God’s Traffic Report on the Two Roads
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Prayer)
Some Bibles are red letter editions. In those Bibles, wherever the type is the color red, that is where Jesus is speaking. Those particular passages are extremely important, as Jesus is making points that should get our attention and cause us to focus, in order, to enhance our spiritual lives. The text I shared today is one of those red letter important passages. Jesus is sharing His heavenly Father’s traffic report on our road of life. Jesus reveals that there are two roads that concern Him and should concern us, as well. There is the wide road, which is very busy, and according to Jesus, most people are on it. That wide road leads to a gate, a gate of destruction. Then there is another road that He describes as the narrow road, and few are on it. Similarly, this road, also, leads to a gate, but this gate leads to life, opening to a place of bliss and perfection. We learn from our study of the Scriptures that this life is referred to as Eternal Life. Each of the two respective roads point us toward our ultimate destination, of either heaven or hell. Upon our physical death here on earth, our destiny is realized. Those destinies will be forever, no turning back, no change of heart to reconsider, and it is based on our relationship with the Lord. The wide road leads to hell and the narrow road leads to heaven, both through gates. The gate leading to hell is the gate of destruction. The gate leading to heaven is the gate of perfection. In this prediction, straight from the words of Jesus, it is so very upsetting that most people are going through the gate to hell. This means that the people going through this gate are dead physically and spiritually. It is a place of horrible torment and pain.
Jesus is attempting to warn us and to save us from much despair by giving us an alternative of love and contentment. For heaven is a place of serenity, peace, and eternal joy in perfection and love. Jesus is, also, conveying that most people are on the road to hell, that is why it is wide. Few people are on the road to heaven, that is why it is narrow and straight. Think about it, Jesus is revealing that we, Christians, are in the minority, in regards to the things of God and eternal life. Let’s consider your own life. Are you afraid people will make fun of you for your belief in God and His promises? Are you ashamed to talk about what Jesus has done for your life? I know, it is hard to be a Christian, nowadays, with all the distractions and worldly materialistic objects competing for our time and money, in addition, to peer and family pressure. The only way we can stay focused on godly things, eternal things, is having a special relationship with God. We do that by accepting Jesus, His Son, as our personal Savior and Friend. People don’t like thinking about their loved ones or even themselves, going to hell. Hell is mentioned in the Bible more than heaven, because God wants us to know how horrible of a place it is. Hell is reserved for those, who reject Jesus and the Word of God.
Do you know why the wide road to hell is so wide, other than many people are on it? The reason it is so wide is because there are so many lanes on this wide road leading to hell. The first lane on the wide road to hell is the “Unbelieving Lane.” These are the people, who do not believe in God, or do not care to have a relationship with God. Many claim to be atheists, but I have a hard time understanding that. In this lane, are the foxhole promise people, like in war time. They are in a foxhole, in a strange country, and fearful of dying. They make a promise to God, “God, if you will just bring me through this horrible ordeal alive, I promise to go to church and change my ways when I get home safe.” God brings them through and they forget all about their promise, once they arrive home.
John 3:17 “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”
Revelation 21:8 “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars---they will be consigned to the fiery lake of sulfur. This is the second death.”
The verse, John 3:17 reveals the reason that Jesus came to earth, it was for all mankind. The second verse in Revelation discloses the place of destiny for the “Unbelieving Lane” people. It is imperative that we accept the fact that Jesus is the only way to heaven. It is for believers only.
The second lane on the broad road to hell is the “Unconcerned Lane.” This lane contains the people, who may or may not believe in God but they just out and out do not care. They have their own agendas in life, do what they want to do because they are wrapped up in themselves, and do not want to be concerned with those ‘Religious’ things. Instead of attending church, they partake of the worldly things that they put so much importance on. The parable in Luke 12: 16-20, is a good example of the “Unconcerned Lane” people. The story in Luke is about a very rich man that yielded a huge harvest. All his storage bins and storage areas were running over, he had run out of places to store grain. Instead of thanking God by sharing his abundance with the needy or taking the time to give God the glory for his good fortune, he was just full of himself. “I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and store up surplus grain and be set for years.” “I’ll take life easy, eat, drink, and be merry!” The story goes on and says that God called him a ‘Fool.’ In verse 20. “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” Jesus is explaining that this is how it will be exactly for people using their energies and talents to obtain temporary earthly treasures, instead of striving to obtain permanent heavenly things. We may think we are rich, but the eternal things of God is what makes us rich. We have access to God’s storehouse when we accept Jesus as Savior of our lives. That makes us eternally rich.
