Summary: Resurrection, Faith, Jesus' Victory


1 Corinthians 15:1-11 March 26, 2023


Have any of you ever played the game called “Jenga?” It’s where you have all these different shaped wood blocks that fit together and make a tower. Each player takes a turn trying to remove one of the blocks without causing the tower to collapse…but if you pull out the wrong one the whole structure is going to fall.

Over the years many people have tried to treat Christianity like the Jenga Tower…pulling out pieces…selectively removing “blocks” of the gospel…leaving big holes in it’s structure until you finally pull out the wrong one…and it collapsed in a jumbled mess.

One of the essential pieces that holds the structure of Christianity together is the bodily resurrection of Jesus. It is the cornerstone and foundation of the gospel. If you remove it…there simply is no gospel.

The Apostle Paul says “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” (1 Cor. 15:14)

There is no good news to be preached if Christ died and stayed in the grave, there is no reason to live for Jesus if He isn’t alive again.

So it shouldn’t surprise us that those who oppose Christianity would try to pull this essential piece of the puzzle out…even if it’s just hours from the resurrection.

Mary Magdalene and the other women show up at the tomb of Jesus early on Sunday morning…Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus have had to prepare Jesus’ body quickly because the sun was setting quickly on Friday and the Sabbath was approaching.

As the women approach the tomb they worry about how they will move the stone that blocks the door…as they arrive there is a violent earthquake and an angel appears. His appearance is like “lightening.” His clothes white as snow…and the guards that have been posted there by Pilate are so afraid that they shake and become like dead men.

And the angel delivers this message: “Do not be afraid. I know you’re looking for Jesus who was crucified. He’s not here, he has risen as He said, come look at the place where He lay…now go tell His disciples He has risen and is going ahead of them into Galilee. You’ll see Him there.”

With that promise they take off towards Galilee like a lightening bolt…filled with fear, wonder and joy…and suddenly there’s Jesus.

“Greetings.” (It’s the everyday greeting for Hello)

Fear, joy, heart and feet racing, and all of a sudden Jesus meets them and says, “Hi.”

I love it…Can’t you just see them…falling at His feet, holding on for dear life in worship and Jesus tells them, “Don’t be afraid, complete your mission, Go into Galilee and tell my brothers to meet me there.”

But remember those guards? Do you remember why they were at the tomb? Something amazing is happening in the Roman world of politics. While a risen Savior is arranging meetings…the religious hierarchy try to pull the resurrection block out of the puzzle.

MATTHEW 28:11-15

Man! We’ve got to pull this Jenga piece immediately. We’ll lie, bribe, put forth alternative theories…whatever it takes…because:


Paul’s number one priority when it comes to the gospel message: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance, that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and He was raised on the third day according to scripture.” (1 Cor. 15:3-4)

This is it! The powerful foundation of what we believe and preach. Our salvation depends on this…everything revealed to us in scripture was God preparing for this event. EVERYTHING!

The Apostle Peter shares this same truth on the birthday of the Church as he preached on Pentecost.

ACTS 2:22-36

The very first gospel message is a history lesson concerning God’s essential plan for our salvation. David, Israel’s greatest earthly King, caught a prophetic glimpse of a forever King. But David died, his body was buried somewhere in Israel…decaying back to dust…His faith cries out…but God you have not abandoned me to the grave…nor will you let your Holy One decay.

David spoke of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His rescue from the grave. He prophecies “The Messiah’s body won’t stay in the grave decaying.”

I love that Peter cries out, “God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep it’s hold on Him.”

It is the essential truth that makes Jesus Lord and King (Christ). He physically and spiritually conquered death…this one that was crucified by you!

The word Lord means “Ruler” and the word Christ means “Promised One” or “Anointed One.”

Jesus put all our enemies under His feet as a footstool…and the greatest and last enemy was death. The one the scriptures promised came, died, was buried and rose again in victory. He rules all…even death.

