Summary: Message 20 from John's gospel exploring the passage where Jesus restored sight to the blind man.

Alliance Church

Pastor David Welch

“Sight for the Blind”


John portrays Jesus as the one who came to give light and life to men. He did not come to condemn but to convert those in darkness. As we said a few weeks back, blindness or darkness comes from two problems. No light source. No ability to perceive light source.

All men are born in darkness, outside of the light of light.

All men are also born without the capacity to perceive light.

Jesus as the light of the world came to address both problems. He Himself is the light. He also came to restore the capacity of fallen man to see and perceive the true light. He is the light and truth that sets free from darkness. Only true disciples commit to structuring their lives according to the truth of God. Abide in his words. That genuine commitment brings new perception leading to new freedom, eternal life, new perseverance, new power in prayer and new potency over the enemy. John places this encounter with a man born blind to illustrate and validate the claims of Jesus as the eternal light and life that enlightens every man.

The truth in this passage today will facilitate …

Reinforcement of our view of the person and works of Jesus drawing us to deeper worship

Reconsideration of our understanding of the purpose of sickness in our world

Reassessment of our own personal response to Jesus


This chapter focuses more on the actions of Jesus than the words of Jesus. As opposed to previous chapters there is very little direct teaching. Having thoroughly declared and explained Himself as the light of world, this chapter graphically demonstrates Jesus as the light of the world. We can learn a great deal just by observing the interaction between the people portrayed here.

Jesus -- Keen observer

Principle: Jesus is fully aware of our needs and situation.

Principle: Don’t overlook the ordinary to teach the extraordinary

Disciples – ignorant but teachable

What an opportunity to ask Jesus the cause of evil in the world. They ask a perfectly legitimate question that has been contemplated and argued for centuries. The problem here is that they showed their ignorance by offering only two options. So often we look for the answers to complex problems from a limited understanding.

Current understanding of the disciples.

This man was born blind because of:

a. his own sin

b. his parent’s sin

Think about it! Some sin he committed in the womb?

It seems they simply regurgitate a common understanding among the Jews regarding sin and sickness. The Rabbis believed every infirmity to be directly linked to a sin. There was also a common belief that it was possible to sin in the womb.

Genesis 25:22-26 (Esau and Jacob) Psalm 58:3 (the wicked). It is possible that the disciples were spouting the party line without thinking through the implications of the first cause of sin.

Jesus - Tolerant Teacher 1-4

Principle: Not all sickness is the direct result of personal or parental sin.

Principle: Physical infirmities can result in a glorious display of God’s supernatural work

God’s works involve canceling the curse due to sin. God’s glory is displayed through supernaturally nullifying the effects of sin in the world either externally or internally.

Jesus -- Effective Healer 5-7

Jesus saw the blind man. The disciples saw the blind man and wondered how he got that way. Jesus saw the blind man and worked to help him.

How often do we ignore the needs of others because of the busyness of life?

How often do we ignore opportunities to help because of the tendency to judge first?

Our initial inclination is often rejection rather than restoration.

Too often we see people as detached subjects to study rather than individual souls to save.

Jesus clearly reminds these followers of the eternal purpose for their existence, to work the works of God.

Jesus uses an empathic “we” to emphasize the fact that the disciples are included in this work. Many scholars have tried to explain away the use of “we” as a scribal error but no evidence exists to support such a theory. Jesus intended to include the disciples as agents of the power of God demonstrating the power of God.

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Col. 3:17

All our work is to be done as representatives of God on earth. It is necessary that, while it there is still opportunity (as long as it is day), we should continually focus on working the works of God.

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Galatians 6:10

“as long as it is day” is as long as we are alive and have opportunity to reflect the light.

Principle: Focus on opportunity to minister while we are still able

Having said that, Jesus got to work. By a most unusual means Jesus met this individual’s obvious physical need which became a gateway to his most pressing spiritual need. Not only did Jesus intend on restoring sight to his eyes but to his soul as well.

Note: Jesus rarely did things the same way or the conventional way. He spit in the dirt and put mud on his eyes.

Then he gave him two instructions: “Go!” “Wash in the pool of Siloam!” (Which being translated means sent) The

“Sent one” sends the man to the pool called “sent” Note: this is the same pool form which water was drawn to represent the refreshing water of life in a burning desert.

Principle: God delights in dong things in a unique manner.

