Summary: This message consider how we need to journey through life. The focus in on what to be on guard against and who to look to - Jesus - in order to see you through the ups and downs.

Storms on the Sea of Life

Acts 27


Here we are at the start of a New Year and today I want us to consider how we are going to travel life this year.

Sea stories are common – The Sydney to Hobart; ancient literature; Titanic - $1.8 billion US; Moby Dick, etc. The Bible has a few: - Noah’s Ark, Jonah, Jesus on the Sea of Galilee and here in Acts 27.

Life has often been compared to the Sea. If we take this view the passage teaches us far more than we realise. When I was reading this passage a few things came to me – Seas and Storms; Soldiers and Sailors; Slaves and Saint.

1. Seas and Storms


Here at the start of Acts 27 Paul is in the process of being sent to Rome to be tried by the Emperor. The only way to Rome was by sea. Life is often compared to a journey. The picture in this account is that of life being a journey on the sea. We are all on this sea whether we like it or not. Our lives are subject to Nature. There are forces beyond us. Paul is here subject to these forces. We are all like ‘ships in the night’. Our lives are lived on this journey of life - this sea of life. We fool ourselves in thinking that is done in the safety and security of our own individual vessel – our own ship which we are said to be ‘the captain’ – ‘captain of our own destiny’. But as this story in Acts 27 shows, this myth is blown apart.


This account of Paul’s journey to Rome tells of varying conditions that all impacted on the way the journey went. Wind, Hurricanes and Storms all controlled where and how Paul’s ship was faring. All these things were out of his control. The sea has this quality – it can be tranquil, rhythmical and then furious and frightening. We make plans but they are all subject to forces outside ourselves. This goes against the grain – against our human nature. Individually and collectively we attempt look to ourselves to save the day. The false belief of self-sufficient and self-dependence is the product of the fallen state of the human condition.

At home we have a set-top-box for our TV. We are subject to forces outside our control. My youngest daughter loves to watch her Kids show but when the wind gets going the picture is full of interference. To her absolute grief there is nothing I can do to fix it.

Notice how those in the ship used all that was in their power to be in control – to take control:

- Ropes tied to hold the ship together v17

- Using their anchors v18

- Throwing cargo and tackle overboard v18

We have this natural desire to do something – to take control of our circumstances.

When I was a boy I was told by my I was going to be good with my hands – I was going to be a plumber. I tried and tried but it was no use – I was hopeless. We are far more limited than we think.

We need to learn this lesson – ultimately in life we are not in control. Do we give up, sit and do nothing, blame everyone else and everything else for our situation? – NO! But we do need to accept that Life is filled with circumstances outside our control.

It is how we manage those circumstances - that is important. When we live life in our own strength it leads to:

- Being driven off course

- Being battered v18

- Being confused with no sense of direction v19

- Hopelessness v20

- Hunger – want v21

- Loss

God does not promise No Storms, but He does promise that He will be with us no matter what.

2. Soldiers and Sailors

Besides the forces of nature, another important factor in this narrative in Acts 27 is the human factor. Here we have soldiers and sailors. That is the way it is with life. Not only do we have to contend with the forces of Nature we have to cope with others. Other people have an influence and affect on our lives. Here Paul is subject to the decisions and actions of others. Whether it was visiting friends or how and when he was to travel – all these things were subject to the Julius a Roman centurion, v1.

It is worth observing how decisions were made by both the soldiers and sailors:

- Decision made in haste vv.6-7

- Focus on comfort and convenience v12a

- Formulated on the voice of the majority v12b

- Founded on circumstances v13

- Fashioned on human reasoning vv9-12 not God’s revelation

- Fixed with fear v29


Now let us consider the sailors - when things seemed at their worse they schemed to desert the ship vv27-30. Those you put trust in might be the ones to disappoint you most. Pretending to act in support they really act for themselves. We need to seriously consider our motives even when doing good.


Julius the Centurion was considerate of Paul but at an important time he was disappointed by listening to the ship owner and the captain v11.

When it came to the crunch and there was hope for rescue it was the soldiers who decide that they were going to kill all the prisoners – they called for the prisoners’ destruction.

Julius steps in - But the lesson here is that we cannot put absolute trust in humanity. It doesn’t mean we should abandon trust but we must not transfer our supreme trust and place it in man – The President will not save us - neither the Prime Minister nor any other human.

3. Slaves and Saints

Besides the forces of Nature and Human Influence on our journey of life there is the greatest dimension – but this is probably the one most neglected by people – it is the spiritual dimension – How will you travel spiritually this year? This is the heart of message in our passage. It’s not the storm, the sea, the ship, the soldiers or the sailors - it is Paul on His mission for God. Satan endeavours to throw all the forces he can muster against God’s purpose of Paul and the gospel going out to the uttermost ends of the earth.


Paul is a slave and I don’t mean a prisoner. He is a slave to Jesus Christ and the will of God. How does Paul travel on the sea of life? - By submitting to the will of God. Notice his contentment, trust and calm. Even his colleague Luke tells that us that he, Luke ‘gave up all hope of being saved’ v20.

The owner is a contrast to Paul. This was a grain ship. The owner wanted to see the journey happen because his treasure was fixed in the vessel. You will notice that everything in the ship is thrown away, even the tackle but it is only at the very end that the grain throw overboard.

Do you have something in your life that you are clinging to?

Don’t let anything hold you back and hinder you from travelling with God. Remember even the ship had to be given up in order for all to be saved.

Paul is faithful to those who he is with. He gives a warning v10 before the journey. But instead of giving up care and concern for those who he was with - even after they rejected him - he imitates Jesus and carries on caring and helping.

This is how we are to travel - we are to be doers of good. We are called to be sanctifiers – salt and light.

In the midst of the hardest times Paul brings comfort and hope vv23-26.

He cares for all who travel with him 276 in all – slave and free:

He prays for them

He feeds them

He protects them

He encourages them

He comforts them

Paul doesn’t sit in bitter silence despising the authorities. Paul is a blessing to those around him. What do you bring to those you have contact with?

And notice - Paul does not shy away from his faith v23.


Paul could do this because he was secure in Jesus Christ. He was following God’s will and acting on His calling. He was in an active relationship with the living God. He could extend care, forgiveness and love because he had experienced all these having been extended to him by the hand and heart of Jesus.

In the raging storm Paul did not forget God. The journey on the sea of life is safe because it is travelled with Jesus at his side. It doesn’t mean that it is easy. All that was suffered on that terrible journey was equally suffered by Paul but he had HOPE and a knowledge that he was journeying with Jesus. This is how Paul travelled 26:29

“Short time or long – I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”


How will you travel on the sea of life this year? Watch out and do not allow circumstances dictate the state of your spiritual well being.

Don’t give supreme power to other humans to determine whether you have comfort and security.

Be in the will of God. Be aware of the presence of Jesus in your life. Keep active your communications with Him, enjoy His presence and power. Feel the power of the Holy Spirit in your daily walk.

Do good to all those around you. Be a blessing – impart a blessing- present Jesus to those you have contact with. Live Jesus and love Jesus.

May your resolution and motto be –‘Journey this year with Jesus.’

I invite you if you feel convicted about this resolution to journey more consciously with Jesus. And f you who have never had Jesus with you on your journey of life I especially plead with you to have Him as your Saviour, Lord, Friend and Guide. Make the commitment now and come and make Jesus Christ the captain of your life and your destiny.