Summary: Before we can have God back in Washington D C we need Him in our Homes.

When You Get Excited About God

2 Samuel 6

This being Sunday before we vote Tuesday I want to begin by making a few points from the first couple of verses from chapter 5 when David is finally received as king over all of Israel. They give three reasons to finally accept David as king.

1 Then all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and spoke, saying, “Indeed we are your bone and your flesh.

Their first reason is kind of like saying “blood is thicker than water” but that didn’t keep them from wagging their political battle against him for 7 and a half years after Saul’s death. But with Saul’s son, the puppet king assassinated by his own general and his assassin put to death by David for his treachery, they begin to come around.

I heard someone say on the news the other day that the one I agree with 80% of the time is not me 20% enemy. I think the quote was attributed to be something Ronald Regan had said. I would have to say that depends on what the 20% consist of. If it is abortion, Gay marriage and restrictions of the 2nd amendment, though the other side may tell me, “I just have to get over it,” to me it is more like rolling over -in it, like a dog in a strong smell; I have to set my limits.

For their second reason for accepting David as King they say

2 “Also, in time past, when Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel out and brought them in;

They remembered David’s loyalty to their nation and that he was a great military leader. That is what they hoped to have in Saul, but the song sung by the people became: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his Tens of Thousands.

Remember, that is what set Saul into his jealous rage against David in the first place.

People are fickle in their loyalty if their loyalty lies only in what one can produce for them. Buy my vote with big promises and my vote will be as fickle as the next bigger and better promise.

Keep that in mind as you go to the polls Tuesday. In other words do NOT put your vote or loyalty up for sale. Determine your loyalty to be to the one who is most loyal to Christ.

The third reason the elders give should have been their first.

and the Lord said to you, ‘You shall shepherd My people Israel, and be ruler over Israel.’ ” 3 Therefore all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord. And they anointed David king over Israel.

The first 2 reasons are trumped by the third reason. It is difficult to determine the mind of God in our political climate today. My first choice for president was one of the first to drop out of the race. And then my second and third choices dropped out. Now I’m left, honestly speaking, with my last choice.

Now instead of having someone whom I am confident in, someone I think will be a Godly shepherd and ruler over our nation, I am falling on my knees praying that our Savior will lead and give us someone who will seek to bring God’s presence back into Washington.

Last week we looked at Rizpah from 2 Samuel 21,a mother who demonstrated her love for her sons’ even in death. I am greatly concerned about the death of our nation and there are times I feel like I am morning over the death of what I believe was the greatest nation on earth; God’s light and leadership have been set aside in our national capital for ungodly alliances with an unbelieving populace.

America, as One Nation Under God is on life support if still alive at all. There is a great population in this nation that can care less about God.

The work of the church is needed today more than at any time in our nation’s history. Christians are crying about the moral decay of our society. Yes, do your crying but more importantly we need to be converting the godless by ministering the gospel to them.

I read this week we have to go to where people are. Jesus did not say that the whole world should go to church; He said the church should go into the whole world.

I remember a movie titled Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Well, we as Christians need to Go to Washington, and our state capital and county seat on our knees.

Last week there was a prayer rally in our state capital led by Franklin Graham. Our capitals need to feel the presence of God by our presence and influence there. We need to keep praying for state government and for Washington; I encourage you get to know the candidates and vote for the most Godly person you can and then keep in touch with them. Let them know you are praying for them, and watching the decisions they are making on our behalf.

I am hearing Christians saying they are not going to vote this time. They don’t like any of the choices. But I encourage you to cast your vote for the one that you can have the most affect on through your prayers and contact.

The elders of Israel made as their last reason for accepting David that he was the one chosen by God.

From these three reasons the elders finally accepted David; may we never put as last place what should be in first place in selecting our leaders. God, His purposes and plans, is to always and foremost be in first place.

That is what we find when we come to the 6th chapter of Samuel. David wants to bring the presence of God into the national Capital by bringing the Ark of the Covenant to the capital city, Jerusalem. Isn’t that what we want to do for our nation? We want to send up men and women with a Godly heart to bring the nation back around to God. But-

I. When Something Goes Wrong, When Trying to do Something Right, Something Important was Probably Ignored.

David’s first act after making Jerusalem the capital was to bring the Ark of God’s Presence into the center of the National life. The Ark had been sitting in Kirjath-Jearim for somewhere around a 100 years.

