Summary: getting out of the boat is where all the action is... it is also where all things of purpose in our lives happens.

Taking a risk

Matthew 14:22-14:36



I want to talk about one of Jesus many miracles.

• The miracle of Jesus and Peter walking on the water.


Can you imagine walking on water?

People love a miracle.

Most people root for the underdog because it would be a miracle if they would win and there is something exciting about experiencing a miracle firsthand, either your own miracle or someone else’s.

1969 Amazing Mets

1980 American Olympic Hockey team beating Russia.

Rudy Ruetttiger/ “Rudy” fighting Irish player making the team.

Michael Oher/ impoverished kid who made it to the NFL and main character in the movie Blindside.

Rocky Balboa/ though by movie 6, you pretty much knew you would somehow win.

The disciples are no different. They followed Jesus, experienced miracles first hand and yet they still struggled like you and I in their daily walk. (They were human) gives us hope that a loving God gives second chances and has mercy and Grace.

There are some people- I am sure it is not anyone of us here today, that would never take a risk and believes that anyone who does take a risk is foolish and reckless. I am here to tell you that the disciples must have been reckless and foolish.

They risked everything to follow Jesus.

They left home and jobs to follow Jesus.

They left comfort for the unknown. (I know that scares some of you to death)

Let’s read the text and then I’ll set it up and you can knock it down.

Matthew 14:22-14:33

Jesus is in full swing of his earthly ministry and his disciples have witnessed Him do some amazing things!

Jesus had just feed 5ooo people not counting women and children.

What was happening is the Jews were looking for Jesus to be their earthly king and Jesus probably sensed the disciples would be caught up in all the enthusiasm and they would do something that would hinder the work of the kingdom.

Scripture verse (22)-Jesus made them to get into the boat and go ahead of Jesus.

The original Greek implies Jesus compels them to go- that was more than a suggestion.

You have to look and observe the text here- after the disciples left the area by boat, Jesus went up on the mountain to pray.

Jesus interceding for the disciples as they traveled across the lake.

Storm comes up (which was not uncommon)

It must have been more than they were used too.

Gospel of Mark chapter 6 says that Jesus saw them “straining at the oars”

Let’s stop there a minute-

I. Jesus sees us when we are struggling (Write down)

Jesus went to pray (interceding for them) and He sees them struggling to get across.

Jesus had sent them across- so this did not catch Jesus by surprise.

Storms are sometimes a way that Jesus gets our attention.

It is a way for us to get our priorities in the right order.


Have you ever been on a charter fishing boat?

The waters can get a little rough but there is a crew that handles everything that is needed to do.

I am not talking about a little wave because a small boat has passed you, I am talking swells that take the boat up and down, fishing lines tangle and the crew keeps the boat from going sideways in the swells because it could sink.

I fished Lake Michigan in a charter boat when I lived in Milwaukee- no one would believe that a lake had swells big enough to sink big massive cargo ships but it has happen. The waves are so severe swells can be as bad as ocean waves.

Thank God I was not out there when that happened because you all know how much I love roller coasters, I cannot comprehend that- I think my heart would just stop.

Jesus saw them- This doesn’t catch Him by surprise

They say there are no atheist in a foxhole.

I bet a lot of prayers are offered up to God when we are at the height of desperation and need.

You know that is true! Because you have done it. I have done it.

Burt Reynolds in a movie stranded out in the ocean and is swimming back. I will live the Ten Commandments-thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not… I will learn the Ten Commandments. I will give 50 % back to you, I am talking gross. No one gives 50% Lord. I want to live… I see land…I think I am going to make it. Thank you Lord. I promise to give 10 %. I know I said 50%, but let’s start with 10 %.

Sometimes we find God in a storm-

Sometimes it is good to strain at the oars for awhile.

We learn in a storm better than when everything is going okay and we forget God.

Storms reveal where we are spiritual with our faith-

What did you learn about yourself in your storm?

What did God show you about yourself in a storm?

You learned your maturity level and what you need to work on

You learned what kind of attitude you have and really what you think about God in a storm.

You find out how teachable you are and what you are willing to change and what you are not willing to change.

