Summary: We can all obey and be willing to step out/up when God calls. We are not called to understand or know all the details – but we are called to GO and make disciples. Moses is a great example and encouragement of how to obey today.

Exodus, Part 6

Exodus 5:1 – 6:12


- Exodus is an incredible study of God’s faithfulness to man

-- It is also a great encouragement to see man’s ability to be faithful to God

- Today we see the first encounter between Moses and Pharaoh

-- It is important for us to understand that not everything goes as we think it will

-- However, everything we do should be done in obedience to God’s calling

- Read Exodus 5:1-23 / Pray

- Moses first confrontation with Pharaoh brings four results

1. There is a declaration of God’s will

- God’s will: His people should be freed

-- They should have liberty to worship and serve God

- Note: Pharaoh would’ve granted the meeting; especially with the elders

-- His thinking would’ve been that there was important business to discuss

-- This may’ve led to his response – felt blind-sided by the group

- Yet, God’s will for his people is to have liberty, justice, and freedom

-- He wants none enslaved (consider, sent Jesus for our freedom)

-- He wanted Israel freed as well – to be free to serve and worship Him

- Romans 10:12, “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him”

2. There is a rejection of God’s will

- Pharaoh’s response shows exactly how he feels about God

-- He looks at this request as it is ridiculous – something to be laughed at

-- But why … why would he laugh at this request?

• He was ignorant of God; didn’t fear God (v2)

• He accused God’s messengers of disturbing the peace (v4-5)

• He was mean-spirited, hard-hearted, and malicious (v6-8)

• He likewise dismissed the message of God as a lie (v9)

• And then, he misused his authority and power:

o Made oppression even worse in the land

o Slave masters were to gather up the straw (v10)

o Yet, the slaves still had to maintain brick quota

o People had to go find straw to use; further separating families (v11)

o Slave-drivers pressed people to continue with their quota

o Israelite foremen were beaten for not meeting the standard (v14)

3. There is a rejection of an appeal for justice

- Even when the foreman appealed to Pharaoh, they were rejected

-- His heart had no compassion for them – he only saw his way (v15-16)

- Get this: Pharaoh clearly showed his position and hatred for God

• He made his response sarcastically with false accusations (v17)

• He demonstrated a spirit of injustice to all who pled this case (v18)

- The result was exactly what he wanted: obedience from the Israelites

-- These people would feel hopeless and helpless – perfect conditions for slaves

- APP: When you want to control someone, you have to tear them down

-- Pharaoh was a master at destroying people to do his bidding

4. There is the cry of God’s messenger

- Moses and Aaron meet with the foreman, and receive the horrible news

-- Not only has Pharaoh rejected them further … but the punishment got worse

- Foreman personally blame Moses for their treatment (v21)

-- This led to Moses being crushed in spirit, unable to do anything

- He does the only thing he can do … cries out to God (v22)

-- Moses cried out (read v23) …

- In his despair, all he could do was see that this was God’s fault

-- After all, God had sent him on this mission … and here is the result

-- CHALL: We’ve got to see how this doesn’t help as well

- We cannot curse God when things don’t go how we think it will

-- No matter the road ahead … God is still sovereign and able to provide

- Re: He already gave us a preview that Pharaoh wouldn’t listen

- Re: God said that he was going to unleash terrible things (1st born)

- However, Moses has forgotten those things in his despair

- TRANS: Moses was desperate; everyone had turned against him

-- Even worse, Pharaoh is punishing the people for HIS words/actions

-- He has become crushed, broken, and desperate … thankfully God answers him

- Read Exodus 6:1-12

Point 2 – God’s response to Moses

- Want us to see how God moves in response to Moses’ prayer

-- Three things come to mind showing that God is listening when we pray

-- APP: Even in the darkest times, God hears our prayers and is there for us

1. God encourages his messenger in three specific ways

- God makes three promises to Moses in response to him

- First, God promised to raise a mighty hand against Pharaoh

-- This in turn will force Pharaoh to release the people (v1)

- Second, God assured Moses, “I am the Lord” (Jehovah – sovereign)

-- God declares that he is able to redeem and deliver His people (v2-3)

- Third, God reviewed His covenant with Moses

-- He reviews this great promise He has given to him and his people (v4)

- He shares with Moses His compassion and concern for their suffering (v5)

2. God encourages his people

- God promises to deliver His people (v6)

• I will bring you out from your burdens

• I will free you from slavery

• I will redeem you

- God says He will adopt His people (v7)

• I will take you to be my people

• I will be your God

• His purpose is clear: That they will know Him as God; great deliverer

- God declares He will lead His people to the promised land (v8)

• He promises to bring them to the promised land they’ve heard about

• Then, God promises to GIVE the land to them

- His proclamation that He is Lord solidifies this … they can trust in this

-- APP: If God says it, it will come to pass

3. God gives the king a great message

- Moses is then sent back to Pharaoh to claim the truth

-- CONSIDER: Would you go back to Pharaoh after what just happened?

- The message Moses has is clear: they are to be delivered and freed (v11)

-- Even though Moses is assuredly uneasy (v12), he gives God no answer

- This is critical …. When told to go, sometimes you just have to obey

-- Sometimes, an answer isn’t even required – but obedience is

- TRANS: This is our main challenge for today…

Big Idea: The messenger of God is to obey, no matter the challenges that come

- Not everyone can preach, not everyone can sing, not everyone can ______

- But, we can all obey and be willing to step out/up when God calls

- We are not called to understand or know all the details – but to go

- What if we found ourselves in Moses’ shoes … would we obey like this?

-- That is the call of Christianity … to GO – to obey God’s direction. / Pray

** Special thanks to “The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible” for notes **