Summary: Ministry is filled with interruptions. Unseen & unplanned events occur while we head towards what we think we are suppose to be doing. God presents opportunities to turn these interruptions into displays of His Grace and Love. Yes it is about the journey.

Who is this man?

Mark Chapter 5

Team building is a very important element in leadership. The Team needs clear objectives and purpose. In our time that has translated into "Mission Statements".

These are often too wordy or broad to capture the essence of just what the goals are. Jesus was the ultimate designer when it came to team building. He had personally assembled His team of 12 Disciples.

They are just starting their work in Mark 4 and Mark 5 so it is necessary for them to go through some team building exercises to cement the "Mission Statement"

In this case these exercises will open their collective vision to who their leader is and just what they are meant to accomplish. First they need to have "Faith" in one another but most importantly in their Leader - Jesus.

Let's look into how Jesus brings this Ministry Team together as a cohesive unit with clear and fixed goals for their 3 year ministry together.

We last left the Disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Mark 4. Their collective "Faith" had been put to the test in a violent storm. Even though they had 5 expert sailors on board they lost all hope and feared certain death. Jesus was asleep and had to be woken to their pending disaster.

Jesus heard the doubt in their voices “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Mark 4:38

Jesus spoke just three words to the storm engulfing them “Quiet! Be still!” and all was calm. Mark 4:39

How amazing and how powerful are just a few words from the mouth of God.

This power over nature left the Disciples dumbfounded and in shock so that they asked that most famous of questions “Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” Mark 4:41

Today we will find clear answers to that question as we examine Mark 5.

Last Sunday after our service I heard Pastor Jake DYCK speak on this subject at Faith Baptist Church in Wallaceburg, Ontario and as he put it; “Jesus was the most misunderstood and mysterious person that is recorded in the Bible. Even His Disciples did not know who they were following, they knew that He was Jesus but they did not really know Him.”

Sadly there are many today who fall into that same category of followers. This fact begs the question that the Disciples asked after Jesus calmed the storm in an instant. “Who is this man”? Mark 4:41

In these two chapters of Mark’s Gospel we get the facts that clearly define who Jesus is.

As Mark 4 closes out we see clearly that Jesus has “Authority” over nature itself. Today men play with machines to manipulate and modify the weather but Jesus only need three words to bring it under submission.

Jesus has authority over nature, over the earth itself. Mark 4:39

In Mark 5 we see Jesus approached by a man who is demon possessed and who has been for many years. The demons gave this man an unnatural strength that allowed the man to break free of chains.

This man was possessed by many demons not just one.

Upon confronting Jesus the demons spoke through the man “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” Mark 5:7-9

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”

In our day we do not encounter people possessed by demons instead we encounter people with mental health issues. The world of the supernatural is no longer one that our world believes in.

Strangely some of the biggest summer blockbusters of recent memory have all been about heroes of the supernatural. It would seem strange to deny something on one hand and then promote it exhaustively on the other.

So which is it?

You need to judge for yourself based on the information and evidence you can find to support one or the other opinions.

For us as Christians the Bible is our final authority.

Jesus called them as He saw them. Jesus said… For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!” Mark 5:8

Saints we believe in a spiritual world in fact our eternal hope rest upon it so why do we dismiss the demons and their presence in our time?

We seem to have no trouble with Angels?

Frankly it is a scary thought and one that makes many uncomfortable. If we believe the word of God we must believe the whole word of God and agree with Jesus that some people are indeed victims of impure spirits.

Yes, there are many victims of mental health issues today but the two conditions are distinct and different. We should not discount either condition.

In Mark 5:8 we see Jesus acknowledge these impure spirits among us.

J. Vernon McGee in his Bible commentary reminds us that the Saved Christian cannot be possessed for the Holy Spirit is already indwelling them. It is when unsaved people open themselves to "strange spirits" that things can go very wrong.

You’ve heard the phrase “When pigs can fly” well Jesus might be credited with its first application.

The demons identified themselves by name as “Legion” and request to be cast from the possessed man and into a herd of pigs. It is important to note they asked permission so that means even these "Demons" recognize Jesus "Authority".

Jesus grants them their request and the possessed man is freed and comes to his right mind as the 2000 pigs possessed by the demons run headlong off a cliff and into the sea where they drown.

Jesus proves that pigs will not and cannot fly.

More importantly Jesus proves His "Authority" over the unseen world of the supernatural.

So far the Disciples have been taught;

Jesus has authority over the natural world and the supernatural world. Mark 4: 39 Mark 5:8

Jesus and the Disciples return to the boat and cross the Sea of Galilee again as the crowd of people beg them to leave. The once demon possessed man was told to tell the news to all in the region.

Jesus and His "Mission Team" get back into the boat. I'm sure some of them were wondering just what waited for them as they headed out on the water again.

They land on shore and next we have an encounter of a religious leader named Jairus putting faith in Jesus.

Jairus little daughter is dying and he reaches out to Jesus begging Him to come and heal her. Jesus follows Jairus to his home but along the way a miracle occurs.

A woman hidden in the crowd who was suffering for years from bleeding thought to herself… “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.” Mark 5:28-29

She reluctantly identified herself and Jesus blessed her telling her…“Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Mark 5:34

Here Jesus demonstrates that faith in Him can heal us. All we need do is exercise it and take the opportunity to reach out to Him. It will require that we acknowledge Him publicly as the source of our healing.

Jesus has authority over the disease’s that plague mankind both physical and spiritual. Mark 5:30

We see that ministry is filled with interruptions. Unseen and unplanned events occur while we head towards what we think we are suppose to be doing.

God presents opportunities to turn these interruptions into displays of His Grace and Love. Yes it is about the journey and the destination.

News arrive to Jairus that his daughter has died and that he need not bother Jesus now.

Undaunted Jesus replies… 36 Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36

There will be those who will suggest there is no need for your "Ministry Team" to visit them. God on the other hand has His reasons. "Just believe" be faithful and move forward as you've planned.

“After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”. 42 Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. 43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.”

Saints Jesus has demonstrated to His Ministry Team that He is the Messiah the one who has the "Authority over Life and Death, over the Natural World and the Supernatural World, over Every Disease known to man whether in the body or in the mind.

Who is this man?

He is the Son of God.

Just believe.
