Summary: This sermon is about the Interruptions of the Holy Spirit that occurred on the Day that the Holy Spirit fell on Gentiles. It deals with how we are to be open to Holy Spirit interruptions and how we are allow the Holy Spirit to always be in Control.

Scripture: Acts 10:44-48 Call to Worship - Psalm 98

Title: Interrupted by the Holy Spirit

This sermon is about the Interruptions of the Holy Spirit that occurred on the Day that the Holy Spirit fell on Gentiles. It deals with how we are to be open to Holy Spirit interruptions and how we are allow the Holy Spirit to always be in Control.

I. We see that the Holy Spirit Suddenly Interrupted Everything - verse 44

II. We see that the Holy Spirit interrupted the "Correct Order" (Ordo salutis) - v. 44 -48

III. Finally, we see that the Holy Spirit interrupted Peter's traveling plans - v. 48


Grace and peace from God our Father and from Jesus Christ our Savior and LORD who came to take away the sins of the world!

One of the most memorable lines that came out of a recent movie about the life of Winston Churchill called "Darkest Hour" happens when newly elected Prime Minister Churchill is trying to talk over someone who is doing their verbal best to get their point across. Winston, full of bluster shouts out - "Will You Stop Interrupting Me While I Am Interrupting You."

Apparently, throughout his life that was a favorite saying of Winston Churchill. He would get so caught up in what he wanted to say that he would bull dog his way into a conversation and do his best to take it over. Often he would interrupt people mid sentence to get his point across.

We have all had our conversations interrupted and we have at times interrupted other people's conversations as well. According to social psychologists and linguists who study the art of conversations even though most people understand that it is impolite to interrupt someone speaking most of us do it anyway and often we think that it is okay to interrupt.

Men are more guilty than women at interrupting and by a very large margin. In a recent study done by George Washington University (2014) it was discovered that when men were talking with women, they interrupted 33 % more often than when they were talking to men. In a normal three minute conversation the average man interrupts 2. 1 times whereas in the same three minute conversations a woman will only interrupt one time. Apparently, when it comes to interrupting, men are a great deal like Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

However, language experts also tell us that not every verbal overlap should be labeled either rude or unwarranted. Sometimes interruptions are warranted and absolutely necessary. Those would include for example: Public warnings about oncoming storms, tornadoes or some other imminent danger. Public warnings about a child being lost or abducted. Public warnings about some health crisis or global tragedy.

We may not like it when our favorite TV show or sports event is interrupted by Breaking News or Breaking Weather Reports, but if it directly involves us then it is not so bad. Other types of interruptions we are not so sure about. Sometimes we think that the media station could take some of their commercial time for those interruptions but then that would mean that they would be cutting in on their own profits. Not going to happen.

Believe it or not, some teachers even welcome their students to interrupt them. Some believe that students need to have the ability to interrupt the teaching material, if they are getting lost in the thick of it all. They believe that too often by the time the teacher sees a raised hand the student may be so lost that they can't find their way back. They believe that the goal is to be actively listening, looking for an open opportunity to ask a question if need be and then go for it. But it all has to be done in a very controlled and polite matter. One therefore does not interrupt unless it a part of that teacher's classroom protocol.

Most of us have also had someone help us finish our sentences. This could be seen as another type of interruption. In sharing a story we seem to hesitate for a moment and someone around us helps us finish our words and the conversation goes on. It is not unusual for us to overlap one another's speech. Sometimes what seems to be bad manners may actually assist a conversation to continue and develop. At other times, however, we all know that interruptions are not so needed or so welcomed.

It was normal for Jews at the time of the Early Church to interrupt one another especially when they were discussing scripture and theology. Ancient bible schools were a hot bed of overlapping conversations with questions and answers flying throughout the room. Someone would start teaching, someone else would chime in and soon there would be all kinds of conversations, opinions and thoughts flying through the air. What sounded to anyone on the outside like shouting and arguing would be just the normal means of teachings and conversing with one another in that day. It should be noted also that the majority of those classes involved men so it shouldn't surprise us that there would be a lot of noise and interruptions.