As told about back in I Samuel chapters 4 through 7 the Israelite army was being defeated by the Philistines because of their neglect to remain faithful to God so someone got the idea that if they brought the Ark of the Covenant to the front of the battle grounds then God would defeat the Philistines for them. The Ark was brought out but God stayed behind.

The Philistines captured the ark and took it and set it before their god Dagon in the heathen temple. When they went into the temple the following day they found the statue of Dagon had fallen off its stand with its face in the dirt. They set the idol back in place only to come in the next day to find the statue fallen over again, this time with its head and hands broken off. They sent it on a tour to all the Philistines cities which brought a plague to each one along with it. After about 7 months they tired of their bad luck charm so set it on an oxen cart along with some gold offerings and sent it on its way. It ended up at home of Abinadab in Kirjath-Jearim. That is where we find in 2 Samuel chapter 6.

When King David sought to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem something went wrong. He had gathered 30,000 men, got his army to come along and they set out to bring the Ark to the Capital city. They set it on a new ox cart much like the Philistines had done when they sent it back home and started to march it toward Jerusalem.

There was a marching band. The procession was impressive; A great celebration. What could be any better- than to bring the Presence of God to the center of Government? We can assume that David had Inquired of the Lord about this matter as he had done so many times before and had received God’s approval.

They got as far as Nacon’s threshing floor, I’m not sure how far that might be. I think only to the next hill top. That is where threshing floors were usually located to take advantage of the wind for separating the shaft from the grain. We don’t really know where Nacon’s threshing floor was located. But the road muct have had some potholes in it that caused the oxen to stumble. The ark appeared that it was going to slide off the cart so Abinadab’s son Uzzah, reached out to steady the sacred box and was struck dead.

Perhaps he forgot how holy the ark was since it had been staying at his father Abinadab’s house for some time. I remember when the ark first came to Abinadab’s house they tried to look into the ark and 70 men were struck dead, I am sure Uzzah had to have heard that story. In any case, God made him an example. Something had gone all wrong.

Verse 8 says David became angry with God; and verse 9 says he feared God, perhaps as he had never before.

When things go wrong when we are trying to do right we too might get angry with God and or fear Him. Our reaction could be well I’m done with this religious stuff. I’ve seen people get mad and leave church not to return again because they tried to do what they thought was right and it turned out wrong.

Actually it is usually that they wanted their way, didn’t get their way, so they were on their way.

But listen, when right turns wrong it is because something big and important was ignored.

See the problem wasn’t that God didn’t approve of bringing His presence into the national spotlight. It was the manner in which it was being brought. The ark wasn’t to be carried on an oxen cart. God had directed Moses how the ark was to be transported. It was to have poles placed into the hoops on its side and the priests were to carry it on their shoulders.

I have read that they maybe had forgotten how it was to be transported. But that can’t be. Because how did they get it onto the cart without using the poles? The ark was not to be touched.

I think, and this is my peculation, that the trip from Kirjath-Jearim to Jerusalem, a distance of around 10 miles, just seemed too far to the priest to carry it, so they came up with their own plan.

Have you ever tried to something right and have it go wrong. Kind of reminds me of the insurance commercial where the woman is trying to water her flowers, gives an impatient jerk on the garden hose that ends up sending a step ladder through the picture window. The insurance company says they’ll cover it. But no amount of insurance is going to bring Uzzah back from the dead though.

Here is the lesson, you want to do something Right , make sure you get it all right without compromising God’s plan and instruction or it can go all wrong and someone or something is going to suffer for it. Things not working out in your marriage; did you follow God’s plan? Things going wrong at work; are you following God’s plan?

Hay, how would you like to see the presence of God returned back to Washington ? Is there a right way and another way… a way that seems right but leads to destruction we ought to be aware of? God would have us be a Nation under God as our money and pledge declares. How does that happen? We start by winning people to Jesus and making Christian voters out of our neighbors. We have to get God into our homes before He can have a place in Washington. What good will it do to have God in DC but absent from your home? We need more Christian Representatives and the way to do that is to make more Christian neighbors by sharing the Gospel with them.

