Summary: In this life at one time or another, we all have someone that we are accountable to or for...someone we have to be accountable to. My grandson gave us a great example of what we look like when we shrug off being accountable.

In this life at one time or another, we all have someone that we are accountable to or for...someone we have to be accountable to. Whether for your children, grandchildren, your spouse, your boss, your Pastors, to yourself and most important of all, we are all accountable to God - we are all called to accountability. Sometimes we seem to rebel against the act of being accountable because we are like unruly children who have a problem with anyone or anything that has authority or is accountable for our actions.

Let me give you a simple childlike example. My one and only grandson is six years old. When he was, I think about three years old, he and his father, our son, Andrae were at our house visiting. Andrae had just gotten off work. He was tired, so he went and laid down leaving Jr. with my husband, who Jr. affectionately calls Pop or his main man. Well Pop was in the kitchen cooking and trying to keep Jr. away from the hot stove. There were several times that Jr. was told to go into the living room, sit down and watch TV. After a few more times of going back and forth with Jr. trying to get him to listen and do what he was told, that boy came back into the kitchen once again, and was told to go sit down. This time instead of doing what he was told, that child peeked around the corner to see if his father was still sleeping and when he saw that all was clear with his Dad sleeping, he looked up at my husband, his pop and whispered, "No".

Jr. is like many of us today. God tells us what we need to do, but we are like unruly children - good one minute and bad the next...children who go about our merry way, ending up doing what we want to do with our Burger King mentality trying to always have it our way without having any accountability for our actions.

So I want to talk about being accountable to God first and His word and then as we are accountable to Him it is easy to be accountable to each other, for how can you love God who you have not seen and not love each other enough to take ownership and be accountable for your actions and show some clear accountability to each other?

When you look at the word accountable, you must first look at the word account, which means, to think of as; to probe into; To analyze; to consider. In order to be accountable, we have to analyze and consider all we do, before we do it, and surmise how it will effect our life and the lives of those around us - we have to be accountable. We have to take into account the primary factor that brings about the end result. It's called being accountable.

There are steps taken when you are accountable for any given situation: #1- you must first discern what is taking place (2) you must then look into the dynamics of what is taking place (3) you must determine what action needs to be taken and (4) you must bring about a righteous resolution. I say righteous because some things that you may think are right may not be godly resolutions. Being responsible for your actions, indicates that you are accountable and make good on whatever that is. Anyone can say I am accountable and then ignore the responsibility and the outcome which they alone have initiated.

Let's take a closer look at this as we get into our scripture which is found in the book of Ruth. In processing the events that took place, it seems that Ruth may have taken the time to surmise the situation that was taking place in her life. First of all, how could she leave a woman that she no doubt, had a great love for. A woman that she most likely had learned a lot from in the ten or more years they had known each other. This was not just any woman, but Naomi became a mother figure to Ruth, so how could she just up and leave her without any remorse. So Ruth sacrificed her life and left everything she had behind. This Moabite who married a Judahite, was widowed and childless, she abandoned her own family, her country and her faith to settle into another country with her mother-in-law. This was a radical decision for Ruth. Her declaration to Naomi showed true accountability, faithfulness and a firm commitment not only to Naomi, but to God for she said: Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: [17] Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.

She firmly stated her commitment. Ruth most certainly understood the dynamics of her situation. If she left Naomi, what did she have to return to. What was so important to take her back to her own homeland? Was there anything left there for her? Would anything and anyone be the same? Were her parents still living? Would she be able to make any connections with her past? How could her life move forward? At least ten years of Ruth's life were spent with Naomi, so why go back to the past when the future lay right there ahead of her. Ruth positioned and made herself accountable to Naomi.

