Possessing the Gates of our Enemy
Sunday, February 11, 2018
By Rev. James May
Genesis 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
Genesis 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
Gates in scripture are often symbols of authority. The king had a throne at the gates. The elders sat at the gates. Judgments were passed and sentences carried out. To possess the gates of the enemy, or Satan, is to displace Satan’s authority with that which is entrusted to us by Jesus Christ.
Jesus said in Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. In reading this verse we see that there can be a dual meaning to the word power!
Is Jesus saying that we will have the ability through spiritual strength to tread on all of the spiritual strength of the devil?
Is He also saying that we have authority, through Jesus’ name, to defeat the devil? In both cases, I would have to say, Yes!
But there is a difference between power and authority in both the natural and the spiritual.
Let’s look at the relationship between ‘authority’ and ‘power,’ as they are used in Jesus promise.
The Greek word that is translated as ‘authority,’ is ‘exousia,’ and its basic meaning is to have the right to rule or govern as one whose will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. The second Greek word that is often translated is ‘dunamis’ and it is translated as ‘power’. It means to have an inherent strength, power, or ability to bring about a desired purpose.
To illustrate the relationship between the two words, we will use the example of a truck and a traffic officer. A truck has inherent power, and so the driver has ‘dunamis’ power at his disposal to accomplish his work.
A police officer has very little power to stop the transport, but he has ‘exusia’ authority. When he holds up his hand the driver stops the power of the truck because behind the officer’s authority is the whole weight of the Police Department, and if necessary, the resources of the entire law enforcement power of the nation.
As Christians, we have “exusia”, or authority to command demons and all the powers of the devil – but that authority is not of ourselves, it is through the power, or the “dunamis”, of the name of Jesus Christ, who is above every name. That’s why we pray every prayer by invoking the name of Jesus. In invoking that name, in the spiritual realm, we release through faith the full power of God to move heaven and earth to accomplish God’s will in the answering of the prayer we have put before him.
In that name of Jesus there is healing – the “dunamis”, that omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit is released to bring the healing power of God to bear upon that which we have taken “exusia”, or spiritual authority over through the promises of God’s word that cannot fail.
The Word of God says in James 5:14 & 15, “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”
How does that work? How can lowly human beings with a little bit of oil in their hands, take that oil and apply it to someone who is sick, say a few words in prayer, and then watch the sick be healed and even their sins forgiven?
Where does that power, that “exusia”, and that “dunamis” come from? It certainly isn’t within me, or any other man or woman, as we stand there!
It comes from the omnipotent power, or “dunamis” of Holy Spirit as He comes because we have used our God-given “exusia”, or “authority”, through the name of Jesus. And we know according to God’s word that Jesus has all power and authority in both Heaven and in the earth.
That “dunamis”, the power to perform the work asked for in prayer; and we assume the “exusia”, or authority to call forth the omnipotent power of God, and the fulfillment of his promises of healing power through his blood. That authority to call upon God is bestowed upon us through Holy Spirit, and the power to do the work is transferred to us through faith in believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and his ability to answer the prayer we pray!
That same process happens in every prayer of faith whether it’s a prayer for deliverance from drugs, alcoholism, or whatever chains of oppression and hindrance that we find ourselves bound in. It also happens in every prayer of faith for forgiveness for sins and gaining salvation and eternal life.
It is the prayer of faith, unwavering faith that grabs hold of God’s promise of an answer to prayer and won’t let go because of any external circumstances that makes the difference.
Just saying the words doesn’t accomplish anything if the heart, mind and spirit are not fully convinced that God’s “dunamis” power isn’t real, or that He has not given us “exusia” authority to call upon Jesus’ name and have the thing we ask for according to God’s will.
It is faith that believes that God can call something out of nothing and make that something into exactly what he wants it to be, and that God will do so because we know we have prayed according to his will and we have his promises that he will hear and answer the prayer of faith.
In God’s promise to Abraham and Israel, we also see his promise to the church. Jesus reaffirmed this promise to us in Luke 10:19 when he said, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
What does he mean by serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy? I think it goes a lot further than just a snake on the ground or a scorpion crawling around a tent. Jesus is speaking about “spiritual powers”; not the things of this earth, but the enemy we face in “spiritual warfare” every day of our lives.
There are some very misled people in some Pentecostal circles of the church who have misinterpreted this to mean that it talks about handling poisonous snakes in the church, staring in the face of a moccasin or a rattler and defying its power to strike and harm them. That might be called “faith”, but its an abuse of faith. They are tempting fate, tempting God even, to change the nature of those wild creatures, and it’s a miracle that more don’t die from such foolishness.
Though I do believe that God will often give us protection from the deadly things of this world, I don’t believe this scripture is giving us the power to defy the forces of nature and play with deadly things expecting God to honor our ignorance.
If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned, and if you play with snakes and scorpions you’re going to get bitten.
This isn’t what Jesus is talking about at all. There’s a much higher cause, a much greater battle than fighting the natural things that can cause hurt and harm. It’s a battle in the spiritual realm for the very souls of men, and it’s a battle that rages in every nation, every home, every heart of man; and it’s a battle that can only be fought and won in the realm of the supernatural through faith in Jesus.
Jesus is talking about “exusia”, or our “God-given authority” to command and control every activity of the devil, and of his principalities and powers, and all of the powers of hell.
These powers of the devil; every fallen angel; every demonic spirit and any other source of spiritual wickedness, and the works that they all try to do through lies, deceit and outright spiritual attacks, are under the “Authority”, the “exusia” of the church as we call upon the “dunamis”, or power of the name of Jesus to come against them and stop them from doing what they are planning.
