Zephaniah 3:1-8 Judgement upon Jerusalem and its officials
(1) Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of Josiah (640-602 BC) who was 8 years old when he began his reign and reigned for 31 years, he was a pious king who brought much reforms to Judah around 620 onwards ( 2Kings; 22:1-23; 2 Chr 34:1-35; Jer 1:2). But even his pious actions were not able to revert Gods judgement upon the southern kingdom of Judah its capital Jerusalem and its officials and inhabitants.
At this point in history the Northern kingdom is already exiled 722BC. So when Israel is mentioned in this book it refers (2:9, 3:13-15) to the remaining southern Kingdom of Israel which is Judah and its capital Jerusalem (1:4).
The prevailing theme of Zephaniah’s prophetic message (610/15BC) is of coming judgement, the Day of the Lord. Which is two sided it brings punishment but it also brings praise and hope to a remnant of Gods people.
Introduction & Background recap In spite of the pressures of the surrounding nations and the pious reforms of Josiah, which probably came too late, the people of Judah as a nation are refusing to return to her own covenant obligations towards God.
Through the prophet Zephaniah, God clarifies that the judgment that is coming before the surrounding nations (2:4-15), will also come before Judah and its capital Jerusalem (3:1-8) with devastating effect against those who continue to sin against God. Judah and its capital Jerusalem have shown herself sinful, and God is calling for her punishment, yet for the truly repentant there will be relief (2:3)
Zephaniah 3:1-8 Judgement on Jerusalem and its officials
Zephaniah is a lone voice ( in a time when the official prophets, priests, and civic officials have it all sown up and are the only the voices that count).
In this section of scripture Zephanaiah moves his attention away from the surrounding nations and dupon Jerusalem. He has cleverly drawn the people of Israel into his rhetorical argument of judgement upon the nations (2:4-18) because they agree wholeheartedly about their pagan neighbours and long time foes, they should be punished, but like an armoured tanks artillery barrel has now moved 180 degrees and is pointing right towards them in the capital of Jerusalem
They are totally oblivious to the fact ( what faced Nineveh, the Northern Kingdom) will face them. Its not until we enter into (v2) do we see it the sins of Gods people against Yahweh. Gods people will not come out unscathed on the day of the Lord if they sin (1-4) and are shameless (v5) they will be held accountable , especially if they lack repentance (6-7).
• Reminded of Jesus words as he taught the sermon on the mount to the disciples and the multitudes who had gathered Luke 6:42 about Judgement upon others; Before you take the speck out of your brothers eye you need to take the plank out of your own eye. (Luke 6:42)
1. The prophet diagnoses Jerusalem’s sinful condition v 1 -2
Jerusalem was to be a model city the capital of the covenant nation of God singled out a as a model of godly holiness and faithfulness in a Pagan world, instead its acting worst than her pagan neighbours, Jerusalem was sick and the prophet like a doctor on a house call diagnosis Jerusalem’s sinful condition (Yet Gods professing people are oblivious).
• V1 Jerusalem is rebellious; their hearts are rebellious, rebelling against God and his covenant (Jer: 4:17, 5:23) A covenant was made between God and Israel it was conditional upon their obedience they will be blessed, upon their disobedience judgement beckons (5:3-5). They failed to circumcise their hearts (4:4),
• V1 Jerusalem is defiled; rather than being a faithful holy and pure place she has become ritually polluted (Mal 1:7 offering polluted sacrifices ) through the sins of idolatry, syncretism & covenant breaking, Gods law: (Isa 59:3) hand defiled with blood, finger of iniquity, lips spoken lies, tongues that mutter wickedness
• V1 Jerusalem is oppressive; rather than nurturing the people how God intended it has become brutal and overbearing place (Jer 25:38) As a consequence a greater oppressor shall come fupon them
• V2 Jerusalem fails to listen and learn: when God’s prophets speak she fails to listen and learn as she will not accept any correction (Isa 30:8-12, read out) through his mighty acts in history of their nation (Isa 1:5-9,Jer:5:3) What voices are we listening too? Are we listening & applying the truth of God’s Word or do we desire to hear smooth words?
• V2 Jerusalem trust is misplaced: they fail to trust in the Lord the giver of the covenant promises, they fail to draw near to God. Rather trusting in themselves and all that is false.
• Consider our own condition do we manifest any of these symptoms? Recap above
• M. Henry states The Holy God hates sin and most in those nearest to him
2. The Prophet denounces Jerusalem’s sinful leaders v3 - 4
If the prophet has just diagnosed the sinful conditions, out of the of Jerusalem he now probes deeper, showing where these symptoms originated & spread like a contagious disease. Here are the sources of such widespread symptoms of open rebellion against God. He confronts individual offices both social/political & spiritual leaders, he denounces three particular offices in Jerusalem the civic officials (3) and the religious, Prophets (4) and her priests (4).
