Summary: In a world gone mad with sin and depravity, what should the true church of Jesus Christ be doing? We should not fear what man may do, we should bend the truth of God's Word, and we should not bow before the "gods" of political correctness.

Where do we go from Here?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

By Rev. James May

We live in a world where the words of the prophet Isaiah are ringing loud and long, and the warnings of what will come in these last days are coming to pass with alarming speed. Who can doubt that we are nearing the time of Jacob’s Trouble? A quick glance into the troubles in the Middle East will show that Israel is compassed about with enemies and with little help from other nations, if any, Israel is preparing to stand alone against the world.

In Isaiah chapter 5, we read these words:

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Isaiah 5:22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

Isaiah 5:23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

America, and the world, is falling into these traps more and more each day. European nations are farther along this path to destruction than America, and the plans of the Muslims to create a caliphate (kingdom under one Muslim ruler), in the whole of Europe are well underway and working like a charm.

With millions of Muslim refugees immigrating into the European nations, such as Germany, which now has over 25 million Muslims, the future elections of these nations will see the rise of Muslim leaders, and they will no longer be called “Christian nations”.

When the Muslim leaders take over, they will vote in Sharia Law. Then those who won’t abide under Sharia Law will be taxed heavily, and then, when they refuse to convert, many will be beheaded.

America still has a chance for repentance. Less than 2% of our population is Muslim right now, but that number is growing rapidly. Nothing but the prayers of the saints and the mercy of God can stop this same thing from happening right here.

We have avowed Socialists running for President; a Muslim sympathizer is now in the White House, and Muslims are being systematically placed in strategic political positions of power and authority all across the land. If the church is ever going to pray, now is the time. Another 5 or 10 years will be too late.

Most of our younger generation has been brainwashed by liberal educators and they are more than willing to vote in people whose ultimate goal is the destruction of American freedom and economy, forcing this country into submission to anyone who is strong enough militarily to threaten our existence.

In days gone by, when the Russians and the Chinese were threatening the world with Communist domination, the catch phrase was, “Better off Dead, than Red”! Americans stood together, unified against the communist threat because most of us could see how communism and socialism placed the people of those nations under such suppression. That’s why I went to Vietnam. That’s why Korea was fought. That’s why many brave men and women have died in foreign lands for many years. Freedom was, and still is, dear to us who have seen the world changing.

But we have a generation now who have never seen the real effect of socialism and communism and they are falling prey to the propaganda machines of the politicians and the mind controlling media, and they have been convinced that freedom isn’t worth fighting for, and that any kind of life is better than death.

So unless God undertakes and turns us back to him, there is little hope for my grandchildren, and especially my great-grandchildren, should the Lord tarry, to ever know what real freedom is. The day is coming when the whole world will fall under the controlling and deadly thumb of the Antichrist’s One World Government that won’t allow any personal freedom or opposition to his control.

I know that this is something that the true church won’t see because Jesus is coming to take his Bride away, but it is still very sad to this coming upon those who don’t make themselves ready. What kind of world will they inherit! It’s a world that I don’t want to be a part of!

But the great thing is that it’s also a world that won’t last for long. Just seven years is all it will take, but those will be 7 long years of the worst trouble and disasters that this world will ever know. At the end of that period, known as the Great Tribulation, there is coming a new world – a world of peace, safety and righteousness. That will be the new world under the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Millennial Kingdom. That world, I not only want to be a part of, but we are promised that we will rule and reign with Christ for that thousand years of peace.

As I said, we all can see how fast and how much this world is changing and it’s not for the good! America has its troubles, but if we think it’s hard now, just watch and see what is coming. We have only just begun, and if we continue down this path of rebellion against the Word of God, and refuse to turn to Christ, then what is happening everywhere else, will soon be happening here, and I believe, that as the time draws nearer, every one of those terrible changes will be accelerating!

I believe that America is under judgment right now! It’s not off in the future; it’s now! God is doing everything he can to get our attention right now! There is still time to repent, if we will do it! But if not, then judgments will only grow worse until there is no turning back!

• We are killing innocent babies by the millions.

• We are turning our backs upon Israel and inviting God’s curse upon our land.

• We are defying the very law of God and changing his design for the family with the recent Gay Marriage laws.

• We have allowed demonic statues and even idol gods to be displayed in lights on the skyscrapers of our major cities.

Can this go on without God’s judgement? All we can do is pray for mercy and a space of time for repentance!

The Gay rights movement is only the tip of the iceberg in man’s attempt to defy God’s laws of nature and of righteousness. And while it has already caused persecution to the church, such as the Mayor of Houston subpoenas to the pastors for sermons against homosexuality, there is more to come.