Satan has his “gates” in the spiritual realm. He was cast down to this earth and it became his kingdom. Then, when Adam fell, he gained control of all of creation for a time, until it is taken back by the power of God.
In Satan’s kingdom there is also power and authority! He has his hierarchy of evil beings to do his bidding.
• Some sit in the spiritual gates over nations to control men in positions of power and authority over the people.
• Some sit in the very seats of government in every nation on the earth. I have no doubt that there are great principalities and powers of darkness that are in place right now in Washington D.C., and they are attempting to direct our nation toward destruction so that evil can reign in the earth without the interference of American justice.
• There are also powers of darkness that are sitting in our State Government offices, influencing governors, senators and representatives, to further the lies of the devil!
• This same thing goes on in every city, and in every county or parish government.
• And let me tell you that this influence of Satan’s kingdom to destroy man even exists in the government of the home where the devil’s plans to destroy God’s definition of marriage and God’s established plan of authority in the home.
The Gates of Hell are places where those spiritual beings who are exercising their power and authority under Satan to destroy every work of God are found, and it’s obvious that they are having great success in nearly every area of their work.
But this is where you and I, and the church of the Lord Jesus Christ come into play. We are given “exusia”, authority over all of these powers of darkness! We are given the authority to stop them, control them, and limit their influence by calling upon the name of Jesus and releasing his “dunamis”, or power over them.
In the last days, the greatest spiritual Gate of Satan’s kingdom is going to be personified in the Antichrist as he rises to power.
It is no mystery as to why this man of evil cannot arise until the church is raptured. The church has authority to call upon the power of Christ to stop him from coming.
That’s one reason that we see so much hatred and division in Washington D. C. right now! With the rise of President Trump, and the enforcement of the rule of law, the plans of the principality over our nation that is trying to destroy us and make America ready for the rise of the Antichrist has been interrupted and nearly stopped for a while.
The devil is hopping man because the Church cried out in obedience to 2 Chronicles 7:14. The church fell on its face before God in repentance, and we called upon the Lord to deliver us, and we have decreed with the “exusia”, the authority of God’s Word, through the name of Jesus, that the “dunamis”, or power of God will bring revival, spiritual renewal, a turning of America back to Jesus, and God has graciously answered that prayer, and is holding back the Gates of Hell for a time!
All of this is spoken of in Paul’s writings to the Thessalonians.
2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
The mystery of iniquity is found in those Gates of Hell that are set in place against mankind. This mystery has been working since the creation of Adam and the works of iniquity grow more each day, especially as we see the end approaching!
But because the Church is crying out to God and using our authority in Christ to release the power of God to control the works of iniquity, Satan cannot have free reign. He is limited in his power to do his full plan of destruction upon mankind because the church releases the power of God through the working of Holy Spirit as He answers the prayer of faith.
What happens when the church is gone into Heaven to be with Jesus and there’s no more “exusia”, or authority in the earth to call forth the power of God to control the devil and his work?
2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Wicked is capitalized, meaning that its more than just an action of wickedness, but it is the personification of wicked. It is the title or name of a man – the Antichrist! He is revealed when the church is gone but his “dunamis”, or power; and his “exusia”, or authority, to rule over man and the earth are only for a limited time!
Jesus will come again, and we will be riding with him!
• Jesus will come forth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He will need only to speak the Word and Antichrist is consumed as he is cast into the Lake of Fire forever!
• Jesus will destroy every work of wickedness and every power of darkness with the Truth that shines forth from Light – Light that is so bright that darkness can no longer exists for it penetrates and destroys darkness wherever it tries to hide!
The important thing for us to remember this morning is that we are the Church of Jesus Christ and we have been given “exusia”, or the authority to call forth the “dunamis”, or power of Almighty God to act upon any situation or circumstance in our lives and in the earth!
We should not sit by and allow the devil to beat us up, to bring constant sickness; to allow him to wreck our homes and destroy marriages. We should not sit by and allow principalities and wickedness to rule in high places over our nation, our state, or our homes!
We have all the authority we need! We have “exusia” to call forth the awesome “dunamis” of God to stop the devil and his plans in its tracks!
The church that will fall on its face in prayer, exercising faith in the power of God to move and to change things, should be ever interceding on behalf of lost souls. We should be daily crying out to God for his power to be made manifest in the church, in our homes, in our nation, in our own community and around the world.
God is doing a great work in these last days! He will answer your prayers for your personal needs; and he is answering prayers that we pray in faith on behalf of our nation. He is listening to see whether his church will intercede and cry out for his power to be made manifest! God desires to send signs and wonders, to perform miracles and do a mighty work in this hour, of only we will pray and have faith!
God is in the prayer answering business! But if we’re going to see God’s hand move in our lives and we want to see our prayers answered, then we have to be engaged in Spiritual Warfare and intercessory prayer!
We can sit and watch what God does, or we can be in the middle of what God is doing! It’s up to each of us where we want to be! We, the church, must continue to intercede in prayer, to cry out in faith, believing God for an answer!
We must exercise our “exusia”, our authority, over the works of the devil and every enemy that comes against us, whether that enemy comes as an invisible supernatural power of the devil, or it comes in the form of a man or woman who is used by the devil!
We have the authority to call forth the power of God to answer prayer! Let’s make sure that we are using that authority to see God’s power move in these last days!
• Call down the power of God over your sickness!
• Call down the power of God over your family!
Call down the power of God over your home!
• Call down the power of God over your church!
• Call down the power of God over our state and our nation!
We have the authority; and all the power of God is at our disposal through the name of Jesus! We are overcomers in Christ! The church is a victorious church! Just call on Jesus and he will answer in power! We will possess the Gates of our enemy through the power of God!