This young woman had great determination. She was determined that she would not return to her past, for there was nothing that Naomi could say or do to change her mind. She had made up her mind! Ruth made her decision loud and clear - she would move forward and go with Naomi. Ruth apparently knew that there was more to life with Naomi...a better life that would catapult her into greater things. She was not only being accountable for her life, but she was accountable to Naomi and to God! Ruth had dreams and goals for her life...she had lost someone too...she lost her husband...she was a widow that was left with nothing. No children...her love was gone! So what did she have to lose? Therefore, she saw a greater good in remaining accountable to Naomi. In the end, because of her obedience and faithfulness, she would move on to a greater level in Christ Jesus!

Today, we see many of our friends, family and college students leaving the cities where they were born and raised, and moving to places where they think there is greater potential. We see this same scenario in many of our churches because persons don't know the real meaning of being accountable to relationship...nor to fellowship. They don't know how to stay in place to grow or to help with growth. They let other things get in the way of their thinking and fail to see the greater potential in where they already are so that they can be used for Gods kingdom sake. They don't see the vision that is placed right before their eyes.

Orpah left, but Ruth refused to leave...she stayed and remained accountable and faithful. So because she took this stance and left everything else behind, there were greater blessings in her future...a future that had already been pre-ordained for her! Her accountability to Naomi and to God took her on a journey of great blessings. Her accountability became a monumental steppingstone into historical greatness.

Through Naomi, Ruth met her man, Boaz! With Boaz, Ruth would reach a higher and greater potential. Naomi was key to Ruth getting to that place of greatness. Naomi was was like a mentor to Ruth and Ruth listened and learned from her. Ruth listened when Naomi told her, that Boaz was a relative of her husband...a man of mighty wealth. Ruth listened and obeyed when Naomi told her to stay close to the other young women who were gleaning in the fields. Ruth listened, learned and obeyed everything that Naomi advised her to do.

In Ruth 3:3-6 MSG, Naomi gave Ruth these instructions:

[3-4] "Take a bath. Put on some perfume. Get all dressed up and go to the threshing floor. But don't let him know you're there until the party is well under way and he's had plenty of food and drink. When you see him slipping off to sleep, watch where he lies down and then go there. Lie at his feet to let him know that you are available to him for marriage. Then wait and see what he says. He'll tell you what to do." [5] Ruth said, "If you say so, I'll do it, just as you've told me." [6] She went down to the threshing floor and put her mother-in-law's plan into action.

As I said, this was a monumental feat for Ruth and because of her accountability, faithfulness and obedience, her life would lead her to global importance and historical significance all because she listened, gleaned and applied all that she learned from Naomi.

After some negotiating, with another kinsman, Boaz was able to marry Ruth and from that union came a son who they named, Obed who became the father of Jesse, who ultimately became the father of King David. Therefore, Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David. Her accountability to Naomi lifted her into her destiny...a place of greatness.

Real accountability is filled with a lot of what if's. It can be fraught with doubts...fears and confusion. Knowing what you know about Ruth, what if Ruth had not been accountable to Naomi and turned her back leaving like her sister Orpah did? Think about that for a moment! As I said at the beginning of this message, each one of us here is accountable to someone or something. We're accountable for the way we live this life that God pre-ordained before we even saw the light of day. Look at Ruth and what it took for her to fulfill her destined purpose. Ask yourself...have I been accountable for life the way that God desires? Who or what do I take ownership of? Because with ownership comes accountability. Like Ruth and Naomi, God is looking for those who will draw close and be accountable to Him, His words and for the love of each other. Search your heart...take a step in Gods direction and take ownership of everything He has destined for your life!

Now let me ask you this question today? Who are you accountable to? Gods work is of global proportions and He's looking for persons like Ruth who will look ahead and not turn back when the going gets tough! He's looking for persons like Ruth who will be accountable to Him even when they don't have any idea of what lies ahead! He's looking for persons like Ruth who will be steadfast, immovable and will abound in His work! He's looking for persons like Ruth who are not opposed to being taught...learning more and applying that knowledge...adding it to life skills. He's looking for persons that have learned and will be accountable to His word by spreading that gospel to other teachable souls! He's looking for you, to stretch your wings and fly high in His word! Be accountable to His accountable to accountable to each accountable to this church and be accountable to your purpose driven life! It's time for real accountability!