Most of us in this country were raised a different way. We are used to a certain amount of what we would call - "order and discipline". We have been taught to listen with our mouths closed. That we should politely raise our hand and wait our turn. Apparently, however, we men still need some help in that matter. Ouch!

In saying all of that it should not surprise us that our passage deals with interruptions. However, in this case the interruptions were not done by humans but by God's Holy Spirit. Let me say that again. These interruptions were being done by God's Holy Spirit.

And just as some interruptions are necessary and at times even desired the interruptions that we read about in our passage were most desired and wanted. Now, let's look at the ways in which the Holy Spirit interrupted in our passage.

I. We see that the Holy Spirit Suddenly Interrupted Everything - verse 44

The Apostle Peter is in the moment. He is preaching his heart out. Earlier he had experienced a great vision (Acts 10:9-16) and then had been invited by Cornelius to come to his home and share about Jesus (Acts 10:17-23). He was now going full steam as he shared the message of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He was busy telling everyone that:

+God - the Good God of Creation spoke through Jesus His Only Begotten Son

+Jesus is Israel's Messiah, the Savior and Lord of All

+God raised Jesus from the dead beginning the New Age of Salvation/Holiness/Unity

+God had sent him along with the six men with him to proclaim this Good News to Cornelius, his family and friends

+That as a God fearer, the LORD will make it possible for all those who are like Cornelius to receive forgiveness

And right before Peter ever had the chance to tell Cornelius that this of course would mean that he would have to become a Jew, learn the Torah, accept circumcision and be baptized the Holy Spirit interrupted in the most unusual manner possible.

I mean here is Peter getting ready to give his big sermon all over again. The same one that he gave on the Day of Pentecost and before he can finish it the Holy Spirit rushes in and interrupts him. The Holy Spirit doesn't say - "Excuse Me" or "Raise His Hand" - He just rushes in and takes over the whole scene.

Even before Cornelius, his relatives and his friends can say "I believe" the Holy Spirit rushes in and fills their heart and they are doing all kinds of things like speaking in languages and praising God. Before Peter can even get to the altar call the Holy Spirit is rushing in to take over.

I believe it was vital for the Holy Spirit to interrupt and take over. Peter and the six men that came with him were all Jews - steeped in the Torah and the idea that salvation was only for the Jews. They believed that God had handpicked the Jews only to be saved. Oh, every now and then again, God would grant salvation to a non-Jew like Ruth or to a semi-half Jew like the Woman at the Well - but these Romans, well, that was more than even Peter could have believed. After all, it was these Romans who had conquered the Jews and were enslaving them.

Peter had already gone the second mile by coming to see Cornelius and enter into his house.

Go back to verse 28ff -

"You must know, Peter said to them (Cornelius and the rest) that it is forbidden for a Jewish man to mix with or visit a Gentile. But God showed me that I should call nobody 'common' or 'unclean." So I came when I was asked, and raised no objections."

Traveling and speaking to Cornelius was about as far as Peter knew how to go. That was more than other Jewish people would have done in that day and age.

But then the Holy Spirit took over everything. I believe it was because Peter and his friends were not ready for this next event. What had happened in Pentecost with faithful Jews was now happening in the hearts and minds of these Gentiles. This had to stop them in their tracks. There was no way they were ready to see the Holy Spirit come down upon Gentiles in such a supernatural fashion.

This was a game changer. This meant that Gentiles would not only hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ they would be welcomed into the family of God's children. This was world changing news. The barrier that had kept Jews and Gentiles was being torn down right before everyone's eyes.

All of this begs us to ask a question this morning - Are we open to the Holy Spirit interrupting our lives and our times of worship and prayer? Are we open to the Holy Spirit coming in an amazing new ways? Are we ready to do what the Apostle Peter did?

The Apostle Peter gave up control. He doesn't object. He doesn't quench the Holy Spirit. He doesn't say anything. Peter simply allows the Holy Spirit to interrupt and take over. He knows that the only way to truly follow Jesus to be under the control of His Holy Spirit. Peter doesn't understand fully what is going on but he is smart enough and in tune enough with God to know that what is going on is marvelous and wonderful. If we could have heard him pray it might have sounded something like this:

"Holy Spirit, teach me, show me, do what needs to be done even when I don't understand and when it goes against what I have been taught by others. I desire to always be open to your interruptions and your way. Holy Spirit fall fresh on me and on all those around me. I surrender to your will and to your way, Holy Spirit."

