Chico Alliance Church
Pastor David Welch
“The Path to Salvation”
Consider the following sentences as an overview of the flow of thought in Romans.
• Everyone desperately needs the righteousness of God because everyone has utterly failed to conform to God’s standard of righteousness. (1-3)
• The substitutionary death and resurrection of Christ freed God to offer the perfect righteousness of Christ to all who believe (justification). (3-4)
• As a result of justification, God lovingly extends every spiritual benefit and blessing necessary for victorious kingdom living. (5-8)
• God is not finished dealing with Israel (9-11)
God did not choose all Jews and all Jews did not choose Christ. (9)
Salvation for both Jews and Gentiles comes by genuine faith and open confession of Christ as Lord. (10)
God rejected Jews who rebelled and disbelieved and received all Gentiles who trusted Christ and will one day will restore all Jews who believe. (11)
• God invites all those justified by faith to live transformed lives. (12-16)
An outline might look like this.
I. Receive the gift of righteousness
II. Apply the Gift of Righteousness
Paul anticipate the question concerning why haven’t the Jews responded in mass to the gospel. After all, Jesus came to the lost sheep of Israel. In this intricate and sometimes misunderstood section, Paul presents his arguments as to why many Jews weren’t saved and whether God has and future plans for Israel as a people.
III. Consider the place of Israel in the God’s Plan of Salvation
A. The Passion of Paul for souls Expressed 9:1-5
B. The Problem Exposed: Why aren’t all the Jews Saved?
1. God’s word hasn’t failed has it?
2. Every person or group has not been chosen by God
a) Isaac was chosen, Ishmael was not
b) Jacob was chosen, Esau was not
3. God shows mercy to whomever he chooses to show mercy
4. God has the right to call whoever he desires
5. Jews are lost because they failed to believe 9:30-10:4
On the one hand, God clearly chooses some apart from any work and merit in the one chosen and doesn’t choose others apart from any deficiency and failure in the one not chosen. On the other hand, it is also clear that man has a responsibility to choose back.
The Bible presents a strong case for the absolute sovereignty of God.
The Bible also presents a sturdy case for the responsibility of men.
The Bible does not directly resolve the two.
Chapter nine clear presented the case for the fact and right of the Master potter, the Creator, the Almighty to chose some over others and to have mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy and to harden those He chooses to harden. Paul presented this argument in relation to his longing to see Israel saved. Not all Jews will be saved because God didn’t choose all Jews. Paul also cites the fact that not all his beloved countrymen were saved because their stubborn, proud hearts refused to trust God for the necessary righteousness to restore relationship with God.
Why do you do what you do? Do you think that somehow you are more acceptable to God because you do certain things and not others? Do you think that God will answer your prayer faster or fix your problems faster or send help sooner if you do certain things and avoid others? If so, then you are seeking to establish your own righteousness and not subjecting yourself to the righteousness of God. All religions of the world operate on an “establish your own righteousness” premise. Only Christianity offers you someone else’s perfect righteousness. Paul reiterates what he spent eight chapters explaining.
Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4
Jesus Chris is the way to become sufficiently righteous to commune with God. Only the perfect righteousness of Christ can please God. How do we get it? What is the path to salvation? The first eight chapters of this letter clearly explain the place of faith in the pursuit of the righteousness of God. In this chapter we see the path so simply presented as to what we must do to be saved.
C. The Path and process of Salvation Explained 10:5-21
God’s choice plays the primary role in salvation but man’s belief also plays a part.
Just what part does believe play in salvation?
1. The Path 10:5-13
a) Choice #1 – Live the law perfectly
For Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness. 10:5
Moses declares that the one who embraces a path that requires keeping of the law must perfectly keep that law.
Keeping the law is one of the paths to eternal life but if you choose that path, you must keep the law perfectly. When it come to law, there is no grading on the curve or on percentages. Fifty-one percent won’t cut it. It must be one hundred percent adherence.
You can either attain God’s righteousness by working to perfectly keep God’s law or you can attain God’s righteousness by trusting Him who offers to give you the perfect righteousness of Jesus.
b) Choice #2 – Trust truly and confess candidly
There is a path to righteousness that is not based on keeping law but trusting the Lawgiver. For the sake of any Jewish readers, Paul sprinkles several Old Testament quotes to demonstrate the eternal nature of God’s salvation plan.
