Summary: Proposition: In Genesis 15:1 - The LORD GOD tells Abraham (and therefore us) that 1. He will be Abraham's Shield 2. He will be Abraham's protector, defender and guard. 3. All Abraham has to do is allow God to lead

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-12; Psalms 27; Philippians 3:17 - 4:1

Theme: God is Our Shield

Proposition: In Genesis 15:1 - The LORD GOD tells Abraham that 1. He will be Abraham's Shield 2. He will be Abraham's protector, defender and guard. 3. All Abraham has to do is allow God to lead


Grace and peace from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord!

One of the Devil's favorite things to accomplish is to trip up God's people physically, emotionally and spiritually. He especially enjoys accomplishing this right after we have experienced a spiritual high mark in our faith walk. We see this very thing happening in the lives of Moses and the Apostle Peter.

Following Moses spiritual retreat with the LORD on Mt. Sinai, he was tempted by the idolatry of his people. Seeing Aaron's golden calf, hearing the noise of idol worship and seeing the blatant acts of immorality, Moses flew into a rage. Moses became so angry that he took the very words that God had just written on the stone tables and broke them into pieces (Exodus 32). Moses let his anger get the best of him. Moses allowed his anger to cause him to destroy God's gift to His people. The devil got the best of Moses.

One day, Peter goes out of his way to brag to anyone who will listen that no matter what happens he will never deny Jesus or Jesus' mission. No matter what anyone says or does to him, Peter says he will stay faithful. You can always count on Simon Peter. However, over the next few hours Peter faced three different temptations and each time Peter denied either knowing Jesus or being one of his disciples (Matthew 26). So much for loyalty. The devil got the best of Simon Peter.

In our Old Testament reading Abraham is facing a time of trial and temptation. Abraham is returning home from a spiritual victory and instantly he is faced with the temptations of allowing fear and doubt to overwhelm his relationship with God. He is faced with the age old temptation to mistrust God's love and will for his life.

Back in chapter 14, we read the story of Abraham's brilliant military operation by which he was able to rescue his nephew Lot and the other prisoners of war. They had been captured following a battle between two coalitions called the Five Kings and the Four Kings. The Four Kings coalition had won the battle and as a result had captured a great deal of possessions along with people and were returning home with their spoils.

In verses 13 - 17 we read how Abraham led a surprise attack and defeated the armies of the Four Kings. Returning triumphant , Abraham was approached by two men, the King of Sodom and the High Priest Melchizedek1. The King of Sodom proposed to Abraham that they establish a covenant with one another. However, Abraham knowing the immoral and wicked nature of Sodom and its' ruling parties refused to even entertain the idea. He wanted nothing to do with such an idea and believed that a covenant with Sodom would only harm him, his family and his future.

Abraham, however does stop and establish a covenant with the High Priest Melchizedek. They sit down and share a covenant meal of bread and wine. Abraham then presents a tenth of all he possesses to Melcheizedek as a thank offering to LORD. Melchizedek was a priest of the God most High and Abraham wanted to thank the Lord for allowing him and his army to win the battle against the Four Kings. Abraham knew that it was the LORD who led them to victory.

Chapter 15 opens with the LORD speaking to Abraham in a vision. The Lord's first words were words of peace and comfort - "Do not be afraid, Abram." Now, why does God say to this to Abraham? What would cause Abraham to go from the high feelings of victory to having to deal with fear and doubt?

+Bible scholars tell us that perhaps Abraham was afraid of a retaliation from the Four Kings. He had made an enemy of Kedorlaomer, the king of Elam and the other kings. Each of these kings had the ability to regroup their armies and come back and annihilate Abraham and his people. Abraham was well aware of these men's blood lust, malice and greed.

+Perhaps he was afraid of the wicked nature of the King of Sodom. Abraham hadn't mixed any of his words in refusing the king's proposal. He wanted nothing to do with either the king or the people of Sodom. He knew about their immoral ways and lifestyles and how they had already allured his nephew Lot. Abraham wanted to stay pure and holy.

+Perhaps Abraham was simply overwhelmed by being in the presence of the LORD God Almighty. It seems like each time that the LORD showed up in the lives of men, the LORD had to comfort men from being afraid.2 Abraham knew that no man could see God and live (Exodus 33:20). Perhaps Abraham was afraid for his very life.

