Summary: Dealing with your storm

How To Conduct Yourself In A Crisis

St. Mark 4:35-41

St. Mark 6:45-51

In the sixth chapter and the forty fifth verse Jesus constrains his disciples to get in the boat and pass over to the other side. The use of the word constrain is pertinent to the passage; it means to compel by entreating or that it is a necessity.

In both of the passages the individuals in the storm are also in the perfect will of God. The are acting in complete obedience to that which Jesus told them. No matter where you are in your walk as a Christian you could encounter a storm at any time. Even in the divine will of God I can encounter terrifying storms.

Another very pertinent part of the passage is the fact that Jesus said “pass over to the other side”. If you are obeying the word God gave you and he said to go over; you will not have to fear going under!!

These men were not judged by God by the distance they covered, the speed they covered it with, or the fact that they were toiling. All that mattered to God is they, to the best of their ability, were carrying out his command. God is not looking for our success. He is not judging us by our speed. He is simply concerned with the fact that we are trying to obey his will.

It is interesting to note that these men felt like forsaken, forgotten failures. They did not even feel like Jesus knew where the were. All the time that they were toiling he was watching them from the mountain.

In both of the passages there was the same command, the same crisis, the same crew, and the same cry touches the same Creator!!