Righteousness based on the law requires you to do something.
Righteousness based on trust affirms the work that God does.
1 – There is nothing you can do to acquire this righteousness
But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: "DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, 'WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?' (that is, to bring Christ down), or 'WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?' (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead)." Romans 10:6-7
If Christ alone is the end of the Law for righteousness what do I do since He is no longer around. Do I try to get to heaven to bring Him down again or if He is in the grave do I go there to bring Him up from the grave? There is no requirement to physically connect with Messiah, Christ. You don’t have to go up into heaven or bring Him up from the dead. The way to God does not require some earthly pilgrimage. This salvation centers on a heart response to the Word of truth that is readily available to every generation.
2 – Salvation is a near as your own heart and mouth
But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Romans 10:8-9
IF (third class – may or may not confess)
“Confess” Jesus as Lord with your mouth
“Believe” that God raised Him from the death in your heart
THEN you will be “saved.”
Lets look at these two responses. It is a mistake to look at these two things as independent of each other. They are more like two sides of a coin or like inseparable Siamese twins. One cannot really exist without the other. One naturally supports the other or one generates the other.
“Confess” combines the word “to speak” with the word for “same.”
“To say or speak the same thing.” “To confess allegiance, admit, confess, acknowledge, declare or make an emphatic assertion, to agree or assent to the desire of another.
What is it we must demonstrate our allegiance and emphatically acknowledge? We must say what God says about Jesus. We must declare that Jesus is Lord.
Jesus really is who He said He was and I not only acknowledge that fact but also personally embrace that truth and humbly submit to Him as MY Lord. This is not a casual confession. This is a hearty straight form the hip, Spirit-inspired declaration of allegiance.
Paul told the Corinthians that one couldn’t truly confess such a thing without a spiritual transformation or enabling.
Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed"; and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:3
Man’s rebellious nature prevents him from acknowledging anyone in authority over him, not even Jesus. He may say Jesus is Lord but will not submit to Jesus as Lord in his everyday life. I do not believe that salvation is a matter of mental assent to the fact the Jesus died and rose again. The demonic world acknowledges the historical reality of that fact. We must openly admit (by our words and life) that Jesus is our boss, our Lord, our God.
The point in this Scripture does not necessarily focus on the words actually spoken but the heart reality communicated to others by both our words and life that Christ directs our life.
If by our lips and life we “confess” Jesus as our Lord AND if in our heart we truly “believe” that Jesus lived, died for our sins and was raised by God, we shall be saved!
“Believe” means to be convinced of the reality of something enough to trust in it. We believe in the heart or the soul. This is not merely an emotional response but the heart indicates the totality of our inner person. The heart embraces something as fact and lives accordingly. Genuine belief is a function of the whole soul; the mind, will and emotion. Only as I accept a truth with my mind, embrace that truth with my emotions and act on that truth with my will does it indicate genuine faith.
What happens when we truly believe? “We shall be saved.” (Passive verb)
God does the saving. We cannot save ourselves. The exhausted drowning person can thrash around for a time trying to save themselves but will eventually die without outside intervention. We can thrash around trying to save ourselves and establish our own righteousness but until we acknowledge our desperate need for a lifeguard and believe that God has provided one able to do the job, we will die. If we trust the lifeguard and submit to him, we will be saved.
“Saved” = “Rescue, deliver, make whole, preserve safe from danger, loss and destruction.”
Saved is a great word!!!
Paul expands on these two responses.
For with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:10
Confession with the mouth is a logical progression of believing in the heart. Faith releases God’s gift of righteousness. Confession releases the benefits of salvation.
Is this promise only for certain people or the elect?
For the Scripture says, "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED." Romans 10:11-13
Salvation is an open invitation.
Notice the all-inclusive language used here. “Whoever believes! No distinction. Abounding in riches for all who call. Whoever will call!”
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich. 2 Cor. 8:9
In summary, the heart believes and the mouth confesses or calls. To call upon the name of the Lord again is to acknowledge a personal need for rescue. Many are drowning and don’t even know it. Those who trust in Him will not be “disappointed or put to shame”. Paul used this word earlier (chapter 5) in regard to our hope of glory.
