Summary: People are finding fault like never before over our new president. Power Point is available upon request


A) If you were to come to me and say, “Pastor, I have some problems in my

personal life, can you help me?”

* I would open my Bible, try to identify the problem and seek to speak God’s truth into

your life, giving you God’s Word to deal with whatever situation you are facing.

B) If you were to come to me with a family problem, and say, “Pastor can you help us?”

* I would open my Bible, try to identify the problem and seek to speak God’s truth into

your life, giving you God’s Word to deal with whatever situation you are facing.

C) If you were the Pastor of a church and came to me and said, “Bo, our church is

in a mess, can you help me?”

* I would open my Bible, try to identify the problem and seek to speak God’s truth into

your life, giving you God’s Word to deal with whatever situation you are facing.

D) So basically, we would open the Word of God, identify the cause of the problem .......

* And based upon the Word of God, prescribe Biblical solutions that will help deal with

and rectify the issue.

* In other words, Scripture would not only solve the personal and family issues,

but also any church problems as well.

E) However, when it comes to finding answers as a nation for the chaos in our country,

where do we turn?

* Where do we turn for solutions when we are experiencing moral problems, social

and economic issues and decline? .......

* More debt than has ever been seen before? ... Unstable in our society, but also across

the World?


A) He says the problem is most Christians change books.

* While the Bible is good enough for individuals, families and churches .......

* It seems that somehow by most, it has been deemed insufficient for how we respond

to politics and government.

B) Yet the same Book that can restore a person, home, and church is the same

Book that can restore and transform our nation.

* Truth is, because we have changed Books is the reason our country has been in a

steady decline for many, many years.

C) With the upcoming election and the issues facing America in the days ahead .......

* I want to take our Bible and look at a number of biblical issues that are a part of the

upcoming election.

D) Too many Christians are afraid of speaking out forcefully about biblical issues in

our culture today, but I do not have a choice.

* 2 Tim. 4:2 “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,

exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

E) Jesus is clear about His people being salt and light in this world we live in.

* Unfortunately many Christians have forgotten their role.

* We are to speak out and live out biblical values ... We are to be salt and light in a fallen

world and live for the Glory of God.

* Why? ... So that others will see our lives, lifestyle, and glorify Him as well.

F) We can impact our culture if we choose to do so.

* So let me give you biblical principles to use in praying for and voting in the

upcoming election.


A) Is the government important? ... Why is it established?

* Why vote? ... Why care? ... Is it a necessary evil?

B) God Created Government – Romans 13:1-7 .......

* So God created Government ... Why? ... To protect the people.

* Because sin entered the world, chaos would reign if there were no government.

* 1 Peter 2:13-14 .......

C) God Controls Government.

* The Bible says that God establishes and is sovereign over earthly governments.

D) Sovereign – One that exercises supreme authority; of the most exalted kind;

possessed of supreme power.

* Absolute authority and control and He can do exactly what He wants to do.

* Proverbs 21:1 ....... John 19:11 ....... (To Pilate)

E) I am glad we have a God that is in control.

* Even when it looks like things are going crazy, He’s still in on the throne, and still

has a Master plan.

F) But here’s a good question – If God is in control, why do we have to do anything?

* Why vote? ... Why be active in Community? ... Why even lead people to Jesus?

* If God has it all figured out, and He does, we shouldn’t be held responsible for anything.

* Such a fatalist attitude ... Whatever will be will be, I don’t need to be involved.


A) Remember this about God and His Sovereignty .......

* God has not only written it all out the way He wants, with the outcome He has prescribed,

but it is by our involvement that God achieves this overall outcome.

B) Example: Salvation – All of God.

* From the foundation of the world, He has chosen those that will be saved, however,

we are the means that He accomplishes this.

* Romans 10:14-17 .......

C) Sanctification – The children of God will be secure, taken to heaven,

nothing will separate us .......

* Yet, we are called to be obedient, and our obedience is the means that the Holy Spirit

uses to accomplish this.

D) Things are going on in the world that need Christian influence, witness, testimony,

standing up for what is right, and righteousness .......

* And God will use us as a means for achieving His purpose and plan.

* God has determined the end, but we are the instruments He uses to accomplish His

divine plan ... Same is true with our Government ... Read sometime 1 Samuel 8 .......

E) First King of Israel, Saul ... People wanted him – Why?

