Summary: Sermon series in 1 John

Series: 1 John

Week: Three

Passage: 1 John 1:5-7

Title: The Problem with the Fellowship Focus: Fundamentals

INTRODUCTION: John Wooden won numerous college basketball national championships in a row at UCLA. He was asked the question, “What does it take to make a winning team?” His answer consisted of three things...

1. Getplayersinrightcondition(rightwithGod/Salvation)

2. Teach them the fundamentals (Discipleship)

3. Teachthemtoplaytogetherasateam(fellowship)

Let’s take it a step further, if John the Apostle was asked, “What does it take to have a successful church?” John would have responded through the power of the Holy Spirit three things. Let’s explore those three things today.


POINT #1: Get in the Right Light (1 John 1:5)

• Explanation: (verse 5): The message of John in 1 John has already been

discussed but still needs recapped and reexamined (mostly from 1 John 1:3).

o QUICK RECAP: In that passage John states how we have heard the message through the Gospel and the results of what we have heard must continue in the fellowship.

 The Message: We must continually go back to the message (what was proclaimed to us through the apostles), that being a declaration that Jesus is God (the Gospel). This is the message received and delivered over and over again. If we fail to do this we drift from the message by the pressures that exist in the world.

• REMEMBER: However great the pressures are in the world, the message of Jesus will still always be there.

o There is report from John in verse 5 declaring that God is light and in Him there absolutely no darkness.

 This means when we are in the light we can see (2 things)... 1. God’sGlory:

a. OT:

i. God (Yahweh) was shown in the cloud, which led the people

through the wilderness (Ex. 16:7, 10).

ii. Moses saw God’s glory (Ex. 24:15–18).

iii. The glory of Yahweh filled the tabernacle (Ex. 40:34–35).

b. NT:

i. Glory of God was seen by the shepherds at the birth of Christ (Lk. 2:9, 14).

ii. God’s glory was seen by the disciples during his incarnate life (Jn. 1:14), especially at his transfiguration (Mt. 17:1–8; Mk. 9:2–8; Lk. 9:28–36).

iii. God’s glory is to describe the revelation of the character and the presence of God in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. He is the outshining of the divine glory (Heb. 1:3).

1. “Wehavebeheldhisglory,gloryasoftheonlySon from the Father.” John 1:14

2. God’sHoliness:(NOTE:Holinessisalwaysderivedanddependentupon proximity or relationship to the holy God and is associated with other biblical words like power, glory, transcendence, uniqueness, exclusiveness, pureness, dangerousness.)

a. OT:

i. God was the Holy One in the midst of his people (Ho. 11:9)

ii. God’s holiness makes him approachable (Is. 57:15).

iii. God holiness is expressed in his saving activity (Is. 40–55).

1. TheholyGodcreatedapeoplebymakinghis covenant with them (Ex. 19:5, 6; 20:1ff.) and the lives of God’s people were now to reflect his own holiness:

a. “YoushallbeholyforIamholy”(Lv.19:2).

b. NT:

i. Jesus will be called holy from his birth (Lk. 1:35),

ii. Jesus would be full of the Holy Spirit (Lk. 3:22; 4:1)

iii. Jesus, designated Son of God in power by the Spirit of

holiness through the resurrection from the dead (Rom. 1:4), incarnates (or makes alive) holiness for us (l Cor. 1:30).

1. InJohntheHolySpirit(guidinglight)playsaspecial role in strengthening and guiding the community in times of trouble.

a. “TheHolySpiritwillteachyouallthings.”John 14:26

• Illustration: Among the ancient Greeks the runner that won the race was not the man who crossed the line in the shortest time, but the man who crossed it in the least time with his torch still burning.

• Application: So often we are busy with life's activities that we are in danger of allowing the torch (Christ’s light) to become extinguished. Pray we are more focused on finishing well instead of finishing first. Darkness is the absence of light, thus the absence of God’s glory and God’s holiness. Light and darkness are incompatible.

• Questions:

o What race are you trying to win? Is it with the light or is it ran in darkness?

