John_6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Many people feel rejected or fear rejection and thus live in dejection. It is true that in life you will face many situations where people will reject you because of your looks, social status or some other human contrived valuation. Indeed, if my childhood and early adulthood taught me anything it was to expect rejection.
Ben Franklin is reported as having said, “I expect the absolute worst and when it does not happen I am pleasantly surprised.” I think that is how I have learned to cope with rejection. I expect it and when it does not happen I am not only pleasantly surprised I am occasionally shocked.
Even though I have achieved some modicum of what the world deems success, I still fully expect to be rejected in any new situation or by new people who come into my life. It does minimize the pain when it happens and I have come to realize that at times it is their own self-evaluations that cause then to devalue me. Knowing that does keep my dejection level at an acceptable place though I sorrow for the lost relationship especially when I know we both could have grown stronger if it had been maintained.
Many people do not come to Jesus for fear of rejection. After all, who are that God would want anything to do with them? King David also asked why God would bother with mankind let alone him. Can not our sins be to bad or the list of sins be too long? Is there not a line that is crossed where there is no turning back?
What are sometimes called the two unpardonable sins of the Old Testament because there was no sacrifice that could be given for murder or adultery were committed by Kind David, He wrote that if the Lord counted iniquities or sins no one can stand in the Judgment. Jesus told Peter to forgive his brother four hundred and ninety times with the implication of that being the daily number or to indicate unlimited forgiveness.
There is a line that can be crossed and that line is death, If you do not come to Jesus for the pardoning of your sins now you will have to face them at the Great White Throne where there is no plea bargain or pardon. So, if you are alive and reading this you have not yet crossed the line. Isaiah wrote that God said even if your sins are scarlet or maybe what we would call flaming red you are to come and reason with Him or discuss it and those sins could be made white as snow. Ever try to get some red stain out of a white garment? Not easy and sometimes there is a faint stain that never comes out. God said He would take all the red out with no stain remaining. No greater offer can ever be made than that.
The Father gave all who will come to Jesus and that is how you know you are one that the Father has given because you come to Christ for forgiveness and salvation. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth to be despised and rejected of men to pay for your sins then God is calling you to kneel at the empty tomb. Many kneel at the Cross and yes, that is where the payment was made, but the proof that His death was accepted by the Father and is valid for us is the empty tomb. Come kneel and ask Jesus, the Redeemer, to forgive you sins making you white as snow and a child of God, Come! He said He would no way cast you out or reject you. Your sins may be so heinous that they would shock and repulse most people, but the One who has seen all men's sins before the foundation of the world and died to pay for them will not turn you away. He will reach down in compassion and embrace you in arms of love for He sees what He has done for you and will do for you. At the moment of salvation you will have a seat in Heaven and the Holy Spirit will seal you and guide you in your journey home giving you an awesome gift that you might use to serve the One who has always loved you and the One you will love because He loved you. Come!! He is willing and ready!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
He loved the world and you and I are definitely in this world. We grieved Him by our sin, but He gave His Son to be beaten, mocked, spat on and killed for you and I and every person who ever live and shall be born, What does He ask for this? Trust. Believe what He said about man, Himself, and the record He gave of Jesus. Put you belief and trust in the Son for your forgiveness and salvation and you will not perish. You will have everlasting life. Mankind has trusted many things over the centuries and they all failed man. Only when we accept what God has given us in faith or trust does the world start to make sense and our lives transform.
Your sins are long and strong because you trusted many things that have failed you. In your search for happiness you have done it all and still been left empty. You have experienced the rejection of man and you think it is the same way God acts. He is the one who has suffered the ultimate rejection. He created man to love and His love has been rejected by so many since Adam and Eve, Yet, that rejection did not stop Him from loving man. He has put out His hand and man has bitten it even to the point of crucifying Jesus, whom they testified did many great wonders. They rejected their Savior, but little did they know that rejection would be the tool to bring men back to God.
Will you stop your rejection? Will you come to the One who will never reject you? He has promised to work all things for the good of those who love Him. You think you do not have enough faith or trust? Jesus said that if we had the faith the size of a mustard seed we could mountains. That seed is very, very small. Seen anyone move a mountain lately? Neither have I. So, it must take some really small faith to be saved or no one would have ever been saved, Come like one man in the Word who said, “Lord, I believe! Help thou my unbelief!” He was afraid that he did not have enough belief, but Jesus healed his son with that small trust. He will save you with your little faith. Come out of rejection and despair into acceptance and love! Maranatha!!!