• The Civic officials Her officials within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves. That leave nothing to the morning v3
The civic officials (Kings of Judah before Josaiah Amon (Father), (grandfather) Mannasseh, magistrates) are described as wild animals, on the loose, (lions & wolves) devouring their prey under darkness, leaving nothing behind. The civic officials were in charge of leading and protecting Jerusalem, establishing and applying its civil and moral law, discharging this law, settling legal disputes, showing benevolence and care to the vulnerable, admonishing the corrupt and law breakers, but they had become corrupted themselves, ignoring and breaking the law, a law unto themselves, leading the people astray (1:8 -9 defiled, syncretism). Possessing great power they devoured all who stood in their way (Ezekiel 22:27) Rather than guarding the flock they devoured it.
Law civic and religious officials, At the time of Jesus it was the Sanhedrin from a Greek word that means “assembly” or “council” The Great Sanhedrin was the supreme court of ancient Israel, made up of 70 men and the high priest. In the Second Temple period, the Great Sanhedrin met in the Temple in Jerusalem. This concept is one that goes back to Torah, God commands Moses to “bring me seventy of Israel's elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you" (Numbers 11:16). Also, in Deuteronomy16:18 “You shall appoint for yourselves judges and officers in all your towns which the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.” The land was divided up among the tribes, and in those areas where tribes had their presence, there were towns and villages, and in every town and every village there was to be a court.
• The religious officials v4 her prophets a fickle (Gen 49:4 Heb: unstable ), treacherous men (Jer 3:20); her priests profane what is holy; they do violence to the law v4
Her Prophets - God’s messengers, Jerusalem’s prophets rather than being Gods messengers of God’s Word, they have spoke their own fickle words (Heb; unstable words). And have corrupted the mind and hearts of the people; It was for their own glory and not God’s. They are false prophets with false messages.
Treacherous men, guilty of betrayal towards God, and guilty of the deception of God towards the people. Prophets recognised as the official prophets in Jerusalem, have utterly perverted their calling. (Ezekiel 22:25,28. The Prophets)
• Matt.7:15 Jesus words beware of false prophet, look how they come (official)
• Heb 1:1 Long ago God spoke through the prophets but in these last days through His Son
Her Priests - v4 profane what is holy, they do violence to the law
The priests on the other had of two roles and have failed in them both 1st. They are to help purify sinners through presenting sacrifices and offerings before God (Lev 1-7) in accordance to the ceremonial law. Instead they pollute profane all that is holy making themselves unsuitable to be in Gods holy presence (Lev 10:10; 19:8).
2ND They were to teach life under the law (Lev10:11, Deut 17:8-13,33:10) but instead they do violence (Ezekiel 22:26 The Priests) leading others to do the same, they pervert the truth of Gods law. Contrasted with His righteousness
• What did Jesus have to say about Jerusalem and its civic and religious officials Matthew 23:1-36.
• seven woes to the scribes and Pharisees then His lament over Jerusalem 23:37-39
• Jesus is rebuking and grieving over Jerusalem and its officials civic & religious.
• How has our nation utterly forsaken Gods way in both civic and religious responsibility
3. The prophet declares Gods righteousness, Warning, and reproof to fear, Judgement is coming v5 -8
• V5 Declares righteousness V5 The prophet now declares a great contrast between the unrighteousness of Jerusalem and her leaders and God himself who is righteous within Jerusalem. He is no way involved in their wrongdoing (Zeph 3:13), he does no injustice, nor will the remnant of his people. V5 God shows forth his justice each day without fail but Jerusalem and its leaders know no shame. The declaration is that God is righteous, they are unrighteous every day.
• V6 Declares a warning to Jerusalem and its officials to look around to how the Lord has dealt with the surrounding nations (Zeph 1-2) all has been examples of his judgement, upon unrighteousness, but also a demonstration of his grace and favour towards Judah. We learn that God is not capricious striking without warning or reason, but is patient and longsuffering towards us. Turn back to God!
• V7 Declares to Fear God ; He expects the people to fear the Lord, not to panic but to be respectful to be in awe of God and his works and Word to be willing to accept correction , this is what God expects, (3:2) learning from Gods reproof in reneawed obedience and showing the fear of God in action (Pro:10:17) then their dwelling place will not be cut off. But they were all the more eager to make all their deeds corrupt.
• V8 Judgment is coming - final the prophet concludes with the judgment returning to the worldwide judgement. Calling Gods people to wait for God (8) not for possible blessing (Isaiah 30:18) but for coming judgment.
• At this time it will not be against Judah itself since he will gather them (Zep 3: 11, 12,14, 18 -20) but all the nations will come under the judgement
• Our Nation, our civic leaders our religious leaders the populace, parts of the professing church will be part of that Judgement, who have been led astray by the deception of their own hearts, those who have not repented, from their sins, turned back to God through Jesus Christ, trusting alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again for our justification and offers eternal life the forgiveness of sins and peace with God, this is the Word of the Lord and its one each one of us would do well to listen too Because it is He who is coming again to bring Gods judgement. Amen