Summary: God's Providence, Courage, Prayer, Deliverance

The 3 C’s of a Healthy Church - Support Your Leaders

Esther 4:11-14 (p. 346) March 5, 2017


I read this statement the other day…“Make sure all the people in the boat with you are rowing and not secretly drilling holes when you’re not looking. Know YOUR CIRCLE.”

I like that because leaders that are in the same boat together rowing hard to get to a specific destination are a focused team…but if you have one or two secretly drilling holes while all the others are rowing, there’s gonna be trouble.

Be very selective about who you let into the leadership boat…especially when it comes to Jesus’ Church because the direction is always determined by the Holy Spirit…and it takes wisdom and courage to row where He points the rudder.

It’s important to know your circle because hole drillers usually find each other and it’s a lot harder to row consistently in the direction God’s called you than to drill holes.

God’s Word is filled with this truth…Moses and Aaron dealt with it…Nehemiah rebuilding the wall dealt with it…Job dealt with it…Jesus continually dealt with it…God allows it because He will continually test our faith and endurance. He will continually identify weeds…and he will continually grow His wheat…Vance Havner said, “Satan isn’t attacking the church, he’s joining it…he would much rather sow tares than pull up wheat.”

This powerful truth should drive us to our knees seeking God’s wisdom…and it should put iron in our back, to continue rowing in the direction of eternity…The Spiritual health of Christ’s body, the Church, is at stake.

A little background concerning Esther is necessary. Her story is a story of hole drillers and true leadership. It’s the story of the Jews under the captivity of the Persian King Xerxes…and it happens about 465 BC. A woman named Esther, and her cousin and guardian Mordecai are jews in exile in Persia. It’s the story of how they work to rescue God’s people from a plot to destroy them. The book of Esther never mentions God by name, but His hand of protection and His plan are woven through the entire story…it’s a story of providential leadership…and it’s a story of courage.

Esther, the Jewish exile, becomes Xerxes’ queen…via a beauty contest (it’s not a story of political correctness). She has attained this place of power by God’s design.

But enter the hole driller…His name is Haman.

And his ego is bigger than Persia

ESTHER 3:1-6 (p. 345)

Haman hates Mordecai…He hates him so much that he not only wants to kill him, but he wants to kill every one of his people. And he devises a plan to carry it out.

ESTHER 3:8-11 (p. 346)

When Mordecai learns of this he tears his clothes, puts on sackcloth and ashes and grieves bitterly.

But, he also sends a messenger to his adopted daughter, Esther… “Go before the King, beg for mercy…plead for your people.”

She sends a message back…“Everyone knows that anyone who approaches the King in the inner court without being summoned is put to death…unless he extends his golden scepter to them!”

Mordecai says, “Don’t think that just because you’re in the King’s house you’ll escape…you must not remain silent…Deliverance will come…and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”


Mordecai has told Esther to keep her Jewish ancestry quiet until now…but now it’s time to reveal it…now’s the time to risk it all. Mordecai’s wisdom is… “God’s people are going to be saved…it might come from another place, but you Esther, are where you are for a reason. Use your leadership…it’s the providence of God.”

One of the burdens of leadership is to be unpopular when necessary.

Xerxes is powerful…Haman is his number 2 in command…Mordecai will not bow to anyone but God. The Jews follow God’s covenant, his laws. They are different from the majority of people that surround them in Persia.

Haman has used his influence to defend his ego and destroy his enemies…the Jews…He has told the King: “These people keep themselves separate, do not obey your laws…It’s not in your interest to tolerate them…Issue a decree to destroy them. I’ll even give you 10,000 talents of silver to do it.”

The King stamps the order and couriers are sent throughout the land on the 13th day of the 12th month all Jews will die…old, young, women, men…and you can plunder their goods.

I’m sure that many in Persia saw this as an ethnic cleansing and a time to pad their bank accounts.

And now Esther has to decide if she believes God has put her in this place of influence for “such a time as this.”

Why is supporting leaders that are being used by God so important? Because they have to put themselves at risk. They are willing to be unpopular to do what is right. They understand the providence of God and are humbly trying to use their influence for God’s glory and His people’s protection.

Real leadership in the Church is about two things…Calling and Character. Each of us need to believe God has called us to follow Him by His Spirit…and leaders understand that calling is matched by a life that can be held up as an example to the flock…I am tremendously privileged to serve with leaders like that. They’ve come to understand the essentials of the 4 P’s: Priority, Prayer, Pastoring and Protection. These essentials keep you rowing together…and in the right direction.

Esther makes the decision to listen to Mordecai’s counsel…she puts her life at risk and goes before King Xerxes.

ESTHER 5:1-8 (p. 346)

Haman is happy…He’s in high spirits…but reckoning is coming…Haman has planned to kill Mordecai for his failure to kneel and give him honor by putting him on a pole that was 50 cubits in height (about 75 feet).

But Esther had a surprise for him at the banquet.

ESTHER 7:1-10 (p. 347)

There’s a warning and encouragement that is found in God’s Word it says, “God opposes the proud…but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6)


Haman found this out the hard way…75 feet up a pole. His pride caused him to oppose Mordecai (and in turn Esther) and it cost him his life. And although Xerxes was a powerful King and opposing him was deadly…God is a much more powerful King and arrogantly opposing Him is a much worse idea.

There are people you don’t want as enemies and I’d put God at the top of that list.

[Godly Elders have a really hard job…They have to know things everyone else doesn’t…They have to look at the big picture when others only focus on their small part…They have to love and pastor the flock of God as shepherds and at the same time protect it from wolves, and discipline if necessary. They have to make eternal spiritual decisions…and all the while know they themselves are flawed sinners saved by grace. There will always be the temptation to try and please people because you don’t want people to be mad at you…but refuse to do it many times because pleasing God and fulfilling his mission is more important.]

Why should we support Godly leaders…“because Elders who direct the affairs of the Church well are worthy of double honor.” (1Tim. 5:17)

A healthy Church is not filled with arrogant people who drill holes in the row boat…it’s filled with people who understand God’s mission and support a leadership that keeps the rudder pointed in that direction by rowing with them.

If God is in opposition to you because of pride and arrogance…there will be no joy in your life, there will be constant conflict with others, there will be a war going on in your soul…and either you will surrender to God and seek a peace treaty or you’ll keep fighting a losing battle.

Esther ends with God providing victory when all seems lost…and the establishment of a new Jewish holiday called Purim.

Even after Haman’s death there was a problem…Persian law dictated that after an order was given by the King and sealed with his ring it couldn’t be resent…so on the 13th day of the 12th month the enemies of the Jews hoped to overcome them and plunder their goods…Haman’s followers were still at war.

So King Xerxes elevates Mordecai to Haman’s position…and says: “Write another edict in the King’s name on behalf of the Jews”…He does.

And the Jews fight together…and they overwhelmingly destroy their enemies. Mordecai becomes a great leader for his people.

Here’s what the last verse in Esther says:

“Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews because he worked for the good of His people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” (Esther 10:3)

An orphan and a rescuer…Esther and Mordecai…both sought the providence of God and used their lives for others.

That’s what great leaders do…And they deserve our support.

Let’s pray!