Summary: In John 14:1-14 Jesus shares with us three promises - 1. Promise of Abiding Peace 2. Promise of an Everlasting Home 3. Promise of ever expanding power through Prayer

Scripture: John 14:1-14; Acts 7:54-60 and Psalm 31:1-5

Theme: Jesus' Promises

Promise #1 - An Abiding Peace #2 - An Everlasting Home #3 - Ever Expanding Power through Prayer


Grace and peace from God our Father and from Jesus Christ who came to take away the sin of the world!

World History is littered with politicians and government officials making all kinds of challenges and promises. Some of those challenges and promises have been bold and daring ones. Bold ones like the one inspired by President John F. Kennedy back in 1961 when he stated - "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." NASA made good on that promise when Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped off the lunar module on to the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969 at 10:56 p.m. (EST) More than 500 million people around the world heard him say, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Other promises/challenges have not been so lofty nor did they come to fruition. Back in 1988, then presidential candidate George H. W. Bush at the Republican National Convention promised the nation "Read my lips: no new taxes". That phrase helped Bush win the presidency. However, a little more than two years later in the fall of 1990 when the nation was faced with higher deficits and the prospects of severe cuts in government entitlement programs, President Bush agreed with Congress to raise new taxes.

We all know that it's easy to promise something but it can be next to impossible to keep those promises. In our Gospel passage this morning our LORD makes some very direct and distinctive promises. In fact, as you read the passage you discover that our LORD makes four distinct promises to His disciples. Four promises that I believe are still valid today.

But before we look at each of these promises in particular, let's review exactly - WHAT IS A PROMISE?

According to the Dictionary the definition of a promise is the following:

"A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen."

In other words, when Our LORD spoke these promises to His Disciples here in John 14:1-14, Jesus was assuring that they would come to pass. Jesus was saying that He would make sure that each promise became reality. Let's look at each of these promises this morning.

I. Jesus Promised A Spirit of Abiding Peace

Our passage this morning takes place immediately after Jesus had washed the disciple's feet and they had eaten the Last Super. As they all continued to sit around the table Jesus revealed to them that in just a little while one of them would betray him. He went on to tell them that in a little while he will have to go away to a place that they cannot come. Quickly we read how Simon Peter objected to all of this news and told Jesus that there was no place that he will not follow Him. He went on to tell Jesus that he would even lay down his life for him. John tells us that Jesus looked back at Peter and answered him with these words - "Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times." (John 13:38 ESV)

Can you imagine hearing all of this after that wonderful Passover meal with Jesus? No wonder the room suddenly was filled with a spirit of fear and anxiety. Jesus had dropped an emotional barrage on all his followers. You can image all the questions that were going on in the hearts and minds of all those around that table.

+What did Jesus mean when He told them that one of them would betray Him? How could any of them possibly turn Jesus over to the authorities? As far as they knew each one of them loved Jesus way too much to betray him or abandon him.

+What did Jesus mean when he said "Where I am going you cannot come? Where in the world was Jesus going? How could Jesus leave them when they had only been together for 3 1/2 years? How could His movement, His message and His mission be over? What would they do while Jesus was gone? When would He come back?

+What did Jesus mean when he told Simon Peter, his #1 disciple that in just a few hours he would even deny knowing Jesus? What was going to happen in just a few hours that would make this man who left his fishing business, that climbed the Mountain of Transfiguration and that walked on water with Jesus suddenly decide to deny Jesus not once but three times?

Jesus knew that in just a few hours their whole lives would be turned upside down. Jesus knew that in a few hours he would fulfill those words that he spoke back in John 10:11 - "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (ESV) Jesus knew that in just a few hours each one of his disciples would be scattered like sheep fearing for their very lives.

Jesus knew all of this and so he tells his disciples that if they would place their hearts and their faith in God and in Him then He could promise them a spirit of "Abiding Peace" in the midst of all the coming trouble. Jesus explains this more fully in verses 25ff but right here at the beginning of our passage Jesus promises that He will make a way for them to overcome their troubles. The word that John uses here is a very interesting word. It is the word "tä-rä's-so" which means to agitate, to stir up or make restless. It's a word that refers to what happens when a person is overcome with fear, dread and doubts.

When I read that word "tarasso" I was reminded of one of those old washing machines that my mom used years ago. It was called a ringer washing machine. It had this big tub that you filled up with water and detergent. Then you would dump all of your clothes in it and turn it on. After that you would watch as this big "agitator" would go back and forth literally beating the dirt out turning the clothes upside down and inside out.

