Summary: Every redeemed child of God has a supernatural heritage in Him-possessions of great and inestimable value.


Study Text: Obadiah 1:17


- The Bible makes it clear that a battle line has been drawn between two kingdoms. One is the kingdom of God: the kingdom of light and righteousness. The other is the kingdom of the devil: the kingdom of darkness, evil, and all lies.

- Every redeemed child of God has a supernatural heritage in Him-possessions of great and inestimable value.

- Unfortunately however, many are ignorant of this truth! They have been deceived into accepting their present unpalatable condition as their portion from God: but the devil is a liar!

- Every one of us has a possession and promise in God. However, those promises need to manifest in the natural form, before you can enjoy its benefits, otherwise they may as well remain non-existent.

- This verse in Obadiah is a prophetic statement about the Church of God today. Mount Zion represents the Church of God today, and the people of God are the spiritual Israelites. Hebrews 12: 22-24.

- There are three things we should always expect in every fellowship of the Church of God today:

1. The Power of God for Deliverance

2. The Grace of God for Holiness

3. The Mercy of God for Possessing our Possessions

- We shall be discussing fully on each of the blessings we are entitled to upon Mount Zion.

1. The Power of God for Deliverance

- Deliverance means total freedom from the yokes and burdens of the demonic kingdom, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 10: 27.

- The power of God’s presence can deliver us totally from the bondages of Sin, Sicknesses, Afflictions, Demonic Oppressions, Curses, Evil Covenants and Negative Cycles.

- Without deliverance, holiness will be difficult, and possessions cannot be possessed. This is because demonic powers are behind certain sins, and make people to commit them to the extremes above ordinary manifestation of the lusts of the flesh.

- Some of these include all forms of sexual immoralities, lies, stealing, drunkenness, and certain emotional behaviours like anger, malice, bitterness and hatred.

- Anyone under the influence of these demonic powers in charge of these sinful habits and behaviour cannot live a holy life until he or she is delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit.

- There is a promised of deliverance to anyone who will call on the name of the Lord, Joel 2: 32, and the Church has been given power to cast out devils and to trample upon them in the name of Jesus. Mark 16: 17.

- Every miracle of God has two parts to it – there is the God part (giving the promise), and the man part (taking the necessary actions for the fulfilment of the promise). Now, even though God has promised to deliver you, you have the responsibility to do your part in order to receive your deliverance.

- The promise places responsibilities on you to take action; for to every promise, there must be a corresponding action. You need to believe the power of God, and call upon His name for your deliverance.

2. The Grace of God for Holiness

- Holiness means living a life that is well pleasing to the Lord and in total submissiveness to God’s will and purpose. 2 Corinthians 5: 15.

- In order to live a holy life, you must first experience salvation as the foundation for the new life in Christ Jesus. If the seed of the word of God is not planted in you, it will be totally impossible to live a holy life.

- Holiness will be easier after your deliverance from the oppressions of demons, and it is also a necessary condition for you to sustain your deliverance and remain free.

- Holiness is also very much necessary before the promises of God can come to fulfilment in your life, and before you can possess your possessions. This is because through holiness, you receive the favour of God and you are shielded from all satanic attacks and oppositions.

- Holiness is achievable, not by human efforts but through the grace of God, and we have the abundance of this grace flowing in His presence each time we fellowship. Hebrews 4: 15 – 16.

3. The Mercy of God for Possessing our Possessions

- God has a plan for your life, despite all the challenges you may be facing presently. Deuteronomy 8:7-9, 11:10-12: He has the same plans for you, and intends to give you His very best.

- From these passages, we can conclude that there is a possession and an inheritance, prepared by God with your name on it. He says He is taking you to that promised destination, so be rest assured that you will get there.

- You need to possess all your possessions to benefit maximally from being a child of the kingdom, and this is being made possible by the mercy we receive in God’s presence.

- To possess is the act of taking into control or the act of having control. It is possible to have possessions and yet not possessing them. Luke 11:21-22

- We see the principle of possession at work in the parable of the strong man. Very simply stated, “the stronger man gets the goods.” He is labeled a strong man because of his ability to hold in possession.

- Therefore, the key to possession is dominion, because it is a stronger man than the strongman that will be in possession. You bind the strong man by being bound to God’s Word.

- Living in ignorance is living in darkness and total alienation from God. You need spiritual understanding to unlock the storehouse to your possessions in Christ! John 8: 32

- If you don’t have access to your possessions in Christ, then you cannot take delivery of them and that means, you cannot enjoy them and that is contrary to the will of God for your life!

- You need to become stronger by your knowledge of the truth, resist the Devil and possess your possessions by force. Matthew 11: 12

- God has prepared great and unquantifiable possessions for His children to take care of all our needs spiritually, financially, materially, emotionally and so on.

- You might want to ask at this point: What are these possessions? What is my inheritance in Christ worth? How do I identify them in the Scriptures? How do I take possession of them?

- There are strategies that you need in order to engage with those God-given promises and convert them into realities.

- Just as God spoke to the children of Israel to go and possess the land, so must you also step out. In the same way that He moved the children of Israel from the land of bondage to the land of Canaan, you need to understand that where you are today is not God’s ultimate best for you.

Reasons for being unable to possess your possessions:

1. If you are ignorance or not aware of the possessions or not aware they belong to you. Acts 19: 1-6.

2. Fear of the unknown, or an impending danger or evil. 2 Kings 7: 12 – 13.

3. When the enemy has taken control of it. 2 Kings 8: 3 – 6. There is no need of struggling with the enemy; you only need to report them to King Jesus.

4. When you lose it through carelessness or carefree attitude, like the example of Esau.

5. When you are not ready or prepared for it. Your attitude and action taken will suggest your readiness. Consider Hannah, Jabez, Caleb etc.

6. When you do not believe you will possess them. 2 Kings 7: 1 – 2.

Realities to Possess your Possessions:

1. Trust in the power of God:

- Recognise the awesome resources available in God. God is El-Shaddai, meaning He is more than enough for every circumstance. He is a God of abundance, who can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you may ever ask or think. He can do anything, for with Him nothing shall be impossible (Ephesians 3:20, Luke 1:37).

2. Believe and keep the promise of God concerning you:

- God always has you on his mind. He is always thinking of you. His plan for you is to prosper you. Psalm 115:12 puts it aptly; ‘The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron.’

3. Confess your victories and blessings in Christ:

- Your best days are not behind you but ahead of you. Here is Jeremiah 31:17; ‘There is hope in your future, says the Lord that your children shall come’.

4. Boldly claim your divine inheritance:

- You have been equipped and empowered to take hold of whatever God has promised you. The fact that He promised you is the proof that you can take it.

- God will not give you what you cannot handle – the moment God releases his promises, it means you have been empowered to walk in the reality of that promise. Don’t give room for fear or limitations.

5. Fight spiritual battles always:

- Our warfare is spiritual and that is why we have been given spiritual weapons to fight. 2 Corinthians 10: 3 – 5.

- We are to forcefully lay hold of the blessings that God has already provided for us and put within our reach, for us to come to Him and receive, having been purchased by His Blood.