Title: Follow-Whatever It Takes
Date: 3/26/17
Place: BLCC
Text: Matthew 10.16-31
CT: We receive courage when we follow Jesus.
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FAS: Several years ago, an enormous financial crisis loomed in Europe. The very survival of the structure of the euro currency, if not the whole of Europe, was at stake. All eyes were on one man: the head of the European Central Bank. Financial markets and currencies plunged all through the morning, and the only question on anyone's lips was, "What will he say?" His words would either cause an implosion or the reversion of the volatility.
On the morning of July 26, 2012, he stood up, and when asked what he would do to protect the euro, he answered in three simple words. "Whatever it takes." At that moment, in human terms, he spoke for the might of the major industrial countries of Europe. As soon as he spoke those words, the markets rallied. The immediate crisis was over. The structure of the currency was secured.
There's a challenge here for us. When confronted with a world in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ, with a world crying out in pain, with a world riven by inequality, poverty, and need, how will we respond? Will we hunker down and ignore the outside world? Or will we be willing to say, "Whatever it takes"?
Whatever it takes to see our communities restored, our workplaces transformed, our world healed? Whatever it takes to see justice and righteousness roll on like a river? Whatever it takes to see our friends, colleagues, and neighbors come to realize that they, too, are known, loved, and called by their Father in heaven?
Ken Costa, "Know Your Why," (Thomas Nelson, 2016), page 201.
LS: As followers what should we be willing to do to see that everyone knows of the hope and forgiveness of our Lord and Savior: Whatever it takes.
What could be too great a cost for saving lives of ones that are lost.
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What do you receive when you follow Jesus Christ? Don’t we kind of assume if we obey and be good God will repay us with a great reward for following Jesus. But what do you receive right now when you decide to follow Jesus.
A lot of people say it makes you a better person. It is true that following Jesus will tend to make you more generous, more loving, kinder and quicker to forgive. You will be a better mom, dad, son, and daughter.
You name it you are better at it if you follow Jesus. You buy that?
The nicest people I know follow Jesus
But that is not the reward is it? Being a good person?
Some believe if we follow there will be no problems and life will be perfect.
If anyone is telling you that they are not telling you the truth.
It’s like those TV evangelists who get to the end of their message and tell you if only you send them a big check, all your problems will disappear.
Following Jesus is costly. We will talk about that in another sermon in this series. Just know today the reward is not a pain free stress free life if you follow Jesus.
Probably most believe that if you follow Jesus you will get to dwell with God in heaven. That may be true but if you read the gospels you won’t find Jesus calling people to follow him to get in heaven. While Jesus talks a lot about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven, he doesn’t really attach following Him with where you will spend eternity.
Want proof? Check out the thief on the cross with Jesus in Luke 23.32 -34. After the thief admits that he deserves the punishment of crucifixion, the thief asks Jesus to remember him when he comes to his kingdom.
Jesus answers, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”. (Luke 23.43)
Hearing this I don’t believe paradise is the reward for following. This thief was already nailed to a piece of wood. He wasn’t following anybody anywhere.
But there is a reward for following Jesus. It is not just the fact you will be a better person or even heaven. So what is it?
There is a destination Jesus has for you when you follow. Jesus has a mission for each one of us. In Matthew we get to listen in on a pep talk he gives the disciples but it isn’t really very peppy. [Screen 3]
Matthew 10.16-23, 16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. [Screen 4] 17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
This had to really mess with Matthew and John. They had been enjoying this following Jesus stuff. They were becoming pretty popular with the crowds because of Jesus. Now Jesus is saying they might get flogged. Whoa. But Jesus keeps talking.
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18 On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles.
This is a change. Gentiles. Why was Jesus even talking about Gentiles? We are Jews.
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19 But when they arrest you, (whoa what do you mean about when, do you know something we don’t know Jesus. Are the guards coming? I thought the crowds loved us.) do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, (Whoa here you go again Jesus. When I am arrested I’m not worried about what to say I want to be out of jail. Have you ever visited a jail around here? Not nice)[Screen 7]
20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. (If God knows all this why does he let me get arrested in first place)
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21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by everyone because of me,
(They have got to be thinking no one said anything about all this)[Screen 9]
but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Pretty tough stuff. Jesus is speaking here to his most committed and trusted friends. He didn’t hold back on how tough it would be as they went on to fulfilling his mission. They will be hated because of their association with Him.
Here’s what you probably may not want to hear. This pep talk, if that is what you want to call it, applies to us as well.
The good part is we probably won’t face the terrible hardships those first followers did. At least not in this country. We probably won’t be arrested for our faith or flogged or even persecuted to the point of death.
But if you choose to follow Jesus there will be hardships simply because of whom we follow.
But let’s listen in and hear what else Jesus told these somewhat confused followers and yes quite fearful of Jesus’ words.