When I think about all the things those disciples had to endure over the next few days I think that is a pretty good picture. Everything they believed in was beaten up, turned upside down and inside out. Everything that they had believed in and thought was true was severely tested and tried. Jesus knew that if they didn't place their trust in God and in Him then they would be overwhelmed by all the "tarasso."

Jesus didn't want them to focus on their "troubles". Instead, he wanted them to focus on putting their hearts and faith in God and in Himself. Jesus wanted them to remember that everything that was going to happen was a necessary part of God's plan to rescue, redeem and restore mankind. Jesus wanted them to know that everything was a part of God's Salvation Plan. Therefore, all they needed to do was to put their complete trust in faith in God the Father and in Him. If they would do that Jesus could promise them "abiding peace".

On the surface it seems that none of this makes sense. After all, how can one experience "abiding peace" when one's world is being turned upside down and inside out? Frankly, how can one experience "abiding peace" when all Hell is breaking loose?

Dr. William Barclay reminds us "There comes a time when we have to believe where we cannot prove and to accept where we cannot understand." (DBS - Gospel of John - pg. 152)

In other words there are times that we must stubbornly place all our faith in God and in Jesus Christ and just hold on. Thankfully, there are plenty of scripture verses that can help us during these times. Scripture verses like:

+Psalm 27:1-2 - "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

+Psalm 28:7 - "The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."

+Psalm 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

+Psalm 121:1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth."

This morning, is it possible to really experience "abiding peace" in the midst of chaos? It is really possible to be calm when all the world around you is "tarasso"? The Bible tells us that it is very possible. In Acts 7:54-60 we see this kind of "abiding peace" in action. We see it on the face of Stephen even as he is being stoned by those who have rejected his message of Jesus and salvation. We hear it from the lips of the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 26:3 - "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thought are fixed on you!" And we hear it in the midnight praise songs of Paul and Silas after they have been beaten and placed in the inner prison at Philippi. (Acts 16:25)

What all of this tells me this morning is that when we go through our times of "tarasso" there is something that we can do. When we go through our times of troubles, anxiety, fear and doubt there is something we can do.

+ We can stop, confess our need and place hearts and our complete faith in the LORD.

+We can surrender everything over to the LORD and believe that the LORD is in control of everything.

We need to understand this morning that the LORD loves us and that He will see us through every circumstance no matter what dark and dreary paths we may have to travel. "Abiding peace" comes when we let go and place ourselves in God's hands. When we hold on to our ways and plans we will always be filled with "TARASSO". When we let go and rest in the LORD then we will relish in His peace - a peace that the Apostle Paul tells us that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7)

II. Jesus 2nd Promise is that of an Everlasting Place (Home) - verse 2 - 11

A second promise that we see in this passage is that Jesus promises us that through Him everyone has the ability to enjoy an everlasting relationship and home with the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. In fact, Jesus tells us that one of the reasons that He has to go away is to prepare such a home for everyone that believes on God and on Him. Jesus tells us that this everlasting home can be ours because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

While we don't know all the particulars about Everlasting Life or what everlasting life will look like in the New Heaven and Earth we do know:

+Our LORD wants to have all of us live with Him

+Our LORD is preparing for us the perfect place/home to live forever

Ever since the day that Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden mankind has been searching for a permanent place of belonging. In fact, I believe that mankind has been doing its best to see rebuild their own Garden of Eden. For Eden was the only place where humans where at peace with God, with themselves, with others and with creation.

History, I believe is full of mankind's numerous attempts at creating such a utopia. In Genesis chapter six we read the story of how humans tried their best to create such a utopia by listening and following the advice of fallen angels. In Genesis chapter eleven we read how another group of humans did their best to build the perfect city and society around the tower of Babel. The people of Babel believed that they had the power to bring Heaven to earth. The Bible tells us that both attempts failed miserably. The Bible tells us that first attempt caused the LORD to bring about the Great Flood while the second attempt caused the LORD to confuse the language and disperse people all over the world.

Down through history we see different people groups and their leaders trying to do the same thing. We see them attempting to build some type of perfect society. This was the goal of the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians and Greeks. However, we also know that each one of these cultures failed as well.

It may surprise you to know this morning that it was Adolf Hitler's dream to create a utopian society through the Third Reich? It was Joseph Stalin's dream to create a utopian society through Communism? And it was the dream of our ancient forefathers here in America to create such a utopia through the ideas of personal freedom undergirded by capitalism? Each one promised an Eden like utopia for the whole world but as we know each one has miserably failed - The Third Reich, Communism and Capitalism.

