beecher would not be speaking that day, a number of people got up and headed for the door. The substitute preacher said, "All those who came to worship Dr. Beecher this morning may leave. All those who came to worship the Lord, may stay in their seats." Everyone sat back down.
It doesn’t get any clearer, your preacher can’t get it done for you,
*mankind can’t get it done for you,
*your on efforts, not for lack of trying over and over are not getting it done for you,
*But God says, whatever it is you need done, I can get it done!
And when you trust me and depend on me instead of yourself, all things,
I repeat ALL THINGS, are possible!
There is nothing He will withhold from you.
Why? Because He loves you, the same way He loves His Son Jesus!
It’s a love that were not capable of giving, a love so pure, so giving, so forgiving and understanding,
With a “love that knows no end,” that’s how much He loves us,
Its like He says, I know everything about you and I mean everything and I still love you the way I love my Son!
Surely healing is included in the claim of "all things" and certainly is included in the word "life."
1 Corinthians 3:21-22 NKJ
"Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours: whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or things present or things to come--all are yours."
Begin to praise the Lord and ask Him to lead you to His Healing Place!
Let me save you from your rebuttal, No your not worthy to receive it, none of us are, but if Jesus is your savior, He has abundantly qualified you to receive healing in your body today and forevermore!
The word of God says that we have everything available to us that Jesus has available to him!
If Jesus has healing and we know He does, God gave Jesus Resurrection Power available to him, then we have Healing and resurrection power available to us!
If Jesus has His Fathers prosperity and riches available to Him and the Word Declares He does, then we have prosperity and Heavens riches available to us.
God would have me remind you, to never forget this Promise, because by it all of the other promises have been guaranteed, Whatever Jesus has we have!
Eph. 2:4-8 NKJ.
4. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,
5. even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
6. and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
7. that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
8. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God
When we read the word save, it’s important to remember that the word "save" in the Greek is the word "sozo" which literally means to heal, preserve, save, do well, be (or make) whole.
Praise God, Thank You Jesus!
It means deliverance in the present as well as in the future or in eternity, physical as well as spiritual.
Jesus used this word to denote healing of the body as well as forgiveness of sins, aren‘t you glad that He did?
Every time you read John 316, think about and remember how much your salvation means and how much power Jesus placed on it!
Jesus wants us to be confident in our requests of Him. He wants us to know when we ask Him to take us to His Healing Place, He will!
If you need healing in your body today, ask Jesus to lead you to your healing place, don’t question where you will find it, just know your healing awaits your arrival!
Let’s pray and thank Jesus for answered prayer as we step out in faith and obedience!