Summary: confusion--doubts--discouraged

Conquering Confusion 1 John 2:3-11 (read).

As we continue our RISING ABOVE THE WORLD SERIES from 1st ,2nd ,& 3rd John we come to this passage today they gives us some key ingredients from moving from a hope so, think so, maybe so salvation and into a know so salvation.

This is the John the beloved who wrote a key passage in the gospel of John in chapter 20:30-31. Where he had explained many of the miracles, acts, and teachings of Jesus. He said, many things that Jesus did are not written down. Then he said, the primary purpose for the book was for people to read it and know that Jesus is in fact the Son of God & the Savior of the world.

So we don't know everything that Jesus did, but we know enough to believe that he is the Savior of the world and that he wants to be your Savior if you let him.

Many people have never made that decision and they know it.

Some people have made that decision and they know it.

But some people have made that decision but are not sure if there saved.

I've heard some folks say that if you're truly saved you will never doubt it. But folks that's just simply not true. Because, saved, born-again, blood washed Christians can sometimes have doubts. Now doubts are in the battlefield of the mind! And Satan wants God's people confused with their experience they had with Christ. When a person gets saved by Jesus Christ the devil can no longer hope to capture your soul. But he will do everything that he can to confuse your mind.

So we need to understand today that there are people that are saved who have honest, nagging doubts that they are troubled by on occasion.

Remember JTB? One day standing by the river, saw Jesus walking and pointed and said, behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.

He knew Christ! Later on in the gospel of Matthew. Deserted--awaiting death sentence in jail, 2 disciples come.

He asked favor. I have something bothering me. Will you go asked Jesus if he's the one, or should I be looking for another.

Folks, there's a man who's doubting! Jesus never said he wasn't saved, never gave him hard time because of doubts.

Instead he sent back words of encouragement and comfort through those two disciples.

And if you're having doubts about your relationship with Jesus you will have an opportunity to get it all figured out today at the end of this service.

Let me tell you what happens when you doubt your salvation and why it's so important to your Christian life that you get this nailed down. #1. It hinders you. Hinder= behind. Can’t go forward do to unsettled past. Spend whole life looking in rearview mirror.

#2. It frustrates you. Constantly bombarded by unsettled issues. Walk/pray thousand times to be saved because scared of hell and wanted to go to heaven. But still not sure about your relationship w/Jesus. Some folks doubt because they are neurotic and scrutinize everything. Recheck things over—over.

They wonder did I say the right prayer? Was it for the right reasons? Am I sincere? Have I waited too long? Can anyone identify?

And if that doesn't rock your boat enough you have people that say if you can't remember the time/date/place/outfit/which way the wind was blowing /and what you had for breakfast then you truly never got saved. More messed up than before.

#3. It locks you up spiritually. No growth because you keep circling back to the first thing.

You keep re-laying a foundation you never build on.

If you do not get salvation nailed down you'll be frustrated forever and never be able to put up the framework of Christian character and work out your walk in every day practical life.

Your Christian life be a big chunk of concrete with no walls built on it.

If you have doubts, hope so, thinks so, maybe so salvation, and you want to have a know so salvation

I'm going to show you three things today from the word of God how you can know with absolute certainty that you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

You need to ask yourself these three questions.

#1. And I Obeying God's Word? V3-5.

There is a problem with trying to live today by constantly going back trying to recall something that happened 10/20/30 yrs. ago. It robs you from being alert to what's happening today.

Illustration. Birth certificates. I ask Terri to get it because I need to know the information on it. I say I need to know the Time—date—place—weight—looks--blood type--parents.

(She asked me why?). I say because I'm not sure if him alive and if I get my hands on that birth certificate then I will have some assurance I'm alive.

Interject about 1st having time and place, you put faith in nailed scarred, bloodstained hands of Jesus for salvation. There should be some recollection of that time!!

Prior to that. You were lost, undone, separated from a holy God and headed for hell. There should be a recollection of that time!!

If you don't recognize you’re lost you see no need to be found. And you didn't find Jesus he found you.

People that can’t go back to a place in their mind where they saw themselves lost and then cried out to Jesus to be saved, has never been saved! And I say that on the authority of God's word.

But today I'm dealing with people who are trying to figure out when and if.

Please realize that you don't progress or slide into salvation. There has to be a time when you were born again.

There are truly born-again folks who have prayed 25 times since that moment to be saved there is still doubt.

It's no wonder they are frustrated, frowning and frozen. They filled the defeated, depressed and discouraged because they are not living in Christian confidence! And w/o confidence you can't pray, serve, or worship freely.

I don't need my birth certificate to know I'm alive! That's ignorant!

Here's what I do: I check for signs of life. I have a pulse, see, hear, smell, and I can feel.

Stop looking backwards for spiritual birth certificate and start looking for signs of spiritual life today, and get the issue settled.

I know people right now who have a time—date--place, but no evidence that they love, follow, or belong to Jesus.

You need to ask yourself if there is evidence today that I’m a child of God?

And 1 evidence is: AM I OBEYING GOD'S WORD.

Look at V3. See the word keep? It's also in V4-5. Means guard—contemplate—observe intensely.

It's the picture of guarding a special treasure with intensity. That's how we should treat God's word.

See the word commandment? It's not the usual word translated commandment. This word means precept.

John is saying we should guard, love, and protect the precepts of God's word in general & the teachings of Jesus in particular.

V4-5. You see the word know him? Makes reference to knowing Jesus intimately.

There's a lot of difference between knowing about him; and knowing him! Case in point. Nicodemus. Tell Nicodemus statement. Jesus response. Nicodemus you need to be born again. Born from above. If not you will never go to heaven.