That is the stuff the disciples learned while they were in the boat thinking that God had forgotten them and that they were left to fend for themselves.

Jesus goes to them-

(25) “During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. It’ a ghost, they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: take courage! It is I! Don’t be afraid

II. Jesus comes to us-

Prophet Malachi says that God “sits as a refiner and purifies the silver.”

He won’t leave you there forever, but sometimes it feels like it.

A little while before morning, Jesus went to the disciples.

It had been a rough night, but Jesus shows up in the morning.

You know when a silver refiner knows that the silver is pure and ready to come out of the furnace?

When he can see his reflection in the silver.

That is what God wants from us- He wants to see His reflection in us and sometimes that happens because he has to put a little heat to us so we reflect Christ instead of ourselves.

Did you know that there is no life in the Dead Sea? Dah! Dead Sea.

No plants, no fish, nothing. It is just a body of water.


Because the salt level is over 30 %. 9 times as much salt as the oceans which is 3.5 %.

It is dangerous to be in the water because the drowning rate is tremendous because if you get a mouthful of that water, you can choke which can cause you to drown.

They actually have people serving as life guards on a body of water not worth much.

The disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee. A place where they had fished , a place where they were familiar.


Home life



The things that are familiar to us… that is where Jesus shows up to help us. A place where He comes to us.

If you are sick, he walks to you

You are in fear, he walks to you

You face death, he walks to you

III. Jesus recues

Read Matthew 14:28-33 again

Jesus says Come!

We can picture a hand of almighty God reaching out to tell us to come.

You know why the Lord told only Peter to come? He was the only one that asked to walk on water.

Hebrews 12:2-

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

Some of us this morning need to get out of the boat!

You want a miracle but you have to get out of the boat to receive it.

You are comfortable and God is telling you to get out.

They were all scared, but only Peter dared to get out.

Only Peter called out to Jesus for instructions.

The disciples had watched Jesus feed thousands of people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, yet it was only Peter that got out of the boat.

5 loaves + 2 fish does not equal seven when Jesus is involved- He did a miracle and He feed thousands.

Jesus did not even get made at Peter when the waves of life crash on him and you took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.

He simply reached out his hand and reminded him that he needed to put his eyes back on Jesus and have faith.

Fix your eyes on Jesus. Means to lock on- don’t be distracted by obstacles and less meaningless things that cause you to stumble.

We have been talking about super heroes all week at Bible School.

Fixing our eyes on Jesus would be like Superman’s ex-ray vision piercing and penetrating with extreme intensity.

This week Characters that do things for God-(All the workers and all the kids)

First responders that risk their lives while others are running from fear.

This week we have seen God do some amazing things through us and for others. Wish everyone could see what we saw.

Maybe, to see a miracle in our lives, we need to be a miracle for someone else.

The greatest hero in our life has to be Jesus. He is the one that not only recues us from circumstances and situations, but recues us for eternity and forgives sin.


Remember these things this morning-

1. Jesus sees us in our struggles- so if you are feeling like you are drowning, just remember that your life guard can walk on water.

2. Jesus comes to us- He made the first move toward us and is reaching his hand out to us in our storms.

3. Jesus recues us - you can know the lifeguard.

Faith is never constant- it is always changing by what we are going through. We have our mountain tops and we have our valleys. He is Lord in all of them. He will help us ride out the storms and He will keep u humble when are experiencing his blessings.

If we are to learn a lesson, it is better from him, then on our own. Take the leap of faith today as he speaks to each of us.

Jesus gives us an example of spending time in prayer. Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer.

How much more do we need to spend time in prayer.

He knew that apart from the ‘Father, He could do nothing. We need to have the same mindset.

If not we will become exhausted and easily burned out and discouraged.

Prayer in a storm will give us the strength to go through the storm and face the storm head on.

Faith is the willingness to take a risk. Embrace the unknown because you know God Is in it.

Get out of the boat! Repeat Get out of the boat!

Everything of value that God wants for our lives is outside of the boat.

Faith and doubt can live in the same heart- look at Peter. (Not a good thing, but it does happen)

When he took his eyes of f of Jesus, he sank.

That is what happens when you take your eyes off him.

Everyday can be an adventure- we call it the Christian life.
