1. The Call to Mutual Humility -- Humility Prepares Us To Serve One Another
a. this call is for every believer
b. this call prepares us for service toward one another
c. the essence of the call is humility
2. The Link Between Humility and God's Resources --
Humility is the Door to God's Grace
a. God resists the proud
(1) example of tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9)
(2) example of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan.4)
b. God gives grace to the humble -- example of Naaman (2 Kings 5)
3. The Link Between Humility and God's Character (:6-7) --
The Power of Humility -- Because of God's Sovereignty and Love, Humility Protects Instead of Exposes
a. Humility Protects Because God is Sovereign
(1) Make sure we have relinquished control of our lives to God
(2) How do we humble ourselves? study specifics of 1 Peter
(3) Humility is powerful because of "the mighty hand of God"
In OT speaks of God's redemption of His people From Egypt;
If we trusted God for our eternal destiny why do we struggle with trusting Him for today?
b. Humility Leads to Exaltation (Matt. 23:1-12; Luke 14:7-11)
"in time" has special eschatological signif. -- the end times when Christ will be manifested (1:5; 2:12)
c. Humility Protects Us Because God is Love -- He Cares -- "it matters to Him concerning us"; contrast John 10:13); so we must cast on Him our anxiety (that which would distract us from wholehearted devotion and faith in Christ) regarding our vulnerability due to humbling ourselves trusting that humility protects us rather than exposes us even during persecution
(illustr. of Mark 4:35-41 -- the boat won't sink and the storm won't last forever)