I believe that there is only one person who can both promise and deliver to us a perfect society and that is Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus is the only One who can show us the Way, the Truth and How to Live a Genuine Human Life. I believe that only Jesus can create for us a place ( a home ) where we can live in harmony with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I believe only Jesus can create a place where we can be at harmony with ourselves, with others and with all of creation.

No matter how hard we humans try we simply cannot create a utopia here on earth by ourselves. Creation, our world and everything and everyone on it has been broken by sin. Creating a new Eden here on earth is beyond our sinful ability. But creating a New Heaven and a New Earth is not beyond the ability of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus has promised us such a place and if we allow Him to He will lead us to that place.

Have you ever gone to the store and found yourself unable to find the product that you were looking for? No matter how many times you walked around the store you just weren't able to find it. Finally, you go up to one of the employees of the store and asked for their help. What happens next is important. More often than not all they just point you towards a certain direction and tell you that it is somewhere down on aisle 9 or 10 or wherever. You get the right direction but you still may be unable to locate your item.

Years ago one of the foundational principles that Sam Walton instituted in his original Wal-mart stores was the idea that when a person asked an employee where something was they were to immediately go with them and make sure that they found the right item. The employee was to never merely point or tell them where it was located. They were to go with them and along the way they were to share some pleasantries and make the person feel at home. That was the Walton way.

That is exactly the mindset of Jesus. Jesus does not merely give us advice or some general directions. Jesus is more than a sign pointer. Jesus takes us by the hand and gently leads us towards and through salvation. Jesus is the way for us to find God, understand the Truth of the Good News and experience a life of salvation and sanctification.

Furthermore, this morning I believe that the LORD does allow us some little glimpses into what everlasting life will be like and feel like in the New Heaven and Earth. I believe that we can experience such glimpses when we as the Body of Christ live up to being the Body of Christ. I believe we can experience a taste of that life when we allow the Holy Spirit to have full control of our lives and when we walk in agape love with one another. I believe that we see such glimpses of that happening on the Day of Pentecost and in the life of the Early Church (Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-37).

We see then this morning that Jesus:

+ promises us "abiding peace" if we will put our faith in God and in Him.

+ promises that He is preparing us an everlasting place (home) in which we will always feel accepted, needed and wanted.

III. Finally, Jesus Promises Us Ever Expanding Power through Prayer

We need to understand this morning that Jesus' death and resurrection did more than remove the penalty and power of sin. Jesus' death and resurrection made it possible for us to be infilled with His Holy Spirit. Jesus' death and resurrection made it possible for us to be baptized with the fire of the Holy Spirit and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

So what does that mean? I am so glad you asked.

+It means that we can live a supernatural life right now.

+It means that we can filled with God's Holy Spirit.

+It means that we be Born Again and restored into the image of God.

+ It means that we can experience a level of oneness with God and with one another that is way beyond our current knowledge and experience.

+ It means that we can understand and comprehend deep spiritual truths that once were beyond our ability.

+It means that we can so connect with God that we will begin to think God's thoughts, desire the things that God desires and love the things that God loves.

+It means that we be witnesses for God to all those around us.

None of this happens by chance or by accident. It all happens when we spend time in prayer with the LORD. If you ever want to know the importance or the power of prayer then read again verses 12 - 14.

Jesus tells us that alongside peace and a place of belonging He wants us to enjoy a life of ever expanding power and privilege. Jesus wants us to be able to do the same things that He did while He was on this earth only in greater measure.

Now, what does that mean? Well, let's look at what Jesus tells us He came to earth to do. All we have to do is to look at such passages as Luke 4:18 where we read these words:

The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has set me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.(ESV)

Let's look further at Luke 7:22 where Jesus tells the disciples of John the Baptist - "Go and tell John what you have seen and heard; the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them." (ESV)

Or let's look at Luke 10:9 when Jesus sent out the 72 - "Heal the sick in the city and say to them, 'The Kingdom of God has come near to you.'"

Those are the things that we see the Early Church doing in the book of Acts. They spent time in prayer and the Lord brought healing. They spent time in prayer and the Lord opened new doors. They spent time in prayer and the LORD meet all kinds of physical, emotional, mental and physical needs. They spent time in prayer and people were delivered from demonic possession, oppression, addictions and sin. They spent time in prayer and the LORD gave them new knowledge and revelations. They spent time in prayer and the LORD poured out His Holy Spirit in amazing ways. They spent time in prayer and people were brought back from the dead. They spent time in prayer and the Lord shook the very ground that they were praying on. They spent time in prayer and the LORD enabled them to grow exponentially. They spent time in prayer and the LORD lead them, guided them, comforted them and encouraged them.