We have to understand that Peter wasn't just winging it. He was carefully sharing the Word of God, the message of Jesus Christ and salvation when all of this happened. It was in the midst of Peter doing the God's Will that we see the Holy Spirit moving in and pouring out this anointing. What we do see Peter doing is being smart enough to allow the Holy Spirit to take over.

Pastor Jim Cymbala gives us some needed advice here in his recent book, STORM. Jim writes - "There is something wrong when our services are so tightly programmed and steamlined that there is no openness for the Holy Spirit to interrupt with His agenda." (Storm - pg. 75).

Peter knew what it meant for the Holy Spirit to interrupt. He was not afraid of wildfire. He wasn't worried that things would get out of hand. He knew it would be the fire of the Holy Spirit coming down and being in charge. He knew that everything would be under the Spirit's control.

This morning, we need to pray for those same kind of interruptions today. We need those types of interruptions today more than ever.

II. Secondly, we see that the Holy Spirit interrupted the "Correct Order" - v. 44 -48

Not only did the Holy Spirit interrupt Peter's sermon, the Holy Spirit had decided to work in a whole different manner. At Pentecost, there is a defined order:

a. There is a complete sermon - preached by the Apostle Peter

b. It is followed by a call to repentance

c. Which is followed by an invitation for water baptism

d. And finally, the infilling presence of God's Holy Spirit.

Each event in a nice little fit package. Each one following the other in a nice order.

We like it when things fit together neatly and nicely. When things are well ordered and well timed. There is already too much change and confusion in life without the Holy Spirit making things messy.

We like the Roman Road to Salvation. We like the Four Spiritual Laws. We like it when people come to faith the "RIGHT WAY" - Preaching, an Altar Call, Confessing, Repenting, Receiving, Water Baptism and the Infilling Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit. It's what we can handle. It's what we are use to and for us it's normal. It's the way things should be.

But did you read our passage?

Not only did the Holy Spirit interrupt Peter's Sermon, the Holy Spirit had these people speaking in languages (tongues) and praising God before they even had time to confess, repent and be water baptized. In fact, according to all the "experts" the Holy Spirit did it backwards. The Holy Spirit broke all the rules. How does one get filled with the Holy Spirit in such a manner before water baptism? How about them at least raising their hands for a time of invitation and repentance?

If some of our church leaders where there that day they might have told the Holy Spirit - wait a second. What do you think you are doing. We went to school to learn the order of salvation. You can't go messing with it. Now, take back that Holy Spirit anointing and let's start this all over again. You can't bring people into faith and into the church outside of our order. If you do that then we can't be in charge. If you do that we can't decide who is in and who is out. Now, that would be some pretty silly things to say to the Holy Spirit wouldn't it?

Actually, the more you read the Bible the more you get the idea that the LORD loves to mess with us a times.

+The LORD makes the sun stand still and then another time He makes it go backwards.

+The LORD parts the Red Sea and also makes iron heads float.

+The LORD causes some empty pots to fill up with needed oil and also gives all kinds of strange dreams and visions.

+The Lord sends angels who announce births and the decides to feed thousands of people with just a few fish and chips.

+The Lord allows people to walk on water while allowing others to cast out demons and bring about all kinds of healings.

The LORD has a way of messing with our minds. He has a way of shaking up all our thoughts, our presuppositions and our theories. He has a way of opening up new areas of our hearts, minds and souls.

And should we not rejoice over all of this Truth? To know that we can have a relationship with a LORD who is not stale, out of date or stuck in the mud. To know that we have a God who loves to so to speak dance with us. Some of those who have followed the LORD most closely the last 2,000 have shared stories of how living and loving God is a great deal like sharing a dance.