You don't get saved with a head full of Scriptures; you have to get a heart full of the Holy Spirit! Maybe just realized that you? Want saved? Jn. 3:16.

Read V5. Speaks of keeping word in general. And it says, by this we know that we are in him.

Does this mean that I'm going to be perfect? No! Always make right choice? No!

But it does mean that it should be the desire of my heart to keep, guard, and obey his word.

It is not a matter of avoiding the wrong things, but concentrating on doing the right things.

If I'm saved, then the witness of my new life in Christ makes me want to obey, read, and apply the word of God, because I love him!

And I come to church because I love it. Not because pastor, but because I'm a Christian. I don't have to go; I get to go! Folks this is the highlight of my week. I love the music, teaching/preaching, worship, pray, and fellowship I get here.

Remember that Harold Camping guy who wounded Christianity and Christians everywhere with his uneducated prediction of the rapture a few years ago.

It was the same guy years ago who said churches are obsolete and that people need flee them.

Evidently he and his followers met in coffee shops and houses and pulled their ignorance together while their kids chewed the varnish off of the furniture. Another good reason to be involved in a Bible preaching church!

Beloved I need church, I get excited, I like having fun and loving on each other,

I like feeling the Holy Spirit move inside of this church, and see folks lives changed and saved by the power of Christ!

I love coming to church. And when I see folks come dragging themselves in and plop down in their seats like it's killing them to be here. Roll eyes when word is preached. Fold arms in disgust. Make little breath sounds. And claim the love of Christ? Doesn't add up!

#2. Am I Abiding in God's Son? V6.

Abiding in Christ is not about what you say it's about what you are!

If we are one then it will show. Read v6. See the word ought? Means obligation for payment of debt owed. I don't come—give—sing and worship because I think I can repay Jesus for what is done for me!

But I do have a sense of an obligation in which I want to show him my gratitude and thanks by my devotion to him.

The word walk means to order my steps. I ought walk where, when, why he walked. And as I walk I ought to behave as he behaved.

Now a walk signifies life. Because dead people don't walk.

It also signifies direction. Obeying word = going the right way.

It also signifies destination. What is your walk aiming for? If you're walking to heaven there ought to be a certain path you take. And the kind of walk you have will also be indicated by the kind of folks that are on the path with you. (Hello).

If you say you are saved and born-again, but, unconverted lost people continue to swirl around you un-convicted and unconverted; here's the problem There's not been enough noticeable change in your life to bother them.

If I'm walking w/ Jesus. Bible in my hand--Heaven on my mind—and His word of mouth.

Certain people will get off my path and out of my way because they have no desire to go where I'm going.

Acting like Jesus makes people uncomfortable. I speak, act, think, and smell different. Sweet savor. Smell alive, not dead.

If I'm still walking with those same old lost, hell bound, foul mouthed, messed up, confused crowd; I always hung around and we're still strolling down the path together.

I honestly have to question my relationship with Jesus.

If you're walking in the footsteps of Jesus you can expect to lose some friends.

Now don't think that I'm being too critical or judgmental on this issue!

I making statements based on observation in light of the scriptures!

Some folks who call themselves Christians continue to run like they always have by comparing themselves to people in the church that they call hypocrites.

Let's look down at V6. We're supposed to walk as he walked. (Jesus is the standard).

So am I #1. Obeying God's word,

#2. Abiding in God's son,

and the last question.

#3. Am I Loving God's People? V7-11.

Read V10-11. The opposite of light is dark, and the opposite of love is hate.

Pointing fingers--spewing gossip--and thinking ill of folks is not very compassionate.

Grudges—complaining—despising--disputing are all attitudes void of love. If you struggle in these areas--then you're having a hard time loving God's people.

Now that shouldn't come as a shock or new revelation us. As a matter of fact that's exactly what John says in V7. We've known forever that this is how God desires for us to be with him and everyone else. But some are still mean. So what you think they need?

They need a dose of V8. They need to put that darkness in the past and come into the true light.

All at the same time you can receive the God of love and the love of God in your heart.

And it will start bubbling—growing—overflowing—and shining out of you in the form of a forgiving agape love.

You don't get that love until you received the love of Christ.

Not a conditional love = If you love me I love you or I’ll Love you if I get what I want and If I feel like it. No sir! It's not conditional, it's contagious. It's the kind of love that melts the hardest heart, cracks the toughest nut, and crumbles the stalest cookie. It's a sacrificial, serving, sincere love that comes from the Lord.

Anybody who's ugly, mean, selfish, and unloving are miserable to themselves and everyone around them.

Those kind of attitudes will ruin fellowships/friendships/ and families.

If you're fighting with or in front of your kids

calling each other mean and hateful names.

Ridiculing your extended family.

Running down your pastor or the people in your church.

And treating folks horrible. I have two words for you today STOP IT!

You need to get real/fess up/get right because you're wrecking lives.

People who do not keep God's word, abide in God's son, and have trouble loving God's people will always be uncertain about their salvation because their lives do not represent the life of a Christian.

But I believe that if you have an honest internal desire to do those three things, you will have an assurance of Christ working in you.

This passage today says that we can know the truth of his word, we can know the love, light, life of Jesus Christ. It says we can know him. We can know the father. And V11. Alludes to the fact that we can know where we’re going.

I will let you know today that God wants you to know if you're saved, secured and sealed.

He wants you to know that you are Holy Ghost filled, hell free, and heaven bound.

He wants you to know that you can quit being concerned and confused, and you can be confident in today that he who has begun a good work in you will see it through until the day of completion.