Intro: We have heard a lot of teachings and seminar concerning the coming judgment, the most important thing is to allow these teachings work in your life by doing the right thing, by escaping for your life, making sure that you are safe from the coming judgment
1. Sodom and Gomorah visited by the angels. Gen. 19: 1 – 3: Thank God that Lot still have some sense of spirituality in him despite the fact that all of Sodom and Gomorah are already corrupt, that was why he was able to recognize those people as God sent, he rushed to bring them into his house.
With all the lessons you have learnt so far, it is important for you to create space for God in your heart so that you can be visited by God and send away sin and the agents of the devil from your life.
2. People of Sodom and Gomorah blindfolded. Gen. 19: 4 – 11: These people were willing to lay with the angels of God to the extent that Lot was even appealing unto them to give them his daughters that are still virgin but they refused. These people were smotten with blindness by God’s angel.
Do not wait until God’s anger and judgement come upon your life, flee from the coming wrath, the judgement of God is coming upon the wicked souls in the umpteenth time.
3. Lot leaves Sodom. Gen. 19: 12 – 14: The Lord could no longer wait to see the wickedness of the people of Sodom and Gomorah but before the Lord would destroy that city, the Lord commanded Lot to leave the city with what ever that is important to him v12.
Same way, this present world has greatly failed the Lord, and in no time, the Lord will destroy everything that is in it – Big and nice houses, exotic cars, expensive phones and all the luxuries of this world that you have labored for will soon be wiped away. What becomes of your own life? Will you be destroyed with all these things or you will find for yourself an escape route.
Things that Lot lost during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah.
i. Son’s-in-law
ii. Married Daughters
iii. Grand Children
iv. Other Family members
v. Friends
vi. Neighour and
vii. All material things v14
Journey to God’s Kingdom is not a group journey, it is only meant for for those that are ready, and you better detach yourself from anything’ or “anybody” that will not let you make heaven – Lot detached himself from all those things that will not make him escape
4. Lot lingered. Gen. 19: 15 – 16: Why would Lot not linger? he has other blood relatives in that city, God was only merciful unto Lot v16. The angels held him by hand and his wife and his two daughters, they were dragged out of the city.
Brethren won’t you allow God, His messages and teachings to drag you out of the wickedness of this world, detach yourself from disobedient, fornication, lie, stealing, gambling, drunkenness and all forms of sins.
5. Look not behind thee. Gen. 19: 17 – 22: The instruction given to Lot and his family was not to look back.
Why would you look back, do not look back, do not backslide, there is no gain in looking back. Amend your ways do not let the things of this wold take you away.
Conclusion: Four people went out of the city, Lot, his wife and two daughters, Lot’s wife actually escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah but did not make it to the top f the mountain where they were asked to go v26 she became a pillar of salt, three of them made it.
It is not a curse, it is not everybody that is in this world will make it to eternity but how glad will it be if 75% of these people will make it to heaven, will you not endeavor to be among the few that will make eternity.