Summary: Message 1 in our exposition of Colossians exploring Paul's greeting and thanksgiving.

Chico Alliance Church

“A Reason for Thanksgiving”


We begin a new series of messages from Paul’s letter to the church at Colossi. This was an inland town on the main commercial thoroughfare between east and west. The city’s location brought it to a position of wealth and influence. It is unknown just how this church became established. It is significant to note here that Paul probably never visited this church personally. At least he hadn’t yet seen them at the writing of the letter. This letter was written during the later half of Paul’s imprisonment (60-63AD). This letter is one of the prison epistles. Only way God could get some of the vital truths of Christ recorded that would provide a proper foundation for the church of Christ. It was most likely founded and pastored by Ephaprus and others. It was most likely a blended congregation of Gentiles and Jews. Paul acknowledges their calling and relationship to God. Saints / Faithful. Grace and peace are the hallmark of all of Paul’s letters. This letter was written to correct certain errors in the faith that was becoming a threat to the proper thinking and walking of these believers probably shared by a visit of Ephaprus to Paul in prison. Paul reminds his readers first off in the salutation of his authority as an apostle chosen by Christ. He also acknowledges the presence of his disciple Timothy. This letter serves a warning and encouragement to proper belief and behavior. It is of less value to understand the exact nature of the false teaching plaguing this early church than to understand the truth delivered by God to correct it. Paul spends little time dissecting the error. He spends much space declaring the truth.

Theme: “The supremacy and sufficiency of Christ”

The supremacy of Christ in our thinking

The sufficiency of Christ in our walking

“Christ my life!”



I. Paul exhibits proper prayer 1:1-12

II. Paul exalts the Father’s great transfer work through Christ 1:13-23

III. Paul explains his personal ministry 1:24-2:5

IV. Paul encourages a renewed thinking 2:6-3:4

V. Paul encourages renewed behavior 3:5-4:6

VI. Paul extols and exhorts fellow-workers 4:7-17


My pattern throughout this series will be to try to understand and explain the text and then to apply what God is saying to our life. God speaks through direct command. God speaks through example of others that walked with Him. In this section there is much to learn from the example of Paul.

I. Paul exhibits effective prayer

A. Paul offers thanksgiving to the Father

1. Focus of thanksgiving – the Father

It is not wrong to pray to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. The pattern of Scripture however is to pray to the Father through Jesus by the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Paul continually expressed a heart of thanksgiving. Even when things didn’t quite go the way he would have wished, Paul found something for which to thank God. Too often we come to God with a heart of grumbling and complaining. We look at the negative side of things rather than a reason to give thanks. Paul elsewhere exhorts us to give thanks in everything. He doesn’t ask us to necessarily give thanks for everything but in everything. Paul warned the Romans how an ungrateful heart is at least the second step of a long slide downward. “Didn’t honor God as God neither were they thankful.” A heart that is not thankful is a self-focused heart that has not settled who it will honor as God. The Psalms are filled with expressions of gratitude to God for both His person and His marvelous works.

2. Frequency – continual

Talking with God about the needs of others was a way of life for Paul. Well that was just for Paul an extraordinary man of God. 2 Thess 5:17 Eph 6:18 Col 4:2

3. Factor (occasion) of thanksgiving – Belief of the Colossians

Next is a powerful sequence of events described here that we would do well to give some attention and duplicate in our own life. Then there are also some powerful statements regarding the Gospel that provide an introduction to the core message of the letter.

Sequence of events

Epaphras Shared the Gospel

Fellow-bondservant. Faithful servant of Christ on his behalf.

What is this Gospel that Epaphras shared with the people in Colossi? Several statements are provided here regarding the Gospel. It is “good news”. Called the Word of truth.

This is not speculation or philosophy of men but the Word of truth, the good news. Later in verse 6 he calls it the grace of God in truth. The gospel is the good news of God’s grace to fallen condemned humanity. It is the story of how God took the initiative to reconcile fallen, rebellious humanity to God through the work of His only Son Jesus. The Gospel is the story of the grace of God. It is God centered, not man centered. The Gospel is the story of hope. Here right at the beginning Paul uses some powerful words that deserve extended contemplation. Word of truth. Grace of God in truth. Hope


What is hope? Hope is a word that describes a favorable and confident expectation of the fulfillment of a particular promise or event. This is not like our English usage of “I hope it won’t rain tomorrow”. A Biblical use of hope has the idea of confident expectation.

