How Thirsty Will Your Children Be?
Jeremiah 14:1-6 Judges 2:10
Amos 8:11 Ecclesiastes 1:4
A sad story that the weeping prophet declares concerning a thirsty child. Looking at the present landscape of our church world, I am afraid this story may be repeated with the youth of our land. When thirst reaches a certain level of discomfort, one becomes vulnerable to anyone with a cup of liquid.
What grieves my heart so is not so much the thirst in the heart of the youth but rather who will it be that offers them a drink. Will the church with the genuine power of the Holy Ghost offer the drink or will it be the Baalams and Jezzebels of the modern day neo-Pentecostal church world? The only way that the decisions being made in our national government and church government could ever have been allowed is because of a vulnerability brought about by spiritual thirst.
As a father of three darling children, I realize more with each passing day the necessity of keeping the cup full. Not full with the wine of the world but the water of life. Oh the dread of the thought that my children could go to church or kneel and pray only to find that I did not show them how and where to access the water of life.
Bro. Havis Crawford said he heard the black preacher Seymour who was intimately instrumental in the Azuza street meeting say; “The people came out to meet God and were not disappointed”. Can this same sentiment be echoed of your church? Of your ministry? Of your life as a Christian? Will the prayers, fasting, blood, sweat, and tears of John Knox, David Brainard, Jonathon Edwards, Herman Higgins, Wayne Dillard, Claud Ely, and countless others be in vain? Will my contemporaries and myself allow the water to evaporate from our life? Let us keep the well full and the cup overflowing.