There is a flow in walking with the LORD that is like dancing with the LORD. There is grace and movement as we move with the LORD. Each partner seems to feed off of one another. Dancing is much more than taking a required number of steps here and there. There is a beauty and a intimacy that goes along with dancing. That the way it is when we have a deep relationship with the LORD. It's a lot like dancing.

It also involves deep listening. Not only do we men have difficulties with interruptions we are not always the best listeners in the world either. But the Holy Spirit listens. The Holy Spirit hears us. *She hears our pain, our sorrows as well as our joys and victories. She hears our heart. She hears our most inward thoughts.

Cornelius and his friends didn't need to vocalize all the necessary prescribed words - the Holy Spirit knew their thoughts and their feelings. The Holy Spirit was listening and in response to that listening the Holy Spirit interrupted and acted. These Gentiles needed to receive the Holy Spirit in the same manner as their Jewish brothers and sisters had in Acts chapter 2. They needed to have the same signs and wonders. The Holy Spirit didn't want anyone to be confused concerning the fact that all Gentiles were being invited and welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Holy Spirit listened to Peter and the six men that had accompanied him. The Holy Spirit knew that they needed to see more than mere warm fuzzes. They needed to see a great manifestation of God's Power that would prove one and for all that Gentiles were able to receive the same Holy Spirit as they had on the Day of Pentecost. There was to be no doubt about the genuineness of this whole experience.

Again, we need to pause and surrender our "order" our neat little "spiritual boxes" and/or our presupposed ways that God does things back over to Him. We need to understand that God listens to us as well as listening to others and does what is best for all of us. For the Jews they needed the direct order outlined in Acts chapter 2. It fit perfectly well with the Law and the Prophets. For these Gentiles they had no frame of reference and so God does a new thing in their lives. The Holy Spirit surprises everyone.

This morning, are we open to the LORD working in people's lives in new and unexpected ways? Are we open to the LORD working with people differently than He works with us? Are we ready to surrender our nice little "systems" over to the will and way of the Holy Spirit?

III. Finally, we see the Holy Spirit interrupting Peter's traveling plans - v. 48

This was supposed to be a simple up and back trip. Seventy miles at the most one way. Two or three days there at the most by donkey or horseback and two or three days back the same way. The Apostle and his company would be back in less than a week. Hardly, anyone would have known that they had been gone.

But the Holy Spirit interrupted all of their plans. Now, instead of being gone a mere four or five days at most it appears that they stayed a week or two or perhaps even a month with Cornelius, his family and friends. Now, if you are gone that long then people will know that you have been gone and may start to ask questions. Especially, if you are the Apostle Peter. He would have been missed by the Early Church in Jerusalem after a week or more.

That's exactly what the Holy Spirit wanted. He wanted them to be gone long enough so that the story of what happened would get around. He wanted people to know that Peter and these six men were involved in a whole new and exciting ministry. They were talking, eating and sharing space with some new Gentile disciples. People who had not become Jewish proselytes but had become Jesus' followers, forgiven and filled with His Holy Spirit.

The Early Church was stepping out. Already they had been in Jerusalem, Judea and even Samaria. But now they were crossing every boundary possible. Gentiles were being added to the Early Church. People once thought unredeemable were receiving grace and forgiveness and being filled with God's Holy Spirit. Coupled with all of that was the fact that they did not have to become members of Judaism and subject themselves to all the rules and regulation of Judaism. The Church of Jesus was going outside the Law of Moses and fulfilling God's Promises made way back to Father Abraham where the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY told Abraham - "I will make you a father of nations" "Many nations will be blessed through you."

But there is a second side to this interruption. It wasn't just Peter and these six men's lives who were being interrupted but Cornelius, his family and friends as well. The Holy Spirit was not interested in some "Drive by Holy Spirit encounter". The Holy Spirit was not interested in some type of tongues speaking, praising God moment and then that be it. Saved - Done. Infilled with God's Spirit - Done. Speaking in languages - Done. Praising God - Done.

No, that is not the way God works. Peter and the Early Church were called to go and make disciples not just add people to the Church membership rolls. This was more than a rescue mission seeking to save souls so that they could all go to Heaven one day. This was more than an evangelist campaign that has no roots to present day reality.