You might think there is a short cut or an ox cart way to turn America around but God’s way is to save one soul at a time through our witness and word. It’s harder that way but no one is a Christian just because they were born in America. We need people to be the majority who are in love with Jesus and know Him as Savior and Lord.

I’m discussed with Hollywood and the trash they keep sending out to entertain my children. So I quit going to the Hollywood movies for the most part. It is my way of protesting the trash they call entertainment. And if enough of us would refuse to pay out tribute tax to Hollywood for the trash they keep making it will make a difference. Money as they say, Talks! I make a point to see the Christian movies as a way of showing my support.

Target stores came out saying they were going to let the transgender choose which bathroom they want to use and I’ve heard they have been really hurt the last couple of weeks with so many people boycotting their stores.

President Obama says our schools are going to have to let the transgender use which ever bathroom they want to use. I think every Christian in the County needs to be at the next School Board meeting and let the School Board know how we feel about that. 56 % of your property tax bill goes to Schools so whether you have a child in public school or not if you have to pay a property tax bill you have a right to speak up. And let me say, stand behind those on the board who want to hold the moral ground. Our Governor has already spoken out against the president’s edict, let the governor know you stand with him. Don’t let him stand alone.

We want the presence of God in D. C. and out state it’ll have to be done God’s way.

David stepped back and considered why what he had allowed to happen went wrong. He didn’t just quit his God Given pursuit to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem. Let us never give up. And if what we are doing isn’t working then let’s examine ourselves and be corrected. Time is too short and too many are dying and going to an eternal Hell to let it be ignored.

How many more babies will have to be aborted before we see what we’re doing in trying to change Washington is going wrong because we’re missing something important?

II. When you try to do right and it goes right you can’t help but to know you are blessed.

When Uzzah was struck dead everything stopped. David got mad and afraid. He had the ark moved into the house of Obed-edom.

I’m going to speculate here again and conclude that Obed-edom was watching the parade going by his house and when things went south and David was beside himself, Obed volunteered to shelter the Ark in his home. It was the right thing to do. While everyone else was standing around fearful, he wasn’t afraid to take the presence of God into His home.

Being that close to God can be a fearful thing if he had anything to hide. And listen, if there was anything unclean in Obed’s home you can be sure God cleaned house for him. Is there anything in your house that shouldn’t be there? Take God into your house and He will expose it, get rid of it and you will be blessed. There is not much of anything else said about Obed, but we hear in verse 11 God Blessed Obed-edom and his whole family. If Obed had anything hidden, it was exposed to the presence of God and God cleaned house and bless him and blessed his family. We want Washington and our state capital to change; we need to first bring God into our home.

Some of you are going through some tuff stuff. The world around us is going to, you know where in a hand basket. You don’t have to be fearful with them. Bring God into your home and He will bless you. -You and your family.

You can come to church and have a degree of blessing but if you don’t bring God’s presence into your home, you will miss the greater blessings. Obed had a blessing David could only hope for, As we’ll see in a few minutes. Obed had in his home what the King didn’t have in his.

There are a lot of Christians who pursue God by coming to church and that is a wonderful thing; but the blessing is not complete until you take God Home with you. It may seem strange at first sitting down with the family and saying a prayer before the meal, and stranger still will be when you ask the family to turn off the TV , put down the game control, put the cell phone of silence and gather around for family devotions.

You will never know the fullness of God until you bring Him Home. Your Family will miss the blessing He would give to them until you bring Him Home.

One more thing here; David heard about how Obed and his family was blessed because of the Ark of God’s presence was in that house so David returned again to his pursuit to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem. David wanted for his nation what Obed had for his family. Let me ask, does your family have what our nation needs? If your family looked like Washington, would that be a good thing or a bad thing. Would it be better or worse?

I can’t help but believe that God used the blessing on Obed’s Home to bring a Blessing to the whole nation of Israel. You bring God into your house, and you just may be pouring God’s blessing on the land we love.

Let me make one more point this morning.

III. When You do what is Right, Not Everyone will be as Glad as You Are.

Verse 13 reveals that they carried the Ark this time, and took only six steps, set it down and made a sacrifice before God. And look at David. He Danced!