But it’s important we understand:


Physical bodies decay…for a physical body not to see decay, it must be resurrected.

One of the greatest consequences of Adam and Eve’s fall to sin, was they started to decay…their bodies started to die. Adam lived 950 years, but he still died. In fact because of sin all creation started to decay…creation began to die. That’s why Romans 8:18-23 records this message:

ROMANS 8:18-23

All creation…including you and me are subjected to this frustration of decay. Our bodies wear out…our loved ones die…people get sick…creation runs down. This world, our world, is always subjected to a certain amount of hurt, pain and stress…it’s frustrating. So, what is our hope? Will there be a day where there is no frustration and decay?

That’s what Paul writes about…longs for.

Glorious redemption…freedom from this frustration, adoption as sons and daughters. God’s glory on that day being revealed in us….not to us…IN US.

For the child of God, the Holy Spirit, is God’s gift…a down payment to remind us of this day of freedom we hope for.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 says: “He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.”

(Picture of Red)

[I bought my truck MY FAVORITE TRUCK.... Red, about 6 years ago. He was exactly what I wanted. He’d been owned by a fire department in St. Louis. Dodge W-350, 1 ton, 4 wheel drive, 360. I ran a Carfax, bought him on Ebay, talked to the guy that had owned him and sent a $500 deposit. I’d just had hip replacement surgery, wasn’t supposed to drive yet, so I waited a week. Kari drove me up to St. Louis and I drove him home. The deposit guaranteed he was mine…but the real joy came when I sat in him and drove him home for good. We hunted together, did mission trips, hauled everything. And then last year I gave Red to my son in law Jimmy)

God has purchased our salvation through the death of His son. His blood paid for my sin. His resurrection is His demonstration over every power…even death. He has conquered every enemy…and for those who are “IN” Christ, so have they.

When I repent of my sin and turn to God through Christ, I’m baptized to unite myself with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. And the Holy Spirit is given to me so I can rise and live a new life. It’s a deposit from God living in this temporary body until that day when He makes all things new including me. No rust, not dents, no decay. And this deposit is given to me to point me toward my final inheritance in heaven....and I passionately want to pass it on!!!!!

Let me end this morning with one last truth:


After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter, and then the 12 Apostles (Mathias had replaced Judas). He appeared to a group of more than 500…some who were still alive and Paul writes these words. He appeared to James. He appeared to all the Apostles…and then finally He had appeared to Saul…who would change to become Paul.

All you have to do is look at the individuals before Jesus appears to them…and then after He appears to them…after they receive His Spirit, to see one of the greatest proofs it’s real.

Peter the denier becomes Peter the preacher. Thomas the doubter becomes Thomas the missionary. James, the doubter of his half brother becomes the lead influence for the resurrection in Jerusalem.

Every one of them, except John, will be crucified, sawed in two, thrown from the temple, burned and killed. These followers who had run in fear now ran toward the flame. For a lie? I think not. For conspiracy? Not likely. But for the truth, you will. With the Holy Spirit’s boldness, you will. For the Hope of something beyond this decaying world, you will.

Paul himself said, I was born at the wrong time, but Jesus appeared to me. God showed me His undeserved grace…and because of that I am what I am. He no longer is a legalistic, violent, hateful Pharisee. He is exhibit A in the courtroom of the world for God’s grace…and the power of the resurrection.

Jesus said: “you cannot put new wine in old wine skins.”

And folks you cannot put the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead in a forgiven sinner without new life…It’s impossible!

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.”

Like the first disciples, our greatest need is not just to see or hear about the resurrection, but to have the resurrection happen to us. Lloyd Ogilvie says, “The most powerful historical proof of the resurrection is the ‘resurrected’ disciples. Dull, defeated people became fearless, adventuresome leaders. Cowards became courageous; the timid became triumphant; the inept did the impossible. ‘He is risen!’ became the joyous chant of a new life without limits.” (Life without Limits, p. 283).

Let’s pray.