* Man of God didn’t do what he was supposed to do – His kids were ungodly.

* And the people wanted to be like other nations.

* They were warned ... And God gave them the government they desired ... All within

the confines of His Sovereignty.

F) God uses His people as we stand on His Word, living out His principles of

righteousness, to establish His plans and purposes, even in the government.

* It is our duty as Christians as well as Americans to be salt and light to matters

that are spiritual in nature in this world.

* It is incredible that God uses us in that way ... That is why elections are important.

* (1) We Need A Biblical World View Of Government


A) Jesus makes it clear that “We are the light of the world.”

* He also makes it clear that light is not to be hidden from the world because they

need to see it.

B) That is the specific reason God has invested His light in us, for the world

to see it shine.

* This means that as Christians we are to have a biblical worldview and live it out.

* Everything we approach must be through the view of Scripture.

C) We are then to shine the teaching of Scripture out of our speech and choices.

* There is no distinction in Scripture between spiritual and political, not according

to Matthew 5:13-16 .......

* God has not called us to be Republicans, Democrats, or Independents – He has called

us to be Christians – Believers – Children of God.

D) What Is A Biblical World View?

* Everyone has a world view ... We all have certain biases that affect the way we view

life and reality.

* A world view is like a set of lenses that alter the way we see the world around us.

* It is formed by our upbringing, education, books we read, media, movies, culture.

E) An individual’s worldview is his or her basis for answering such questions as:

* Who am I? ... Where did I come from? ... Where am I going?

* What is true and what is false? ... How should I conduct my life, or act?

* Does God exist, and if so, what is my response to Him?


A) A secular world view sees the individual as the ultimate standard and source of

truth and chooses to live to fulfill their own needs, wants and desires. (Me)

* A Biblical World View sees Scripture as the foundation of truth and therefore lives,

makes choices that reflect the Bible and give glory to God.

B) Example:

1) God exists, and He is the standard by which we measure everything.

2) God created everything that exists and everything is held together by Him.

3) The Bible is God’s inspired Word revealed to mankind.

4) The fullness of God came to earth and lived, His name is Jesus Christ,

the Son of God.

5) Sin entered the world at the fall in the Garden, and everyone is a sinner.

6) Putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ is man’s only hope of salvation

and home in heaven.

C) If we really don’t believe the truth of God and live it, then our witness will be

confusing and misleading.

* Many Christians go through life not recognizing that our personal world views have

been deeply affected by the world – 1 Thess. 4:3-8 .......

D) Scripture commands us to avoid sexual immorality, but how often do Christians

fall into lust, premarital or extra marital sin?

* Are we tempted? – Yes ... Are we bombarded with a sexual culture that is seeking to

change our world view? – Yes.

E) We have to get back to the Bible and examine how we look at things.

* And how we are living will tell us a lot about how we believe.

F) People are asking, “Who do we vote for? ... Can you vote for a candidate that

believes this or that?”

* I cannot tell you that, neither will I try to persuade you.

G) I do know this – As Christians .......

* 1) We Need A Biblical World View Of Government

2) We Need A Biblical World View Of Living


A) Believers should be involved in our society in such a way as to advance

a biblical worldview.

* We are to vote on issues which relate to our biblical worldview.

* We are NOT just to vote on candidates, but on biblical worldview issues.

B) What are some of these issues we face?

* Let me tell you what some of life’s issues are .......


A) Look at Psalm 139:13-16 .......

* This is pretty plain of God’s view on little babies and when life begins.

* Abortion is wrong ... If it’s a sin to do it, it’s a sin to support it.

B) The destruction of a human life in the manner referred to as abortion is

a horrible and sinful practice against God’s laws.

* The murder of an innocent, unborn life is just that – Murder.

* If it’s a sin to do it, it’s a sin to support it.

* You can’t say it’s wrong to murder and then support the law to legalize it.

C) In closing: Let me give you another example:

* Same sex marriage – Romans 1:26-32 .......

* It is prohibited by Scripture, and therefore as Christians, we are to vote against any

granting of rights of this abnormal sexual behavior.

D) If it’s a sin to do it, it’s a sin to support it.

* Matthew 7:17-20 ....... Matthew 12:33-37 .......

E) Choose the candidate based upon how their view of biblical issues reveals

their worldview.

* Remember: We are not Republicans or Democrats, but we are followers of Christ.