What is the Christian’s hope? Here, it is the hope laid up and still laid up in heaven. The more confidence we have in the promiser, the more confident the hope.

What is that hope? Other passages detail it for us.

Romans 5:1-2

Romans 8:18 Philip. 3:20-21 2 Tim. 4:8 Titus 1:1-3 Titus 3:4-7 1 John 5:13 1 Peter 1:3-5

Everything in this world has hope.

• The earth has hope.

• The Animals have hope

• The Believer has hope

The only one that has not hope is the one who rejects Christ. This Word of truth in a dark world bears fruit in those who hear it. It constantly bears fruit and multiplies throughout the world and in these believers.

Colossians received the Gospel

These people heard this good news, this wonderful word of truth this powerful hope from God’s faithful servant Ephaphras. They opened their ears to hear and they understood.

Colossians responded to the Gospel

It was upon the understanding of God’s grace and the word of hope that these people experienced life-change. From the day they heard and understood these people responded to what they heard. They responded with faith in Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is trust, confidence. This was a demonstrable, observable faith. They put their trust in the work of Christ for everlasting and eternal life. This faith was inspired and motivated by the realization of God’s grace now and eternal hope of His grace for eternity. This hope also inspired and motivated a sincere love for one another. They demonstrated a love for all the saints. Not just the lovely ones but for all the saints. Love is the glowing badge or identification of the Christian.

It is the crowning mark of a genuine believer. Jesus said they, the world, will know you are followers of me by your love. We have become so self-focused we are losing what real love for one another looks like. Later here Paul adds insight to this love by identifying it as “your love in the Spirit.” Romans 5 makes it clear that the “love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” We have that capacity. It is the love of Christ. It is a continual cry of the writers of Scripture to love one another. It is something that continually grows. Even in the letter to those who already demonstrated such love, Paul urges them to put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. This love bonds all Christians everywhere together.

Epaphras shared the Colossian’s faith with Paul

There is power in sharing the fruit of the Gospel with each other.

It is important to hear of the transforming work that the good news continually produces around the world.

Paul is inspired to give thanks and pray for the Colossians

It is upon hearing this good news that Paul is motivated to lift his voice in thanksgiving to God. Not only upon hearing but it is evident from this passage that Paul made it a continual practice to offer thanks for these people as well as to offer petitions to God on their behalf.


Regarding prayer

Paul prayed to the Father.

Paul prayed continually.

Paul prayed even for strangers upon hearing of their commitment to Christ.

What about our prayer life?

Regarding the Gospel

God communicates good news to us.

It is truth.

It is news of grace to undeserving sinners

It is news of hope.

It is truth that transforms the lives of those that hear and understand wherever it is shared and proclaimed.

It bears continual fruit.

It inspires faith in Christ and love for others who have trusted Christ.

What about our response to the Gospel?

Regarding our responsibility to share the Gospel

Ephaphras was a faithful servant of Christ who God used to share the good news. We have the privilege of seeing transformed lives. We have the responsibility to take that good news to those who have no hope. Through us the Gospel continues to multiply its effect all around the world.

What about our witness to those around us?


Try some of these things as topics and areas of discussion individually and with the family or with others.

• Discuss the place of thanksgiving in your family. How much? How little? What are we thankful for? Who are we thankful for?

• Try finding something to thank God for each day this next week.

• Discuss starting a prayer journal that specifically lists people and perhaps other churches God calls your to lift in prayer.

• Adopt a group or individuals to pray for as a family.

• Discuss the hope of the gospel for your family. Read again some of the verses given on our hope.

• Think about and discuss what there is to look forward to in heaven and how do we know.

• Think about and discuss what faith in Jesus means to you.

• Discuss how love is demonstrated in your family and at church.

• Discuss some ways that you as a family could reach out to the hopeless.