Summary: The world is looking for peace. It cannot be experienced apart from our relationship with God. God is the source of our peace and He has bold Kingdom Objectives for our peace.


Illus. – Years ago, two artists set out to paint a picture representing perfect peace. The first painted a canvas depicting a carefree lad sitting in a boat on a little placid lake without a ripple to disturb the surface. The other painted a raging waterfall with winds whipping the spray about. On a limb, overhanging the swirling water, a bird had built its nest, and sat peacefully brooding her eggs. Here, she was safe from her predatory enemies, shielded and protected by the roaring falls.

The peace of God is not the ABSENCE of trials. Rather, it is the result of remaining calm and cool in the MIDST of trial. The opposite of peace is anxiety and worry when facing perplexing circumstances.

Only saved people can experience the peace of God. It’s for believers who are controlled by the Spirit, for it is one of the “fruit of the Spirit” found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, PEACE…” But a Christian can lose the peace OF God if he’s not living in the Spirit and not walking in faith, but rather is filled with fear and care.


When we are saved and our peace with God is made, living in the peace of God is the priority of Jesus Christ. One of His greatest concerns for His disciples was that they would know peace. He knew the road that lay ahead for each of them and the troubles they and each of us would face. Here is what Jesus said to them shortly before dying.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

If you are ever going to experience peace in your life– it won’t come thru financial security, thru your mate, thru your job, thru anything of this earth. All of these things can be taken from you any moment. None of them are guaranteed. Where does true peace come from?

It comes in and thru our relationship with Jesus Christ.

The old saying is true: If you Know Jesus, then you Know Peace. If you have No Jesus, you have no peace.


John 14:1 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me."

Jesus gives us His peace. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Peace is His gift to us, but it is up to us to receive it and grow in it.

How do we procure this peace that Christ gives us?

It is thru faith. Every day that you live you choose if and how much you are going to believe Jesus. Peace comes thru faith-building experiences and the more you go thru, the more your faith grows.

The more your faith in Christ grows, the more peace you have. In the Gospel of Mark, We can see Jesus perform 4 miracles in less than 24 hours to accomplish one thing in the disciples– their unwavering faith in Him.

The story begins at Mk 4:35, Jesus and the disciples are crossing the sea at night. Fierce storm blows up while Jesus is asleep. It looks like they will all die. They woke Jesus and asked Him “Carest not that we are perishing?” He stood and rebuked the wind saying “Hush, be still.”

He lay down and went back to sleep. The disciples, though, asked a very important question, “Who is this that even the wind and sea obey Him?”

They land that morning at a cemetery. A man is possessed by demons and wild, naked, and a self-mutilator. He runs to Jesus and throws himself down at His feet. Jesus cast the demons out of him and into a herd of swine. One awesome thing I notice about this journey is that Jesus met the man, healed the man, and immediately left. Why did He go all the way there and leave so quickly? Because 1 man's soul was crying out to Him. Jesus made that journey for 1 man. Surely Jesus came to save the masses, but He is also a personal Savior. And, today, if you are in peril, cry out to Him. He will hear you and He will rescue you because He loves you.

They cross back over the sea and are immediately swarmed by a crowd of people. A man approaches Jesus and asks Him to come and heal his daughter who is near death. They start making their way to their home. One lady, though, pushes her way thru the crowd. She has been suffering with a health condition for many years. Her life was filled with pain and shame. She never dreamed to get to talk to Jesus or Him talk to her. Probably, the shame of her condition made her want to remain anonymous anyway. She thought, "If I could just touch His robe, I will be healed."

She made her way through and touched His robe and was completely healed in an instant. Jesus noticed that His power was accessed and asked "Who touched Me?"

The disciples looked at Him incredulously and asked, "Jesus, numerous people are crowding you and grabbing you and you asked "Who touched you?"

Jesus turned to the woman and talked a moment and said "Your faith has made you well."

They continued down the road to heal the sick little girl, but news came that she was already dead. Jesus said "She is not dead, but only sleeping." Some in the crowd began to make fun of Him. But, Unfazed by the news, Jesus went into her room and raised her from the dead.

WHO IS THIS MAN? He is Jesus, the Lord over all Creation.

In less than 24 hours, the disciples have come to know that Jesus is Master over the Winds and waves and over all Creation.

He is also Lord over the spiritual realm and all the demons of Hell flee when He rebukes them.

He is the Healer of broken bodies and He raises the dead to life again.

He is Jesus! He is the Lord! And, soon, the disciples would confess Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the Living God!”

For you to ever experience the peace of God that I’m talking about today, then you, too, must come to know and trust Him in this way!


John 16:33 33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

God’s objective in the peace that comes from Jesus Christ is that you would live your life with courage. Jesus warned the disciples about all the tribulation and problems they would face. But, He also encouraged them by reminding them of Who He is. He wanted them to know that every storm that rocked them, every problem they encountered, every health issue they faced, and even death itself– Jesus is the Master over!

* Paul had this to say about the problems we face.

2 Cor 4:7-10 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; 8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

What is this treasure? It Christ in us, the hope of Glory!!

What do we experience from it? The greatness of the power of God!!

What is the result from it? No matter what the world or Satan throws at us, we are not defeated!

* The apostles boldly took the gospel all over the known world. From Israel to China, from India to Africa, and to all of Europe and Britain.

The Peace of God carried them all over the world. It carried them thru their lives and even unto death.

It even carried them thru the grave.

You see, Jesus gives us this peace so that we will not worry or live in fear in our lives. But this peace also comforts us in our death.

The disciples greatly needed this "peace of God" in order to accomplish what Christ commanded them to do. They would each face great obstacles, great victories, and great persecution. If they were going to be able to persevere in their calling they would need God's peace. Each of them were faithful, too, even unto death.

We know very little about most of the apostles, but tradition tells us how they died.

I was reading up on how these brave apostles served and died.

* James the Great was the first- beheaded in Jerusalem in AD 44.

* Matthew was killed by sword for preaching against immorality of the king.

* Bartholomew and Thomas were both martyred in India. Thomas may have doubted Jesus after the Crucifixion, but he never doubted again.

* James the Lesser was stoned and clubbed to death.

* Phillip was crucified in Egypt in 54 AD.

* Thaddeus was crucified in 72 AD

* Simon the Zealot was crucified in Britain in 74 AD.

* Peter was crucified upside down in Rome about 67 AD.

* Andrew was in Greece when the persecution began. Proconsul Aegeates pleaded with him to renounce Christ so he wouldn’t be forced to execute him. Andrew refused and was scourged and crucified in AD 69. He hung on the cross for 2 days before dying. And for 2 days he witnessed to every person that came by.

* Paul was martyred in Rome about the same time Peter was killed. Paul, though, was a Roman citizen, so he was beheaded instead of being crucified.

* John was exiled to Patmos to finish out his life separated from all people. But, he was never alone.

Just as Jesus was with each of the apostles in their deaths, He was with John throughout those remaining years of his life.

And He promises also to be with you in whatever you face in life and also in death.

What are we to do in the face of the problems we face?

1 Pet 5:7 “cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”

God’s got great plans for you. But you will never know the life God has for you unless place your faith in Him and let His peace rule your heart and boldly live the life He has called you to live.