I read in an article about the things that are happening in Canada right now. Alberta Canada has created “learning environments” that force everyone to respect “diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions” upon all its students in public education.

Here are few of the samples of their guidelines:

Students can no longer be labeled as girls or boys, but as any other label they choose. They can be called kids, students, people or whatever, but not girls and boys. They cannot be referred to as either “he or she”, but can us “ze, zir, hir, they, or them.” In addition, teachers may no longer be labeled as Mr., Mrs, or Ms. They should have no prefix at all to their names to ensure that no one is discriminated against.

The same goes for referring to the parents of the students. They cannot be called father, mother, him or her. Instead they must be referred to as “parents/guardians, caregivers, families, partners, or just those to whom the child belongs.

Students can also choose their own sports team. Teams can no longer be formed that are called boys sports or girls sports. If the teams are divided then each child has the right to choose which team they want to be on, so the divisions are useless.

Also, students are allowed to choose their own restroom and dressing room. If anyone objects then the one who objects must be offered an alternate facility.

Where does all this stop? The end is not in sight, and since the heart of man knows no limits in its depravity, I doubt there will ever be an end. Someone will always find something else to use to defy God.

Here’s the question: If it’s legal for Gays to marry, then what makes monogamy so sacred? Let’s allow polygamy under the law!

And what about “Sologamy”? And yes, sologamy does exist already! It actually began over 20 years ago when Linda Baker married herself in 1993. Sologamy means that a person should be able to marry themselves.

1. One woman, Sara Sharpe, bought herself a wedding gown, a ring, and wrote marriage vows to herself.

2. In January 2015, Yasmin Eleby married herself in Houston and had a lavish wedding ceremony with 10 bridesmaids, plus family and friends. Of course it wasn’t legal then, but you can bet it will one day soon. Yasmin’s sister performed the ceremony and then Yasmin went on a honeymoon with herself to Cambodia, Laos and a jazz festival in Dubai.

3. Another woman, Nadine Schwiegert married herself in North Dakota with 40 friends as witnesses. Her vows to herself read, “I, Nadine, promise to enjoy inhabiting my own life and to relish a lifelong love affair with my beautiful self.”

And it won’t stop with marriage – it will go on farther into the idea of race, and even species!

Nano, a 20 year old Norwegian, claims to have been born in the wrong species. She believes that she was supposed to be a cat instead. She hisses at dogs, claims to have superior night vision and a great sense of smell, because she is a cat. She mostly speaks in “cat language”; meows at everybody!

And then there are the trans-aged who claim that their age does not align with the date they were given on their birth certificates. Paul Wolscht, a 52 year old Canadian, after having seven children, now claims that he is a 6 year old girl, and left his wife and kids to have a liberating life and not have to think about adult stuff. He was supported by the transgender advocates and is now considered uniquely special because he believes he’s just 6 years old, and not 52.

And so it seems that everyone, and anyone, who claims to have any kind of special belief in who, or what they are, should have equal rights of anti-discrimination under Canadian Law. Don’t think it won’t come to America!

The real problem is that people don’t want to deal with reality, and they don’t want to be accountable to a Holy God and his unchanging word!

It all begins with calling evil, good; and good, evil – and it all begins with a heart of man that is lost without God and deep in sin, deceived by the darkness of the prison of sin, and the lies of Satan. There is no doubt that demons inhabit the hearts of many of those who defy God in such a manner as these. Of course, a lot of it is simply the degenerate heart of sinners just defying God!

Where do we go from here?

For the church, the path leads upward as we draw closer to the Lord and climb the mountain into his presence. In Christ there is liberty, freedom and righteousness. In Jesus, we have a sound mind, and a perfect love!

There is a great path ahead – one that leads in two directions – either toward Jesus and the Cross, or toward the depths of the pits of sin!

I believe that the farther we go, the easier it’s going to be to see the difference and that many are going to be force to come to Christ or be forever lost.

It’s time that we go to God in prayer for our nation, for our kids, for the next generation. It’s time we invade the strongholds of the devil, resist him and stand up for righteousness.

The Holy Spirit is still calling us to a place of repentance! He’s still filling his church with Holy Ghost power! As sin grows, even greater grows God’s grace and mercy to those who will call upon his name! Get ready for revival! Deception has come upon the land, but so has the Spirit of Truth! Our God is victorious and his word will reign forever true!

There is victory ahead for the church! Who knows how great the revival will be in these last days? I believe that the Spirit of God is drawing all who will to come back to him. God loves the world. He did while he hung on the cross and he still does. He is still seeking to save the lost!

And the message to the church is this:

Luke 21:27, 28 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.