More than likely it was a little of all of these things. Abraham had a great deal going on in his life to cause him great concern. He was not a native of that area and each day he and his family had to be ready to face all kinds of hardships. Newcomers were not welcomed. Abraham was also advancing in years and Sarah was still barren. So far, there was no promised heir. You can see that there were many things could cause Abraham to have moments of fear, doubt and anxiety.

However, just as Abraham was becoming overwhelmed by all kinds of fears, doubt and anxieties, the Bible reveals that the LORD stepped into the picture. The Lord tells Abraham that he no longer has to fear anything and that He, Almighty God Himself would become Abraham's shield. The LORD would stand before, behind and all around Abraham's and be his and his people's protector, defender and guard.

The metaphor of a shield was the perfect metaphor that the Lord could have used at that time. Abraham had just left a battlefield littered with dead bodies. He knew firsthand the difference a well made shield could make. No doubt, Abraham was covered with all kinds of scraps, cuts and battle scars. I can imagine him being all bandaged up, hobbling a little and realizing how much he needs God's divine protection. I think as Abraham heard these words, all his doubts and fear began to melt away as he rested in the Lord's care.

I. The Lord Himself promises to be Abraham's Shield

Let's look at that metaphor - Abraham's Shield for a few minutes this morning. I believe that the Holy Spirit wants us to better understand what it really means for the Lord to be our shield. For the promise that the LORD made to Abraham in this passage was not limited to Abraham alone. It was a promise given through Abraham to all of God's Children of Faith which includes all of us. This morning, the LORD seeks to be our shield as well.

So, exactly what was the Lord telling Abraham? He was not telling Abraham that He would provide some kind of new technology or some kind of new shield design. The Lord was revealing to Abraham that He Himself was stepping in to become Abraham's shield. He would personally take over the role of being Abraham's protector, defender and guardian.

Over the years armies and security forces have created all types of shields.3 From ancient times to modern times armies and security forces have used some kind of shield or protective clothing. Archeologists have found shields that were constructed using leather, wood, bronze, iron, gold and even tightly woven cloth. Shields have been found that were as small as 6 inches in diameter to as large as a modern wooden household door.

Shields have been found that were fashioned in the shape of a circle, a square and a rectangle or something in between. Military experts tell us that ancient shields were created to be used both as a defensive and offensive weapon. In recent times we have replaced the ancient shield with ballistic shields along with a suit of body armor and bullet proof face guards.

However, no matter how well we humans have fabricated our shields none of them have been fool proof. Somewhere, somebody has always come up with a way to defeat them. From ancient times to today, even the best constructed shield have been defeated. It is simply beyond our human ability to build the perfect shield.

Look again at verse one this morning. God is not giving Abraham some kind of supernatural leather, wood or metal. The LORD GOD HIMSELF is telling Abraham - I will be Your Shield. Now, take a moment and allow that to sink into your heart, mind and soul. The LORD GOD HIMSELF says that He will be Abraham's Shield and therefore Our Shield. What does that mean? It means that the God who is:

+Omniscient - God can see everything - any foe, any weapon, anything that may be coming to harm you God can see.

+Omnipresent - God is Everywhere. God is above us, below us and around us. God surrounds us.

+Omnipotent - God is all powerful. By His words all things came into existence. There is no greater being than God Himself.

+ Forever Faithful and True wants to be our shield.

Can you image a better shield, protector and defender for Abraham? For us? Can you think of anything that could penetrate that shield? Can you think of anything that could defeat that shield or go around that shield. Can you think of any dart from Satan that can defeat or damage that shield?

The LORD is offering Himself to Abraham. In essence the LORD is saying - "Look at yourself Abraham. You just got out of hand to hand combat. You fought for your family and you fought for you very life. You have a cut here, a lash there, you're all bruised up and you walk with a limp. Your leather or wooden shield has saved your life but you are now battle worn and weary. You need some time to rest and mend. You need time for your wounds to heal and scars to form. Put down that little wooden or leather shield and allow Me to stand before You. Allow the God of all Creation to be your shield."

What a promise of assurance and hope. What a promise of security. What God promised Abraham here in Genesis 15:1, He also promises to you and me this morning. God desires for us to allow Him to be our Shield.

II. Secondly, we see that when the Lord promises to be Abraham's Shield, it means He will be Abraham's Protector, Defender and Guardian.