The next lane on the broad road to hell is the “Religious or Good Works Lane.” People in this lane may be active in church or out in the world attempting to get to heaven on their good works. They, sometimes, know the way to heaven, but ironically, they do not apply it. They may even know Scriptures by heart, but it is just to look righteous. I had a friend tell me one time that he did not need to go to church. He wanted me to know that he believed that if he treated his fellow man right by helping them when he could, that he would make it to heaven. The Bible is clear in Isaiah 64:6 “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” Don’t allow Satan to use that trick on you. Once we are saved in Jesus Christ, then the good works come automatically out of the new joy of the Lord that we have in our hearts and those are the ones accepted and blessed by God.
The next lane is the “Tomorrow or Not Now Lane.” These are the people, who think they have plenty of time to get right with God when they are ready. They know about the things of God but just keep putting off accepting Jesus as Savior. They have a desire to live the way they want, and will address spiritual things at a later date. That is a very dangerous plan of action, because we are not guaranteed our next breath. There was a story, where a bunch of demons got together to think of ways to keep people out of heaven. The first one said, “Let’s just tell them there is no heaven.” The second said, “Most people are afraid of hell, so let’s tell them there is no hell.” The third demon said, I know, let’s tell them there is no hurry.” These people end up procrastinating to the point that they die their physical death without preparing for eternal life in heaven. Then there are others that believe or use the excuse that they have to give up certain things before approaching God in repentance. An example might be a person, who smokes. They say, “I have to give up smoking before I go to the altar.” Do you go to the doctor when you are sick or wait until you get well before you go. No, you go to the altar, just like the old hymn we sing, “Just As I Am.” We go to Jesus, just the way we are for healing and forgiveness. We give our faults, sins, and transgressions to Jesus, He has already covered them by His blood. Other people use the excuse that they are not ready yet. If someone is in a car accident, bleeding badly, would you ask them if they were ready to go to the hospital. No, you would take them or call an ambulance for them. Listen, people are bleeding in their sins so how can they say that are not ready? There are so many additional lanes on this wide road too numerous to cover today.
Why are people on the wide road? It is because God gave us the blessing or curse of having freewill. According to the Bible, most people, in using that gift, do not include God or the things of God that should be number one. In addition, Satan, like in the Garden of Eden, is always offering temptation. Using his arsenal of weapons to promote his desire to have us fail God. We not only fail God, but we fail ourselves and others around us. The sad thing is that they are too blind to see that they are doing. We know that the broad road, with its many lanes, leads to hell and destruction. Those things are validated through the Word of God, it is very clear and concise. But we know that the narrow road is the road for saved people of God through Jesus Christ. It is a one-way road, open to local traffic only, people living within the realm of God. We strive to attain the attributes of God which are love, joy, compassion, peace, etc. We treat our neighbors as ourselves, giving God the glory in all things that He deserves. Trusting and believing God is who He says He is and doing our best daily to please and praise Him.
There are four important steps in getting on the narrow road to heaven. First, you must realize that you are a sinner and that you need God’s salvation plan. Secondly, repent of your sins by being remorseful in humbleness. Thirdly, believe that Jesus bore your sins and mine, then He rose from the grave, conquering death. Lastly, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and attempt to do good from there on out. You need all four steps to be saved, and accepting Jesus as Savior or your life. Some people make it harder that it really is. They think if they do not hear bells and whistles, see visions, or actually hear the voice of God; that they are not saved. They may still feel guilty and unworthy. Every experience at the foot of the cross of Jesus is unique and different. We should never try to compare our experience to any other, it is unique. It is a personal experience between you and Jesus, which is real and beautiful. After accepting Jesus, then we need to get baptized by water to show outwardly that we have been changed inwardly. It is our personal testimony to others. If you feel today that you are on one of these lanes or a combination of them, then come to bleeding side of Calvary and experience a miracle of becoming a changed person in Christ. Don’t put it off, it could be too late, if you do. We are all born into the wide road and it involves a willingness to get off that road and to stay off, only through the power of Jesus Christ. Let’s get our lives on the right road, because when you do, you will see Satan in your rearview mirror, heading the other way! Thank you, Jesus, for the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.