“Hope does not disappoint.” Paul employs the future tense here indicating that in the future they will not be disappointed. Perhaps there are times we feel like this salvation thing is not working. Perhaps there are times we even question the reality of our salvation. There may be times we are reluctant to share with others what w are not so sure about ourselves. The Scripture here however at least indicates that in the future when the whole process runs it course from gloom to glory no one who believed in Him will be disappointed in the outcome. The gospel is the power of God for salvation to EVERYONE who believes. For that reason Paul was not ashamed of the gospel but passionate to preach it. He was thoroughly convinced that it really does work!!! The Lord whom we confess continually abounds in riches to all who call on Him, to all who confess Him.
2. The Process
After reading chapter 9 some might be tempted to deny the need for telling others about Christ if God chooses those who will be saved anyway. What is the point in witnessing or preaching? As sure as God chooses whom He chooses and has mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy, He has also ordained that people will respond to his calling through the preaching of the message through people He sends to share the good news of the Gospel. Paul implies a process by which someone comes to faith through a series of pertinent questions. What does it take for someone to call upon the Lord and be saved?
Sending of preachers of the good news so that people would hear and believe.
Preaching of the Word of truth because of having been sent to preach the word of truth
Hearing the word of truth because of the preaching of the truth
Believing in Christ because of hearing the word of truth
Calling on Christ because of believing the word of truth.
Verse 10 gives us the Reader’s Digest version.
The word preached + the word of Christ heard + the word believed
The Thessalonians
For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe. 1 Thes. 2:13
We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints; because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel which has come to you, just as in all the world also it is constantly bearing fruit and increasing, even as it has been doing in you also since the day you heard of it and understood the grace of God in truth; just as you learned it from Epaphras, our beloved fellow bond-servant, who is a faithful servant of Christ on our behalf, and he also informed us of your love in the Spirit. Col. 1:3-8
So we see that the Gospel is the power of God to everyone who believes in the heart and confesses with his or her mouth. Faith is based not on works but on hearing the word of God. God has sent out those who will preach the Word of God. Anyone who hears, believes and calls out in faith is saved. Some have heard. Others (Jews) refused to hear even though the message was preached.
However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, "LORD, WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT?" So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. But I say, surely they have never heard, have they? Indeed they have; "THEIR VOICE HAS GONE OUT INTO ALL THE EARTH, AND THEIR WORDS TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD."
Romans 10:16-21
In spite of immense privilege and advantage and continual pleading, many Jews refused to respond to the voice of God’s messengers. Even today as a nation the Jewish people are still trying to establish their own righteousness. They still refuse to call out to God. Yet God still has a plan for them. There is still a future for them. Paul talks about that future in chapter 11when he elucidates the prognosis concerning the nation Israel. We will touch on that next week briefly and then begin a journey through the last section of the letter dealing with how we should then live in light of God’s abundant mercy.
What is there to learn from all this?
First, evaluate your own response to God.
• Believe in your heart the reality of a resurrected Christ.
• Confess with your life and lip that this resurrected Christ is now boss of your life.
• Call upon the name of the Lord for mercy and salvation.
This is not just intellectual assent but genuine trust and open confession.
This is not just mouthing a commitment you don’t really believe.
Do you feel you are not good enough? Listen again!
Whoever believes! No distinction. Abounding in riches for ALL who call upon Him. Whoever will call will be saved!
Scripture declares that no one who believes will ever be disappointed.
God eternally saves those who trust in Him. God abundantly blesses those who trust in Him both in this life and the life to come. Will you trust Him this morning? Will you commit to be baptized as a public and open confession of your genuine trust?
Affirm your belief.
Confess that He is Lord.
Call upon His name.
“I reaffirm my belief that Jesus died and rose again for me.”
“I acknowledge Him as Lord over my life.”
Will you respond in belief for the first time?
Don’t be like the obstinate Israelites still trying to make it on their own. Surrender to God’s plan of salvation.
Second, are you willing to be sent to share the good news with someone? Are you willing to be a preacher of the good news? Will you share the truth of Christ so others can hear, believe, confess and be saved? Will you offer yourself as God’s messenger? Will you learn how to do it?
Paul clearly teaches that we are Christ’s ambassadors.
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 2 Cor. 5:20