I’m not much of one to dance. I have inhibitions. Once in a while, at a wedding Cathy will get me to do a slow dance with her like we will do often in our kitchen with only music playing in our heads. I know, I hear someone thinking loudly, I thought Baptist weren’t supposed to dance. Well I guess David wasn’t a Baptist then, or maybe Baptist has it wrong. I think what is wrong is where and with what we have come to associate with dancing.

It is a shame what God gave we would take away because a few will use it for evil. David danced and it seems he worked up such a sweat that he pulled off his outer garment and continued to dance in what I think might be compare to a man’s undershirt.

Oh, but when his wife, the daughter of Saul, Michal saw David she became livid. Not everyone will be happy just because we are happy. There could be a few reasons for Michal’s bitterness. As a king’s daughter maybe she didn’t think it was proper royal behavior for the King to be so exuberant, and uncovered.

Maybe she was jealous over what David achieved that her father couldn’t achieve.

But when David got home in verse 20, Michal met him at the door. “How glorious was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself today in the eyes of the maids of his servants, as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!”

What do you do when someone tries to pour water on your worship? David comes home; he’s in the best mood possible. He has just poured his heart of gratitude out before the Lord without caring who is watching. He isn’t concerned if someone thinks a king shouldn’t act like that. He is filled with worship, His Cup Runnith Over and He is spilling out his love, worship and praise to the God of Israel.

I’m wondering why Michal wasn’t right there beside him as his wife. Instead she’s watching, from the palacewindow, aloof, missing the greatest celebration that Israel will every experience until the Day Jesus enters Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday. She plays the part of the Pharisees who criticized Jesus for not quieting his disciples when he entered into that city.

Someone I know posted on face book this week this observation: When ministry becomes performance, then the sanctuary becomes a theater, the congregation becomes an audience, worship becomes entertainment, and man’s applause and approval becomes the measure of success; but when ministry is for the glory of God, His presence moves into the sanctuary. Even the unsaved visitor will fall down on his face, worship God, and confess that God is among us.

I wish that were always true, but the reality is if you worship, really worship, there are some people who will get uncomfortable and might even become critical.

I notice that we don’t raise hands here at Cornerstone, probably because, I your preacher don’t raise my hands except sometimes when I’m praying but with your eyes closed you may not ever see that. I’ve been in worship services where I couldn’t help but raise my hands in praise. In fact I wanted to bounce a little bit.

Listen, if you want to raise your hands, or dance in the isles a bit as long as the object of worship is Jesus I’m not going to water down your worship.

I remember of reading the story of the conversion of Simon Kenton, the great Kentucky explorer and settler. He had been standing on the outskirts of a revival meeting watching for Indians who might try to attack. He heard the evangelist words each night so he called the preacher aside one day and asked him to take a walk in the woods with him where Simon Kenton said, “I want to confess a few thing so I don’t want anything that happens here to ever leave between us.” Simon Kenton told of a long list of sins, killings and other things that cause guilt to lay heavy on him. He asked d the preacher, “with all I told you do you think that God could forgive even me?” To which the preacher responded a hearty absolute and invited Simon to kneel right there in the middle of the woods. The preacher began to pray with all the fervency he could petitioning God to have mercy on Simon’s soul. The preacher no sooner said amen than Simon Kenton jumped to his feet and commenced to shout and jump, leaping over logs heading back to the village. The preacher finally made his way back to the clearing where he found Simon still shouting and crying to everyone, I’m Saved, I’ saved, God has forgiven me of every sin. I’m forgiven; I’m saved.

The preacher walked up to Simon and said, “Simon I thought you wanted to keep this just between the two of us,” and Simon responded, “How could I keep such a thing as my salvation a secret?” (The Frontiersman, Allen W. Eckert)

My friend, maybe you’ve never had a reason to get too excited when it comes to things of faith; maybe you haven’t seen reason to celebrate and dance before the Lord. But maybe today all that can change.

I would warn you though, there is that one who will say, you don’t have to get all so excited today, wait off a bit and that feeling will soon pass; or he would dampen your worship and praise today. But just this once, let go and let God. He would save your soul and be sure to take God home with you and if you dance a bit along the way, I’m okay with it, give a shout or a healthy lung clearing Amen, I’m okay with that also, let’s just be glad and celebrate the Lord has come into your home today. Amen.