Three separate names were used by the Hebrew Scriptures for the fourth feast in the Jewish religious calendar.
1) "The Feast of Weeks" (Exodus 34222; Deuteronomy 16:10; 2 Chronicles 8:13) - It was given this name because seven weeks were counted from the Feast of Firstfruits until observing this feast.
2) "The Day of Firstfruits" (Numbers 28:26) - This was the day on which the firstfruit offerings of the summer wheat crop were brought to the Temple. It marked the beginning of the summer wheat harvest like Firstfruits marked the beginning of the spring barley harvest.
3) "The Feast of Harvest" (Exodus 23:16) - this feast marked the official beginning of the summer harvest season.
The Hebrew word, "shavout," which is translated "weeks" is also known as "Pentecasfr " which means "fiftieth," since it was celebrated on the fiftieth day from the Feast of Firstfruits. It was celebrated in the late spring, usually late May or early June. Though a specific date isn't mentioned in the Bible, the date was very specific, being the fiftieth day from the Feast of Firstfruits, on Nisan 16. Since the finstfruit offering on the Feast of Firstfruits was known as the "omer" the counting from Firstfruits to Pentecost was called the "counting of the omer."
1. The practical significance of this feast for Israel.
A) The original significance - This was one of three feasts during which all Jewish men were to present themselves at the Temple, as they did for the Feasts of Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles. It was also a rest day on which no regular work was to be done.
Like Firstfruits, nothing was done with the wheat harvest until the firstfruits were presented to the Lord. But the offering consisted of two long, flat, leavened loaves of wheat bread (v. 17). The loaves and two lambs were presented to the Lord as a peace offering. The priest waved them before the altar forwards and backwards, then up and down. They were then set aside for the priests (v. 20) to eat later that day.
B) The eventual significance - When Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, there were various failed uprisings. A final failed uprising in 135 AD, resulted in the Jews being forbidden to enter their capital city ever again. The land had nothing to harvest; and there was no Temple to bring offerings to, nor was there hope of it being rebuilt.
With no Temple, observing of the feasts of the Lord was impossible. So in 140 AD, the Sanhedrin decided to change the focus of this feast from harvest and to the giving of the law to Moses.
Though the Bible never associated the giving of the Law with this feast, this theme was chosen because the Law was given on the third month (Exodus 19:1), the month this feast would be celebrated. Today, it is celebrated with special decorations in the Synagogue; with people gathering to hear readings from Ezekiel and Habakkuk about the Temple; feasting on dairy dishes like cheesecakes, cheese blintzes, and cheese kreplah; and with the people staying up all night (this special day starts at 6 PM Saturday and goes to 6 PM Sunday), reading and discussing selections of Scripture, including the entire book of Ruth.
2. The prophetic significance of this feast for Christians - Acts 2.
The Prophetic significance is the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Jews from all over gathered for this feast, because it was a pilgrimage feasts. The disciples were gathered together, when at 9 AM, there was a sound like a mighty windstorm, that filled the house, and what looked like tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other languages. People came running and heard the believers speaking in their own languages, about the wonderful things God had done! Paul said in 1 Corinthians
14:21 that this was a fulfillment of Isaiah 28:11-12:
"It is written in the Scriptares: 'I will speuk to my own people through strange languages and through the lips of foreigners. But even then, they will not listen to me,' says the Lord,"
Peter explained how this was a result of Jesus dying for mankind's sin, rising on the 3rd day, and ascending back to heaven. Jesus was, uExalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear," (Acts 2:33). 3,000 trusted Jesus as Messiah and Savior and were baptized, thus launching the age of the church!
A) Pentecost marked the beginning of the time of the new covenant.