POINT #2: Devote Yourself to the Fundamentals (1 John 1:6)

• Explanation: John explains how when we walk in the light, Christ’s blood

purifies us from every sin. If we say one thing (we live in the light - doctrine) and yet remain walking in darkness (lifestyle), we lie. If we have claimed the light then what does that look like (lifestyle/doctrine are in balance)? This calls us to look at the daily disciplines...

o Worship: I believe Christianity is Life so worship (with God)  In fellowship with God the Father

• Worship = Associative meaning of allegiance to that deity.

o “The people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped.” Exodus 4:31

 In fellowship/community with the Son (Jesus)

• 1 Corinthians 1:9 “He (God the Father) called you into

fellowship with His Son (Jesus).”

 In fellowship/community with the Holy Spirit

• 2 Corinthians 13:14 “May it (grace, love and fellowship) be with you all.”

o Fellowship: I believe Christianity is community, so fellowship (with each other)

 With Your Lives – 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “Delighted to share with you... our lives.”

 With Your property – Acts 4:32 “Thy shared everything they had.”

o Evangelism: I believe Christians should practice what they preach, so evangelize (Preach the Word)

 Word of Mouth – Matthew 28

 “Carrying” the Gospel – Philippians 1:5 “You will carry it”

 Sharing in Christ’s suffering and Glory – 1 Peter 4:13 “You

will be overjoyed”

• These disciplines when practiced become contagious.

• Illustration: “Authenticity is the exact opposite of what you find in some churches. Instead of an atmosphere of honesty and humility, there is pretending, role-playing, politicking, and superficial politeness but shallow conversation. People wear masks, keep their guard up, and act as if everything is rosy in their lives. These attitudes are the death of real fellowship.” Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life)

• Application: Amos stated that “a man isn’t right just because his words are right” Amos 5:23.

• Questions:

o What fundamentals are you devoted to? Are they of the Lord?

o What fundamentals are we (as a church) devoted to? Are these of

the Lord?

POINT #3: Restore the Fellowship (1 John 1:7)

• Explanation: It is significant that we expound on John talking of walking in

the light, rather than according to the light.

o According to the Light: To walk according to the light would require

us as humans to be perfect (impossible). Due to our imperfect state (sin) this type of walking also makes fellowship with God impossible.

o Walk in the Light: To walk in the light means that what was once impossible is now possible. John makes it clear that the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purifies us from every sin. Therefore there is an affirmation for believers who walk in the light:

 That they are in fellowship with God

 That they are being cleansed from every sin.

• Our failures as believers are only cleaned under the power of the shed blood of Christ (IN CHRIST). Only on the cross can there be any fellowship between imperfect creatures and the infinitely perfect God.

• Illustration: Just as the blood flowing in our bodies continually cleanses us from waste and defilement of every kind and apart from which function gangrene would set in. As the blood works in the body, so the blood of Jesus operates in the spiritual life continually.

• Application: (Red Cross – if time) The blood of Jesus today is continually operating in/on our behalf to restore the fellowship. If we are in darkness (unsaved) or out of fellowship with God (living in sin), then we must get back to the light by being washed in the blood to get back into fellowship with the Lord. How is this possible?

o When a sin appears, confess it quickly to God.

o Ask Him to forgive it. (He does then and there).

o Live engaged in God's presence (a conscious communion of His

blessed Spirit).

o Restore the fellowship.

 You can have rich blessing and victory every day. Non- Christian (those who doubt) and Christian (those out of step), will come into or get back into the Father's fellowship.

 Remember: We are not expected to be the light (Jesus) but to walk in it.

CONCLUSION: You see we are seeking more and more to conform to a standard (the light) as we walk in the light and look to God to have fellowship with Him so that we can have fellowship with others.

1. GetyourpeoplerightwithGodthroughSalvation

2. Teach them the fundamentals through discipleship

3. Teachthemtoplaytogetherthroughfellowship

Question: Now what do we do if we find ourselves in darkness? I’m glad you asked...