It all rested on their prayer lives. We need to understand this morning that without prayer there is no salvation, no healing and no miracles. Without prayer there is nothing.

This morning, do you know the #1 service or ministry that the Devil has done his best to destroy? Believe it or not it is not the Sunday Morning Service. The Devil doesn't mind if the whole world comes together as long as it does so without the Holy Spirit's Presence, Convicting Fire and Power. The Devil knows that in and of itself Sunday mornings can be quite innocuous. That is to say for many Sunday morning service are quite bland and the main focus of many Sunday morning services are to be "nice enough" and "not rock the boat". After all, you want everyone to come back next Sunday.

However, that is not true for those churches that have spent time saturating Sunday morning service with prayer. Those services are potential powder kegs for an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit. The key to experiencing life transforming services is prayer, prayer and even more prayer. So, what has the Devil done? The Devil has done his best to attack the power station of the Church - its prayer ministry and service.

Here in the United States we must once again see the priority of spending time in prayer - individual and corporate prayer. Our brothers and sisters in Africa, South America and Asia have realized the vital importance of prayer. In each of those areas it is common to have daily prayer meetings, all night prayer meetings and prayer fasts. It is common for the Body of Christ to gather more for prayer than they do for food and fellowship. That same spirit use to be here in our country as well. It needs to be once again.

Recently I came across a post titled:

"The Obituary of Mrs. Prayer Meeting."

Mrs. Prayer Meeting died recently at the First Neglected Church, on Worldly Ave. Born many years ago in the midst of great revivals, she was a strong, healthy child, fed largely on testimony and Bible study, soon growing into worldwide prominence, and was one of the most influential members of the famous Church family. For the past several years Sister Prayer Meeting has been failing in health, gradually wasting away until rendered helpless by stiffness of knees, coldness of heart, inactivity and weakness of purpose and will power. At the last she was but a shadow of her former happy self. Her last whispered words were inquiries concerning the strange absence of her loved ones now busy at work and places of amusements. Experts, including Dr. Works, Dr. Reform, and Dr. Joiner, disagreed as to the cause of her fatal illness, administering large doses of organization, socials, contests and drives but to no avail. A post mortem showed that a deficiency of spiritual food coupled with the lack of faith, heartfelt religion and general support, were contributing causes. Only a few were present at her death, sobbing over memories of her past beauty and power. In Honor of her going, the church doors will be closed on Wednesday nights, save the third Wednesday night of each month when the Ladies Pink Lemonade Society serves refreshments to the men’s handball team. (

This morning, the Devil knows the danger of private and corporate prayer. He knows that when we pray we open up the doors of Heaven to receive power, anointings, blessings and miracles. He knows that it will be through prayer that Life Transforming Revival will come to our land. He knows that it will be through prayer that Holy Spirit will bring conviction and souls will be saved and sanctified. He knows that and so he doesn't care if we talk about Jesus or even attend a church event as long as we don't get into God's Word or into private and corporate prayer.

Years ago the story goes that a young man in Bible school wanted to help David Wilkerson minister on the streets of New York. The young man was eager to share the Gospel with those who were down and out. Pastor David first asked the young man about his prayer life. He wanted to know how much time the young man spent in the presence of the LORD. The young man estimated that he roughly spent about 20 minutes a day in prayer. He thought surely this was enough time to become a mighty man of God.

David's words to the young man are quite insightful - “Go back, young man. Go back for a month and pray two hours a day, every day for 30 days. When you’ve done that, come back. Come back, and I might consider turning you loose on the streets where there is murder, rape, violence and danger...If I sent you out now on 20 minutes a day, I’d be sending a soldier into battle without any weapons, and you would get killed.”1

This morning, the most important thing we can do today is to hear and rest in these promises that Jesus gives us:

+Jesus promises us that if we place our hearts and faith in God and in Him then we can experience "Abiding Peace"

+Jesus promises us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus promises us that He is preparing for us an everlasting place (home) to experience God's love, mercy and grace.

+Jesus promises us that if we will pray we can experience God's ever expanding power in our lives.

This morning, I believe that we should close our service by spending time in prayer. Our altars are open and as the music is being placed I would invite all that would like to come forward and spend some time with the LORD.


+Prayers for salvation +Prayers for healing

+Prayers for encouragement +Prayers for anointings
