Summary: Message 6 in our exposition of Colossians. This message explores the heart of Paul regarding ministry.

Chico Alliance Church

November 16, 1997

“The Heart of a Minister”


Today we look at the heart of a powerful tool in the hands of the King. Paul explains to the Colossians his personal ministry regarding this glorious hope. It is my hope that as we look at Paul’s personal ministry to the Colossians, we might be challenged concerning our own personal attitudes toward ministry.

A. Paul offers thanksgiving to the Father 3-8

I. Paul exhibits powerful prayer 1:3-12

II. Paul exalts God’s terrific transfer program 1:13-23

III. Paul Explains His Personal Ministry 1:24-2:5

A. The Heart of the Minister

1. Paul rejoiced in his personal suffering for their sake. vs 24a

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,

The true ministry heart finds joy in suffering when it results in benefit to the one to whom he is called to minister. Paul expressed this heart over and over again. His life was committed to ministry to others to his own discomfort. In a culture such as ours we do not understand what this means. We are in a “me first” culture and if I have anything left over for you Ok. Paul was actually rejoicing when suffering for the sake of the Colossians. Since he had not yet seen these believers, it is not quite clear what kind of suffering he is talking about. He refers to “sufferings” on their behalf.

Since he was imprisoned at the time of writing by part of it. Philippians 1:12-18

The point, up front here, is that the true minister finds continual delight in serving others.

How about us? How do we respond to inconvenience and personal suffering in order to serve others?

2. Paul took up the challenge of suffering for Christ.

and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.

When Paul talks about doing his share, he refers to the fact that God has called him and he has accepted the challenge. He is not saying that he is to do it all. We all have been called by God to do our share. Philip 1:29-30 1 Peter 2:21-24

The rest of this sentence is on the surface a puzzling one. It is clear that whatever is happening it somehow affects the body, it is for the sake of the body of Christ and it completes or supplements what Christ is no longer here to do. Jesus suffered in many different ways. Just the act of taking on the form of a servant and human flesh was a step down for Him. While on this earth he suffered the physical limitations, the emotional trauma of serving and being physically drained from ministry. He experienced the suffering of rejection for the Father’s sake and the sake of the church. He suffered the pain and trauma of proclaiming the Gospel and presenting fallen man complete before the Father. Jesus died, rose and ascended to where he is no longer on earth to physically engage in that ministry but has entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to His followers to complete the work which He began. We are his hands, his feet, his mouth his heart. In being so, we will suffer what He suffered on behalf of the church. Paul gave up all earthly recognition and fame and earthly things in order that he may know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. Phil 3

What did Paul suffer? What was his share? It is not a share that I would want. Each of us will suffer differently. All of us have a part. 2 Cor. 4:5-11; 11:23-28

A closer look at the context of this passage leads me to think that Paul here is not just talking about the suffering of the body but the suffering that comes with serving the body of Christ in a fallen hostile world. He makes clear that this suffering is for the sake of the body. He wants us to know that the only touch people may feel from Jesus is what we, as His representatives, offer to the needy. 2 Cor. 1:3-11 Gal 6:17

How about us? Wasn’t Paul an exception? This has to do with heart. It has to do with a particular mind set. This is a ministry heart and mind. A heart and thinking that rejoices at the opportunity to be the hands, and heart of Jesus. It is a heart that God grants everyone transferred into this wonderful kingdom. Philip. 2:3-5 Romans 15:1-5

What made this attitude so compelling was the one who assigned it.

3. Paul received his ministry to serve others and proclaim the Word from God.

Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

It makes a difference who asks us to do ministry. If you do not have a call from God, you will lose interest or burn out. Make sure of your calling. You can be sure God has called you to serve. Also try to discern where He has called you to serve and use your particular talents. The true minister acts on a calling from God.

4. Paul labored and agonized to proclaim Christ by the power of Christ.

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.

The main activity occupying Paul’s life was the proclamation of Christ by life and lip.

It involved labor, work, agonizing. The Greek word of striving is the word “agonizomai”. Our English word agonize comes from this word. It was a word used to communicate a contest or conflict or striving for a particular goal or prize. It refers to exertion and a concentration of forces. Paul directed his life to this conflict. Yet it was not a battle in his strength alone. His energy source was the power of Christ working in him. It appears to be a paradox. Labor and agonizing but not according to one’s own strength. The True minister of God draws from a source beyond his own.