The Early Church knew that one day that Christ would return. The angels had given them that message (Acts 1:11). They knew that one day all things would be made new and that everyone who had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah, Lord and King would live forever on the New Heaven and Earth. They however focused on life in the here and now. It was in the here and now that people were coming to faith. It was in the here and now that the Holy Spirit was convicting, cleansing and transforming. It was in the here and now that they were planting churches, restoring lives and seeing whole communities being transformed in the image of Jesus. They held fast to the promises of future and all of its joys but they understood that they had been given the Great Commission to do here and now.

That is one of the many reasons Peter and the six men with him sat down with Cornelius, his family and friends and began to share life. They shared space. They shared meals together. The shared faith together. They began to teach these new found Gentile disciples all about Jesus. They began to show them how to live a life filled with God's Holy Spirit. They began to mentor them and pour their lives into them. They wanted them to experience God's best right now and then go out and begin to win other people for Jesus.

You see, that is the way the Holy Spirit does things like revivals, spiritual campaigns and big days. He doesn't just count the number of heads in attendance, add those who came to Jesus and paste them on some media page and that be it. Next year we will do it all over again and hopefully have greater numbers.

No, when the LORD births sheep they are little lambs that need care and attention.

The Apostle Peter was being led to do the very ministry that Jesus called him to do recorded in John chapter 21.

"Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said to the him, Yes, Lord; you know that I love you. He said to him, Feed my lambs." - John 21:15

Three times the LORD asks Peter questions and each time Peter is told to feed, to take care of and help the sheep mature and grow. Three times Peter is told what a major part of his ministry would be - feeding, caring for and helping others grow in the LORD. Spiritual birthing would be a part of Peter's ministry but alongside of that would come spiritual formation, discipline and growth.

It doesn't make sense to me if a church has a door open for evangelism and yet does not have a door open for spiritual formation, discipline and growth. And today there are too many churches that meet for a time of worship on Sunday morning but offer little or no opportunity for Bible Study, Prayer Meetings, mentoring, Spiritual Formation or Growth any other time.

If we did that in the natural world then we would be arrested for child abuse and endangerment. Our new born children would quickly shrivel and die. Our new born children would suffer from malnutrition, their growth would be hindered and if they did find some way to survive their lives would be void of so many wonderful things.

But that is not how we do it. We change our whole lives when a baby is brought into our world. We give them a special room. We buy all kinds of new things with them in mind. We even quit work for a while to take care of each one of their needs. Even when at times we don't know exactly what we are doing we still give it our best shot. People who have no clue how to hold, how to feed, how to tend for a baby suddenly want to get involved doing everything they can to help the baby.

This is the same attitude and behavior we need in our churches. New Born Christians are just that - New Born. They need our help, our assistance and we need one another. No matter how many physical years any of us have been walking with God we need to make sure that we are growing in our spirit - mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is true that we can testify of an experience that is chronologically decades old and yet still be drinking and eating spiritual milk.

The key is for us to allow the Holy Spirit to interrupt our schedules and for us to be a part of a vibrant, progressive Holiness Bible Study and Prayer Group. The key is for us to allow the Holy Spirit to interrupt our schedules so that we share life with one another, we can encourage one another and we become a part of one another's life.

This morning, as we close how open/receptive are we to interruptions by the Holy Spirit?

+Do we welcome Holy Spirit interruptions into our worship service, our prayer times and our Bible Studies?

+Do we allow the Holy Spirit to interrupt our nice plans when it comes to reaching out and bringing someone to faith?

+Do we allow the Holy Spirit to interrupt our plans so that we might spend some time praying for someone, leading them to Christ and then mentoring them in the faith?

As we close this morning, let us open up our hearts, our minds and our souls to the Presence of God's Holy Spirit. Let us surrender ourselves to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to interrupt any time we gather, we pray or we share a time of studying God's Word. As we sing our altars are open for any who would like to come and pray.

Traditional Song - O breath of life come sweeping through us

Contemporary - Breathe On Me, Breath of God - Steve Green

*Throughout the history of the Church the Holy Spirit has been defined as masculine, feminine and gender neutral.