"The Lord has promisecl to rescue the ciry of Zion and Jacob's descendants who turnfrom sin. The Lonn says: 'My people, promise to give you my Spirit and my message. These will be my gtfts to you and yourfamiliesforever. I, the Lono, have spoken.'" - Isaiah 59:20-21(CEV)
"But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,' declures the Lord, "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each msn his brother, suying, 'Know the Lord,'for they will all know Me,from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the Lord,'for I willforgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.'" - Jeremiah 31:33-34 (NASB)
"I will pour oat my Spirit on all people," (Acts2:l7a NIV).
"And when you believed in Christ, he identijied yoa as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago." - Ephesians 1:13 (NLT)
No longer must I seek to live for God by looking to the law and depending on myself. Now I can live for God by looking to the law and depending on the Holy Spirit. As we allow the Holy Spirit control of our lives, He guides us in living out God's Word.
The Difference in the Work of the Holy Spirit before and after Pentecost:
1. Before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit empowered a few believers to perform special jobs - Joseph - Genesis 41:38; Joshua - Numbers 27:18; Certain Judges - Judges 3:10; 6:34; llz29;13224-25;15:14; Certain Kings - I Samuel 10:9-10; 16:13; Daniel - Daniel 4:8; 5:11-14; 6:3; Zechariah - Zecharizh 4;3,6, 12-14
2. Before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit revealed Christ to the Old Testament writers - 1 Peter 1:11
3. Before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit could be removed as a part of discipline - I Samuel 16:14; Psalm 51:11
4. Before Pentecost, believers had to obtain the Holy Spirit by asking for Him and His ministry - 2 Kings 2:9-10; Luke 11:9-13
5. Just before His ascension, Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples to sustain them until Pentecost - John 20:19-23
6. Since Pentecost, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit - John 7:37-39; 14:16-17; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20.
7. Since Pentecost, it is not a question of asking for the Holy Spirit or His ministry, but a question of being under control of the Holy Spirit - Ephesians 4:18: 1 John 1:5-9
8. Since Pentecost, the believer cannot lose the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as he could before Pentecost - John 14:16-17
B) Pentecost marked the beginning of the time of "summer harvest"
This feast marked the start of summer harvest; and Pentecost marked the start of a harvesting of souls for the kingdom. We're now between the spring and fall feasts - the 1st and 2nd comings of Christ. And His return is delayed only to allow as many as possible to be saved!
3. The personal significance of this feast for me.
A. As an unbeliever - I need to give my life to Christ today.
"I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth andfollowing their own clesires. They will say, 'What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again?' The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, os some people think. No, he is being patientfor your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." - 2 Peter 3:3-4a; 9 (NLT)
'Twas the night before Jesus came and all tlirough the house;
Not a creature was praying, not me or my spouse.
Our Bibles were lain on the shelf without care,
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing their head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap
Was watching the late showm while I took a nap
When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray,
I knew in a moment it was judgment day!
The light of His face made me cover my head,
It was Jesus! Returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His hand,
Was written the name of every saved man,
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said, 'It's not here.' My head hung in shame!
I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as I considered my plight;
If only I had been ready tonight!
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call,
We'll find that the Bible was true after all!
B. As a believer -
l) I need to depend on the power of the Spirit.
We must practice "spiritual breathing." Physical breathing provides oxygen that is necessary for producing enerry. It also releases carbon dioxide, a lethal gas in large quantities. In spiritual breathing, we "exhale" by confessing our sins to God and claiming forgiveness; and "inhale" by yielding to the Spirit's control. While we don't think about physical breathing; we do need to consciously choose to do spiritual breathing, by daily confessing our sin (exhaling) and yielding to the control of the Holy Spirit (inhaling).
"Previously, you let yourselves be slaves to impurity and lawlessness, which led ever deeper into sin. Now you must give yourselves to be slaves to righteous living so that you will become holy." - Romans 6:19b (NLT)
2) I need to declare the power of the Savior - Acts 2:11.
"But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me . .. " - Acts 1:8a (CEV)
"God can do anything, you know -far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working wilhin us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." - Ephesians 2:20 (The Message)