Virtually every country, churches , families or organisation have put certain procedures or rules in place for others to follow.Even medical practitioners have procedures on how treatment and operation need to be done.
God can break protocols by suspending human laws, natural laws and even divine laws in order to distinguish a person.
The book of Esther 4;9-11 told us that the law that was in place at the time was that unless the king sends for you, you can’t come before him. Even if you are his wife, This was the protocol in place for seeing the king and if you didn’t follow this protocol, you would be put to death .
Another example is Sarah, the bible says Sarah has passed the age of child bearing but God break the natural law to bless her with a child even at her very old age. Gen 17: 17 and Gen 21:2 .
Beloveth, get set ! GOD is about to break protocol for you in your job ,in your career, in your academy, in your marriage, in your ministry,in your business and even in your health.You may be suffering from an incurable disease or maybe medical practitioners have written you off that your case is impossible, I tell u today that God is making that impossibility to be possible right now in the mighty name of jesus.
God can even break immigration protocol for your sake .Our God can do all things.
When God steps in to help you, great opportunities and promotion comes knocking at your door .God will overrule the procedures and process of men to distinguish you.
As you continue to allow God to direct your steps he will continue to break protocol for your sake.
When God spirit lives in you ,you will continue to do things that ordinarily you are not qualified to do.
1. You must be consumed with a zeal to make a difference in your job , community , church , ministry, family,marriage , academy or relationship.etc.
2. You must be ready to get out of your comfort zone either by prayer and fasting more , praising God more or giving towards the things of God and to the poor.
3. You must have an intimate relationship with God.
4. Above all ,You must be born again. You must give your life to Jesus.
Why we need God to break protocol for us:
a) Divine qualification for a position, promotion or breakthrough that humanly speaking, you are not qualified to get .Beloveth our God qualifies the unqualified.
b) Divine speed. Your progress will be accelerated. God will speed up things for you.
c) Supernatural healing : God will heal you of any incurable disease you have been diagnose with, because our God is Jehovah Rapha .
Dearest ,there are some situations you are in today that unless God breaks protocol for you, you may continue to remain on that level or in that situation for ages but I believe a change has come for you today.
Perhaps you haven't yet giving your life to Jesus, it is the easiest things to do. I will encourage you do so by praying this short prayer .
(Lord Jesus I come before you today , i acknowledged that you died for me on the cross of Calvary, come into my life , take control of my life ,write my name in the book of life in Jesus name.Amen.)
I pray for you right now that whatsoever difficulties, trials,pain , problems and imposibilities you are going through now is over in the name of Jesus.No more sorrow, no more weeping , no more pain , no more failure , no more promise and fail again in the name of Jesus. I decree that every sickness or disease in your body is healed in the name of Jesus.
I prophesy into your life today that the position and the level of greatness you never dreamt of will manifest in your life in the name of Jesus.The letter of joy you are expecting will locate you in the name of Jesus.
Remain blessed and keep praising God.
Please feel free to share this message if you have been blessed.
Lola Olanrewaju
Fellowship of fire and faith ministry.