What Is Your Spirit?
Defeating the Spirit of Jezebel
Church let me ask a few questions this morning. Do you remember your first love? Do you remember how our mind was always on that special one? Do you remember how you could not sleep without saying goodnight my love? Do you remember how your spirit was overjoyed with excitement and anticipation of being in the presence of that special one? Understand that true love asks for nothing it’s acceptance comes straight from the depths of one’s heart. You cannot put a price on Love, you cannot have the option to buy on a payment plan with Love, and you cannot put on layaway. So, let us look at this word today in the scripture it begins with when the angel I know your works, love, patience, and above all your works have we as a church in the 21st century forgotten our first true Love. Has the church been hypnotized with false love and allowing idol things within this world to become our first love. Now get this, the catch is, we have allowed the JEZEBEL SPIRIT to run the church. Today’s churches have been become so corrupt with Domination, Intimidation, Elimination, Manipulation, Interrogation, Fornication, Idolatry, Adultery, and Inconsiderate of the Lord Our God Almighty. It has simply become A Ball of Confusion in the HOUSE OF GOD which directs us to the points in this message:
1. What is the Jezebel Spirit?
2. Rebuking the Jezebel Spirit?
3. What is your Spirit?
First in this message today the objective is to present the church with the Spiritual Warfare that is taking place in the Body of Christ. For Jesus, our Lord dictated to the seven churches that operated throughout Asia Minor warning of the problems and pitfalls in their faith which affected their growth in their Faith. These letters imply today for we live in a time where being accountable for our minds, body, souls and spirits is swept under the rug. Let me ask the question What is your Spirit? Don’t answer right away until you hear the message today. See we all must evaluate our spiritual health for it is important in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
To begin with the first point What is the Jezebel Spirit. We must understand it is not just one spirit like Satan it is a type of evil spirit in Satan’s kingdom. Let me clarify that there is one Satan whose goal is to kill, steal and destroy anything that is good. In 1 Kings 21:25-26 But there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord, because Jezebel his wife stirred him up. And he behaved very abominably in following idols, according to all that the Amorites had done, whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel. Jezebel caused chaos among the people of Israel and in the church of Thyatira the Jezebel Spirit took over the church. Now let us look at the 21st century and the Jezebel Spirit which is still lurking throughout the church. Think about my questions What is Your Spirit? The important fact about Jezebel is she proclaimed to be a prophetess yet she created so many sins against our Heavenly Father. Let me make this point perfectly clear there is a Jezebel Spirit in every church that is creating havoc. Keep in mind that this spirit is not gender based it is genderless. Jesus was upset with the Church of Thyatira because they allowed false prophets to walk into the church and have their way creating the act of impurities against our God. Just as the same today there is a Ball of Confusion taking place currently in the churches all over the world. As stated in the beginning there are spirits like domination, manipulation, fornication, hesitation, adultery, idolatry instigation and intimidation that are taking place in the church houses today.
The Jezebel Spirit is the “Master Spirit” for it is full of cunning and high intelligence than any other demonic spirit. To make this plain and simple this spirit is one of Satan high ranking spirit which makes it dangerous and deadly in the church. See, how this spirit operates is basically the same way every time it moves in on someone and takes over. But after a certain length of time it keeps playing the same types of games then moves from one person to another. Using its level of intelligence this spirit can play more than one type of game in the church to attempt to destroy the church. In Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge I also will reject you from being priest of me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. See with the Jezebel spirit we reject our God. See my brothers and sisters we must rebuke such spirits from in within our souls. For nothing can be hidden from the Lord for he knows the core of our hearts.