The minister of God must rely on that which God alone can supply. The point of his ministry was the proclamation of Christ to all men.

5. Paul admonished and taught to bring all men to maturity in Christ.

The means of this proclamation was two-fold.

“Admonishing” (present participle) The verb means “to impart understanding,” “to set right,” “to lay on the heart.” The stress is on influencing not merely the intellect but the will and disposition. The idea is to put into the mind in such a way as to encourage life change.

“teaching” Common from Homer, this word denotes teaching and learning in the wide sense of imparting theoretical and practical knowledge with the highest possible development of the pupil as the goal. These are the methods, the purpose Paul makes very clear. To “present” every man “complete” in Christ.

“present” This word means to place before or beside. Interestingly enough that is the purpose of Christ’s ministry of reconciliation. To place us before the Father faultless, blameless and without reproach. (see previous notes). We have been commissioned with the same ministry. Our energy is to be focused on bring people before God in the righteousness of Christ.

“complete” full grown, nature, complete, finished. How much labor and agonizing do we put into the ministry of placing truth in the mind and teaching regarding the person and purpose of Christ? It is our privilege to live this wonderful truth of reconciliation to God through the indwelling Christ our only hope of restored glory.

6. Paul agonized to encourage hearts everywhere.

2:1For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf, and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, 2that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Col. 2:1-3

The basis of their encouragement is the fact that they have been knit together by Christ. Christ indwelling us is the source of hope for restoration of glory.

Christ knitting us together is the source of full assurance. It is the assurance of being loved and fully knowing God’s mystery – Christ. When you have Christ you have the secret to all wisdom and knowledge. When you have Christ you have the secret to full acceptance in the Beloved.

These are the truths Paul wants to communicate to encourage their hearts. On the basis of their standing in Christ and with each other they could be protected from false thinking that would teach otherwise. Paul not only wanted people to be drawn into the kingdom but to encourage the hearts of those in the kingdom. It was for this that he also agonized.

It was not only for the Colossian believers but also for those who trust Christ everywhere. That labor agonizing according to might power of Christ continues to effect believers to this very day as we read the result of his sufferings in prison. A true minister longs to encourage the heart. Too often ministry wounds the heart. God’s ministry encourages and heals the heart. The word for “encourage” means to call along side. It is translated to comfort, encourage, exhort. It is the name given to the Holy Spirit. Paul wants to minister to the hearts of these believers, as would the Holy Spirit. That is not always an easy task. It is often heavy and physically wearing. It is ministry. Jesus continued to minister even after a long day of teaching and healing and touching people. We too are called to minister the love and unity of Christ.

7. Paul sought to protect them from false thinking.

I say this in order that no one may delude you with persuasive argument. Col. 2:4

When we move away from the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ, we lose our hope. We lose our encouragement. We lose our full assurance. Paul will spend the next section continuing to keep their thinking focuses on the centrality of Christ in them the hope of glory.

8. Paul established a spiritual bond with the Colossians.

For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit

Paul had established a bond with these believers that cause him to think about and intercede for them even from a damp prison cell. The same sense was communicated regarding the Corinthians. Also for the church at Thessalonica. 1 Thes. 2:17

A true minister’s heart bonds with those he is called to serve. They are on his mind and heart in such a way as to continually think the best concerning them and rejoice over their continued progress.

9. Paul rejoiced at any evidence of genuine Christianity.

rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ. Col. 2:5

Too often we focus on what is wrong. Paul praised what was positive in their walk.

If you look, you can always find something wrong. When we teach the person and purpose of Christ and focus on Him who is the author and perfector of faith, people will respond, sin will be exposed and lives will be changed.


By observing Paul’s example we discover some principles regarding ministry that should both challenge and encourage us as ministers of the Gospel.

A true minister:

1. Rejoices in the privilege of suffering on behalf of others.

2. Takes up the challenge of completing the suffering of Christ as His representatives.

3. Receives their ministry orders from God.

4. Labors and agonizes to proclaim Christ only by the power of Christ.

5. Encourages and teaches to produce mature believers.

6. Works hard to encourage hearts.

7. Seeks to protect others from wrong thinking.

8. Establishes a spiritual bond with those around you.

9. Rejoices over any progress in others.

Can you imagine what kind of ministry would take place at Chico if believers took this as their model?

The key to this whole list is a heart after God and a heart for people inspired by the truth of the Gospel, a personal call and the enabling power of the indwelling Christ.

The only thing that stands in the way of that combination is YOU.