Eliphaz’s First Conversation with Job
Job Sermon Series, Part 5
Introduction (Job Slide)
- This morning and for the next few weeks, we will see several conversations
-- These conversations involve Job and his friends who’ve come to visit
- These friends have come to comfort friend, but not in a way we think
-- They are discouragers; ones who desire Job to stop holding onto his faith
-- In their eyes, there is a cause/effect with his sin and his condition
- These friends have three conversations with him…
• Round 1: they suggest Job has sinned
• Round 2: they imply Job is a sinner
• Round 3: they state Job’s sin
- In preparation for this, I’ve really struggled with how to take this apart
-- What I heard from the Lord is to take each conversation in its entirety
-- This means that we will cover several chapters at one sitting
-- Why? Context is critical, and from this we can learn a thing or two
- Stick with me through this, it is important for us to see what happens
- Read Job Ch. 4 - 5
- Pray
Point 1 – Eliphaz Speaks (Ch. 4)
- His friend, Eliphaz, begins to speak first (prob. the oldest of the three)
-- He begins by being very positive, affirming Job’s good works (v3, 4)
-- But, Job was now in need of instruction (v5) and he must listen to them
- He believes that Job has sinned against God and must confess this sin
-- He suggests: No one who is innocent ever perishes … right? Expound. (v7)
-- APP: Therefore, your condition lends us to believe that there is sin in your life
- In v9, he declares those in sin will perish by the “breath of God”
-- A “blast of his anger” will surely consume all those living wrongly
- He believes that Job was/is irresponsible in how he protected his children
-- This has happened to him because he has not cared for his family properly (v10)
-- The cubs of the lion scattered are a reference to his kids; they are now dead
-- APP: Basically: because you haven’t done enough, so they have perished!
- Now, why does he say this? He believes he got this info from a dream! (v12)
-- Secretly, he believes that God spoke to him to share this information
-- He describes the vision as clear, spine tingling, and very, very real to him
- He then poses, “If God doesn’t trust his servants, how can he trust us?” (v18)
-- We are founded in the dust (dust to dust); we are temporary beings (v20-21)
-- Because we are self-centered, we suffer and die in our sin (our own expense)
- APP: Because of Job’s hidden sins, these things have happened
- TRANS: He then makes an appeal of Job…
Point 2 – Eliphaz’s Appeal (Ch. 5)
- Eliphaz begins to affirm that Job’s suffering is due to his sin
-- He outlines why Job should plead his case before the Lord; to receive mercy
-- Resentment is a destructor (v2); and Eliphaz has seen a fool take root (v3)
-- Considering all that has happened, Job MUST be a foolish man in his life
- So, he lays out a case for what Job must do; (APP): Appeal to God! Why?
• God performs wonders that cannot be counted (v9)
• God bestows rain & sends water on the countryside (v10)
• He sets the lowly on high (v11)
• Those who mourn are lifted to safety (v11)
• Thwarts the plans of the crafty; hands have no success (v12)
• Catches the wise in their craftiness (v13)
• Schemes of evil are swept away (v13)
• Darkness (God’s judgment) comes on them in the daytime (v14)
• God saves the needy from the sword (v15)
• Saves them from the clutches of the powerful (v15)
- APP: So the poor who trust God have hope; have confidence in future! (v16)
- IMP: He challenges Job to turn to God, because God can heal (Read v17-18)
- If Job will do these things, then God will rescue Him and return his life to Him
-- Even (cruelly) he says (v25), “… your children will be many”
-- If you do this, at the end of your life Job you will face death with full vigor
-- You will be restored and made whole again … IF you get right with God (v26)
- Says we have conferred together, and we believe you need to do this (v27)
-- Meaning: Your sin has caused this, and we agree that you need to get it right
- TRANS: Following this, Job replies to his friend…
- Read Job Ch. 6 - 7
Point 3 – Job’s Reply (Ch. 6)
- Job begins by denying the accusations against him
-- He declares that his pain, his current state, gives him the right to wail/moan
- Job’s pain was beyond measure; not even a scale could weigh it (v2)
-- His pain is so intense, even the sand in the seas would weigh less than it (v3)
-- And … He believes God has severely punished him (read v4)
- Then he compares his pain to things that are known in this world:
-- A donkey does not complain when it eats; salt is added to food when tasteless
-- APP: Job has been given unseasoned words by his friend & refuses them (v7)
- He declares that his one request be granted of God; asks for relief (death) (v8)
-- APP: In death, Job would be released and his pain would be over
- His one solace is that he has NOT denied God’s word; he has been faithful (v10)
-- His preference is to die now, knowing he would die a faithful man to God
-- He is truly without hope; his heart wishes death would come quickly
- He accuses his friend of being unhelpful and uncaring (v14)
-- “Anyone who withholds kindness … forsakes the fear of the Almighty.”
-- He then goes on to give examples of things that are dependable
-- But then asks a pivotal question of his friends (don’t miss this)
- He asks to be taught, to be shown, where he has sinned in his life (v24)
-- If they could show him his sin, he would gladly be quiet and accept this
-- He is an honest man, and asks them to look at him; to show him (v28)
- APP: What Job hopes for is honesty, and comfort from his friends
-- All he has received is condemnation, and he needs compassion from them
- TRANS: Job then has an emotional breakdown …
Point 4 – Job’s Breakdown (Ch. 7)
- He desires relief from the night; to be comforted and to live in peace again
-- “When I lie down I think, how long before I get up?” (v4)
-- APP: Even when resting there is no relief for his soul or his body
- Job is a man who sees his life passing quickly before his eyes (v6-7)
-- He calls out to God, pleading that He would remember his life
-- His confession is that death is imminent; he would soon go to the grave
-- His desire, is to die and escape even the joy of his house (v10)
- In such a hopeless state, he prefers death to this pain of life (v15)
-- His confession: “I despise my life; Let me alone; My days have no meaning”
- Then Job asks God a series of philosophical questions
-- These may never be answered, but in his heart, he must speak them
1) “What is man that you make so much of Him?”
APP: Why would you inflict so much pain on man for no reason?
2) “Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant?
APP: Job is pleading with God to stop this pain; to bring him peace
3) “If I have sinned, what have I done to you?
APP: Job believes God is punishing him and he wants to know why
4) “Why do you not pardon me offenses and forgive my sins?”
APP: If God would only forgive him, this ordeal and this pain would end
- In this first encounter with his friends, Job is confronted with his condition
-- Eliphaz insinuates that there is sin in his life; and he is being punished
- But, Job’s reply is “Why?” What sin have I committed?
- TRANS: So, what can we take away from this?
Big Idea: Our words matter
- HUGE: Friends can often be helpful, but we will see here that is not the case
-- These men will each take turns discussing with Job what they feel is happening
- Re: These friends have three conversations with him…
• Round 1: they suggest Job’s sin
• Round 2: they imply Job’s sin
• Round 3: they clearly state Job’s sin
- In this first round, the more senior lays it on pretty thick
-- And what it does it torment Job, instead of helping him recover
-- Job needs a comforter more than ever – instead he receives condemnation
- Challenge: When we know someone is hurting, how do we respond to them?
-- How do we help others who are going through a rough time in life?
-- They need us to be sensitive, sympathetic, and supportive
- Consider who you may be able to comfort today, and go do it!
- Pray
References: Holman OT Commentary, Job