As the church in Thyatira was proclaimed to allow the wickedness of Jezebel spirit it was proclaimed in Revelations 2:21-23 expounds on how given the chance to repeat but the chose judgement from God. See when we refuse to repent unto God we also posse the spirit of Jezebel. Let me break it down like this, the church today is in the hot seat before the Lord for he is judging hard when we allow such a wicked spirit as the Jezebel Spirit to run rapid. For we are disobedient and do not comply to the total will of God. Let me pose this question how many times have you been on a sickbed, faced a disappointment, been hurt and abused, felt like no one loved you, felt like your family has forsaken you “BUT GOD” is still right there despite our sin and transgressions. When I look at society today and see all the confusion for example a little toddler and his parents can now go on national tv and say to the world I know I was born a boy but in my mind, I am a girl. See such thoughts and actions as these are reflecting the Jezebel Spirit. My questions to you today is how do we defeat this spirit?
Now to begin with defeating such a spirit we must first call Jezebel out! To be a champion in this spiritual warfare we must recognize just want it really is a “RULER OF DARKNESS” for in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
My brothers and sisters to gain deliverance in this Spiritual Warfare we must first be prayed up and studied fully in the word of God to be able to apply the gift of discernment when fighting Satan. For this weapon of destruction sole purpose is to come against the Kingdom of God by any means necessary. Therefore, we must be able to identify these demonic spirits that causes mind control, fear, deception, witchcraft, poverty, pride, jealousy, idolatry, fornication and adultery. For it is when we participate in such acts we are portraying falsehood. See this what Jesus is speaking to with the Church of Thyatira for they spoke one thing but allowed another to take over. Moreover, there is a problem in the church. Ponder this God says, I got a problem in the church there is a Jezebel in this place misleading the people to do everything but what I instructed them to do. How many times have we heard our pastor state we need to operate in our gifts but we still be slothful in complying to the will of God. Which hinders us from being able to rebuke any spirit that is not of God which causes confusion in the Church. Deacon Johnson we cannot fully operate as a Holy Church when the Church is unholy. As a Church, we are putting up with junk we should have thrown away. It is impossible to face a demon when our actions reflect such as the same. Nevertheless, when the church conforms to the Word of God is when discernment becomes essential in making wise decision. Therefore, we have returned to our first true Love so now we can speak to evil just as Christ did by stating two words “COME OUT.” Here are statements from Jesus in Mark 1:25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him! Mark 5:8 For He said to him “Come out of the man, unclean spirit! In Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it: Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you come out of him and enter him no more! See in these scriptures Jesus provided us instruction how to proceed to defeat this spirit of Jezebel that is attempting to take over the church. Understand that throughout the scriptures God gave us direction to how to cast out wickedness or any demons. Therefore, it is important that we walk in our SPIRITUAL GIFTS and FAITH so that we are able within stand against the rulers of darkness. Keep in mind that the enemy tries to hide from true believers. Also know that this SPIRITUAL WARFARE is a continuous battle for Demons think that if they can hide somewhere no one will notice them or find them “BUT GOD” reveals the enemy as he did in Joshua 10:16-26. When the five Kings fled and hid themselves in a cave and Joshua found the cave and called them out and slew them. It is important to know today that we have the same AUTHORITY in Christ Jesus. We also must understand two important things Demons can occupy a believer’s souls which is mind, emotions, and physically but remember not the Spirit. And please don’t fall for that old lie that Christians can’t be infested with a demon prime example here with the in the Church of Thyatira. See this Jezebel Spirit does not work alone for Belial works with it to draw people into it by manipulation, intimidation and domination. Just like Jezebel did to Elijah for that spirit recognized the true believers and cannot operate near such Holiness. Therefore, we must be bold and cast out the demons by standing strong IN THE NAME OF JESUS, BE CAST OUT! For the biggest threat to all demonic Spirits is when we preach and teach the truth and stand just as Jesus declared in Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In my name, they will cast out demons; the will speak with new tongues.