Matthew 10. 28-31,
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28 Do not be afraid (Don’t be afraid. Come on Jesus this is some scary stuff you are laying on us)
You just said we would be arrested. Yep don’t be afraid.
You just said we would be flogged. Yep don’t be afraid.
You just said we would be hated and even killed because of you. Yep don’t be afraid… [Screen 11]
of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. [Screen 12] 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Jesus is telling these loyal disciples they need not fear. Did they get it? Not yet.
Only after Jesus was crucified and rose again did they really gain the true reward for following Jesus. What is Jesus trying to lead them to and us?
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COURAGE: They did not have to be afraid.
It would be an ongoing process for them to finally comprehend what Jesus meant.
The same goes for us as well. Jesus has made it clear we are all valuable to Him. Even the numbers of the hairs on our head are known. He knows every detail in our life and is for us. We do not have to fear.
This is huge. Too often our fear is what keeps us from really seeking God’s ideal for our lives.
We don’t want to step out and follow because it means stepping away from what we may now know and cling to.
People will ridicule and maybe mock you for leaving the things you know and follow after what is best.
Fear will keep them paralyzed and unable to move. That is what the enemy, yes the Devil wants you to be.
Afraid. [Screen 14]
If you follow Jesus you don’t have to be…AFRAID.
But understand this. Jesus is offering courage.
He is not saying don’t be afraid because I won’t let bad things happen to you.
In this fallen world bad things will happen to us all. It is the way it is.
Jesus is a Savior.
He comes to save us.
He is basically saying, “Don’t be afraid when bad things happen because God knows you and He loves you.
Jesus is taking his disciples and us today to a place where even in the midst of this entire world and its hate and its evil we do not need to fear.
Jesus says do not be afraid. I’m with you. Knowing this should bring us confidence.
A faith that is so big it overwhelms fear.
So how does this change me?
What would a faith that overwhelms fear do for me?
I can get up each morning not afraid to face the day.
I have the God who can save my eternal soul no matter what this world dishes out.
Jesus says Follow Me to get you to the place where you are so confident in your faith you will not be afraid.
These men did follow and still struggled to have this much courage.
In Mark 4 Jesus is out in a boat with some of his disciples. A huge storm came up and the boat was starting to sink.
38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, [screen 15] “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (Ever said that to God)?
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, [Screen 16] “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, [Screen 17] “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” [Screen 18]
41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
They were terrified.
Terrified not of the storm… but of what they had just seen.
They began to no longer fear what could kill their body. They had just seen revealed the one who could calm any storm and save them.
They then began to get a feel of what fearing God really meant.
With God their courage was strengthened.
Their faith was so strong that it honored God. They knew their God controlled everything.
Do you have this kind of Faith? Is Jesus your source of courage?
This kind of faith frees us to love all people.
Even an ex spouse, a wayward child, an unaccepting parent, a boss that doesn’t appreciate you, or a world that has thrown you a tough hand.
A person with this kind of faith can face the day knowing God has this and will follow Him.
Are you blessed to know someone like this?
I am… My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer some 17 years ago. Long before I became a minister. I can still remember when we got home from the doctors office. I felt like I had been hit with a 2x4 in the chest.
Yet my wife walked up the stairs toward our bedroom and calmly said. “God’s got this. I’m giving it to Him.” She meant it.
That is faith that that overcomes this world.
Followers of Jesus can have this much confidence that Jesus “has it”.
That’s what we get when we follow Jesus. We get that kind of faith.
They follow the one who has their soul. They do not fear what can kill the body.
When we follow Jesus he takes us to that place where He whispers.
Fear Not.
Real faith takes us to this place. All through the Bible the Lord is trying to tell us to not be afraid.
The Apostle Paul knew this when he wrote: [Screen 19] And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8. 28.
We KNOW. Not think or wish or guess. WE KNOW.
Our faith over rides all our fear. What could cause us to doubt: [Screen 20]
Romans 8.38 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
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A lost job
Bad health
Bad marriage
Bad bosses [Screen 22]
No care
Some of us are afraid because our nation may change.
Some of us are afraid it won’t change. Try to keep everybody happy with that.
And you watch the news and you wring your hands and say woe is me.
But your Savior says, [Screen 23] “Fear Not”
But you push back and say,”Don’t you know what I am facing and what I’m going through?’
And Jesus says yes I do. I’m Jesus.
That’s why you should not fear.
Follow me and fear no more.
Are you there yet? No. None of us are completely there. It is a process. A lot of people I know are farther along than me.
The process starts when we take that first step to [Screen 24] FOLLOW.
Not easy. It’s hard to be in a sinking ship and not fear…but remember who can calm the storm of your life.
Be still and know the God who has your soul.
May we fear only the One who has overcome?
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John 16.33, Listen to the words of Jesus, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus is saying to you today.
Follow Me Jesus repeats, to the place where your faith will overcome all your fears.
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FOLLOW. That is what it will take.
Stanley, Andy; Follow Session 3