Blind Man -- Obedient 7

Again, don’t miss the emotion of the moment! Seeing for the very first time!

Principle: Healing is the result of obedience to the words of Jesus.

General crowd Skeptical but curious


Inquisitive 9:13-15

Judgmental 9:16a

Discerning 9:16b

Blind man -- Spiritually perceptive 9:17

Pharisees -- Disbelieving 9:18-19

Blind Man’s parents -- Factual but fearful 9:20-22

Pharisees -- Controlling 9:24

Blind Man

Personal 9:25

Confident 9:26-27

Pharisees -- Defensive

Blind Man -- Wise 9:30-33

Pharisees -- Arrogant 9:34

Jesus -- Compassionate Savior 35

Blind Man -- Spiritually sensitive 9:36

Jesus -- Illuminating Light of the World 37

Blind Man – Believing 38

Jesus -- Uncompromising Judge 39-41

Principle: Recognition of sin leads to renewed perception.


• Jesus is fully aware of our needs and situation

He is always aware of the things we face.

Many have struggled with the reality of that truth but it is true nonetheless.

Israel thought the same thing in the midst of their devastating captivity. Isaiah 40:27-31

• Use the ordinary to teach the extraordinary

The Israelites were encouraged to use every opportunity to teach the truth of God’s ways.

Deut. 6:4-9

• Focus on opportunity to minister while we are still able

The night is coming for all of us. What we do with the time given us does effect eternity.

Have you stopped working for the kingdom? How much treasure will you have to spend in eternity? How much have you sent on ahead?

• Not all sickness is the direct result of personal or parental sin

It is tempting to try to blame all sickness and infirmity on personal sin.

It is true that some sin tendencies travel down family lines.

It is true that some illness and infirmity and even death come because of personal sin.

It is true that ultimately all infirmity and sickness and death are a result of sin.

It is true that sometimes tragedy is the result of someone else’s sin.

But the Master of the universes is able to take all of that tragedy and sickness and weave them into a wonderful plan that results in a magnificent display of his power and love. In this case God used a devastating tragedy to bring about a dynamic teaching.

Jesus is the light of the world.

• Physical infirmities can result in a glorious display of God’s supernatural work

Remember far greater than the restoration of function to the blind eyes is the restoration of sight to the dark soul.

• God delights in uniqueness

There was only one burning bush, one wall of Jericho.

• Healing is the result of obedience to the word of God

• Recognition of sin leads to renewed spiritual perception


Jesus is aware of your needs.

Do you realize that Jesus knows all about what you fact right now?

Are you willing to trust Him even when you can’t see what is ahead or understand?

God is to wise to be mistaken, too good to be unkind so when you don’t understand, when you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.

Teaching from the ordinary.

What are you teaching along the way?

Look for opportunities to minister while you still can

Why are you here at Chico? Do you understand you are on the job? Have you come here to be coddled and babied? You are here as a refreshing source of life giving water to energize those God being your way. You are here to minister before the night comes.

Display the glory of God in your infirmities

What is the cause of your present circumstances? How are you responding to the circumstances of your life? When people watch you do they see the glory of God demonstrated or the gloom of a fleshly outlook?

Expect the unexpected

God longs to do above all that we can ask or think.


What has God asked you to do? Perhaps you have not experienced the power of God in your life because you still have mud in your eye.

Recognize your need for His light

Do you think you see? Rev. 3:15-20

By the way can you identify with any of the response of the people in this passage?

Disciples – ignorant but teachable

Parents – factual but fearful of rejection by man

Crowd – skeptical and curious



Judgmental – Jesus couldn’t right. It is not what I perceive is right.

Discerning – How could an ordinary man do the things he did?

Disbelieving – it can’t be. There must be some other explanation.

Controlling – you must only do things the way we are used to

Defensive – I go by the facts of science

Arrogant – I am better educated than you.

Blind Man


Spiritually perceptive – must be a prophet

Personal – now I see

Confident – what do you really want

Spiritually sensitive – show me so I may believe in him.

Believing – I believe Jesus and worship Him.



This account helps identify those who are spiritually blind who recognize their need for Christ and offers the healing touch of the one who restores sight to the blind.

This passage also identifies those who claim to see but are blind and reminds them that because they don’t see the need for Christ’s healing touch they remain in their sin.

Which are you?


Review the primary principles found here and ask God to give you even greater understanding.


Where am I involved in the work of God on earth?

Where does God want me to be involved?