In Psalms 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. In this scripture, we must realize now that we know what the Jezebel Spirit is that is attempting to destroy the church with impurities and false prophets. Jesus came forth to destroy the works of the devil which means for us it is Battle Time. Which directs me back to the title What is your Spirit? Is your spirit still perplexed with the things of this world or is your spirit ready to defeat the enemy? See the kingdom of Satan consists of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Within the devil’s kingdom there are various kinds of demons and various levels of wickedness. Doing battle requires more than putting on the whole armor of God, more than tithes and offering, more than being a member of the church. It requires us to be SPIRITUALLY FIT so that we can be engulfed in the word of God when it is time for BATTLE. Don’t wait till the battle is over to shout now, you know in the end your gonna win. These words in this song makes it clear for we are always on the battlefield for our Lord. And therefore, we are to be prayed up, knowledgeable to withstand the evil that the church is facing in the 21st century. We are to be able to join as one true body in Christ in this Spiritual Army we are fighting. We must be able to handle all the fiery darts that Satan is going throw at us for this Spiritual Battle is not Yours it’s the Lords. Here is a Battle prayer that we can use to defeat and overcome this spirit
“Lord, Your word teaches that the spirit of Jezebel can masquerade as a person with prophetic gifts that attempts to teach and mislead believers to act immorally in Rev 2:20. Reveal your true prophets and prophetesses, Lord, Keep your children from being led into sin by someone who masquerades as a messenger from you. Amen” See using such a prayer makes us ready to stand against this Jezebel Spirit in Righteousness of our God which will make us wiser and stronger in the Lord. In Revelations 2:25-27 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. This is where you think about the question I that was asked early What is Your Spirit? So, when your Spirit is walking in God you can CALL IT OUT! Jezebel Spirit you must flee for we are believers in Jesus Christ and we Submit unto the Lord with no hesitation. For when we Submit is when we gain our AUTHORITY to Hold until he Comes. Battling any evil spirit is a challenge for the key in these battles is the identification, call him by his name and expose the Jezebel Spirit that is trying to take over within in the church. CALLING OUT IS FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. Even have such authority to command any spirit that is hiding in your heart to come out for you will no longer entertain such spirit for you are a Warrior for the LORD.
Church as many of you know I have overcome illness after illness, I have face death many times OH FOR THE GRACE OF GOD when I totally submitted unto the will of GOD and he took over the hands of the doctors, nurses and everything that was need for my healing. See this spirit called Jezebel tries to tempt us into thinking one thing is right but technically it is out of the will of God. Hear me say I have given all of me unto God completely and when ask me to do something I never tell GOD NO. For by his stripes I have be healed, delivered and Set free because I spoke to the Mountain be thou removed, I spoke to the disease you cannot have me, I spoke to my heartbreak I have true Love in Christ Jesus, I spoke to the curse of cancer running in wild in our family and said COME OUT you devour of LIFE you will not infest in my body, nor any other of this family I rebuke in the name of Jesus. So, church we are victorious for we are on the Lord’s Side and we have full authority to defeat the enemy when we say IN THE NAME OF JESUS I REBUKE AND CALL YOU OUT! But to have this AUTHORITY we must first return to our First True Love Jesus Christ. Here is the reward when we fully transform and submit unto God in Revelation 2:28-29 And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. See not only will God give all of us the authority to rule and be victorious but he has given unto us the Lilly of the valley, the Rose of Sharon, Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last, The Rock of my Salvation, our El Shaddai, Jehovah Raah our Shepherd, Jehovah Jiah our Provider, Jehovah Nissi our Banner, Jehovah Shalom our Peace, Emmanuel, Son of God, and our Bright Morning Star Jesus Christ. For in Jesus there is no more darkness, In Jesus there is victory, in Jesus there is everlasting, In Jesus there is no more sorrow and no more pain. For Jesus is our rock of salvation he is our protecting Lord who willingly travel the road to Calvary to save a wrench like you and me. He Heals us by his stripes, Delivers by his name, Fills us with his with is Love. With that said, “Let the Church Say Amen” for the doors of the church are now open to anyone who is seeking a new life in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who is ready to join in the Lord’s Army and stand against the ways of sin.