The Bible tells us that the most righteous of people need the LORD to be their shield. We all need the LORD to be our Shield because we have an enemy called the Devil. The Devil is determined to steal from us, lie to us, destroy us and ultimately kill us physically and spiritually. He has been a murderer and a liar from the beginning of time and he seeks nothing more than our physical, emotional and spiritual death. He is more powerful that we could ever think or imagine. One our own we will never defeat him. We need the LORD to be our shield against his fiery darts.

We need a shield that will protect us from harm's way. We need a shield that will guard us from all kinds of dangers. We need a shield that will shelter us from our own weaknesses. We need a shield that will screen us from things that come our way.

Sixty three times in Scripture the word shield is used. Most of them deal with God either seeking to be our shield or from someone thanking the Lord for being their shield. Listen to some of them this morning:

Psalm 7:10-12 (CEV)

10 You, God, are my shield,

the protector of everyone

whose heart is right.

11 You see that justice is done,

and each day

you take revenge.

12 Whenever your enemies refuse

to change their ways,

you sharpen your sword

and string your bow.

2 Samuel 22:31 (CEV)

31 Your way is perfect, LORD,

and your word is correct.

You are a shield for those

who run to you for help.

Psalm 119:114 (CEV)

114 You are my place of safety

and my shield.

Your word is my only hope.

There are so many more verses we could share. Each and every one of them share the same message - The God of the Universe - Our Heavenly Father wants us to understand that we do not have to go through life alone. We do not have to face the onslaughts of the Devil by ourselves. We can have the most powerful shield in the Universe protecting us, defending us and guarding us.

This morning we should shout with praise that our God loves us so much that He steps in to be our shields. We should thank God for His protection. We should thank God for being our Defender. The Devil wants to defeat us but as long as God is our Shield the Devil is powerless.

III. Thirdly, all Abraham has to do is to allow God to lead

All that the Lord required of Abraham is to allow God to lead.

This morning, our role is the same as Abraham's role.

+All we have to do is to stay behind God's Shield of protection and defense.

+All we have to do is to trust God and surrender to His care

No matter how good a shield is, it is worthless if it simply lays on the ground. An unused shield doesn't make any sense. The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus wrote: "TO LOSE ONE'S SHIELD IS THE BASEST OF ALL CRIMES." In other words, only a fool would have the ability to protect and defend oneself and not use that ability. Only a fool tries to fight without his/her shield.

Abraham was a man who knew the worth of a good shield. He had already seen its value up close in the battle that his men had fought against the Four Kings. He had already witnessed its worth as he had fought hand to hand combat with men who desired to cut him to pieces. No doubt Abraham's human shield had already save his life many times.

A few months ago (Nov. 2015) the city of Paris was attacked by a group of well organized and well armed terrorists. They came to do as much mayhem, destruction and damage as possible. Thomas Gibbons-Neff, a writer for the Washington Post , detailed the attack and the ensuing events that happened that night.4 Alongside his article was a picture of one of the shields that was used that night by the Paris police. While it is riddled with bullet marks, the shield did its job. It saved the life of the man that was using it.

What would have happened that night if that man along with the policemen had decided to just go without any kind of protection? What would have happened if they had decided to discard those ballistic shields? We all know what would have happened. The terrorist would have killed a lot more than 120 people and wounded a lot more than 300 men, women, boys and girls. They would have added the bodies of tens of police officers.

But that did not happen because those police officers and those in authority above them were intelligent. They knew if a person has to go into an area where someone is shooting then with that much firepower you are going to need a shield. And so they told these men and women to use their shields and their lives were saved. Their shields took all the damage. The shields did their jobs and lives were saved.

This morning, we have at our disposal the greatest shield of all - the LORD GOD HIMSELF. Nothing or no one is more powerful. However, in order for our to have protection we must get behind the LORD and we must stay behind the LORD. If we don't we will expose our hearts, minds and our souls to the onslaughts of the Devil.

Today, the nation of Israel has created an amazing flag. In the middle of their national flag is the what we Gentiles call the star of David. To the Jewish people it is also called the Megan or Shield of David. Since the 1100's that symbol has been used to separate the Jewish people from the rest of society. For hundreds of years it was used as a way to mock them, ridicule them and humiliate them. The Nazis used that symbol as a way to ostracize the Jews so they couldn't find a job or a place to live.

Present day Jews have taken that symbol to remind themselves and everyone else that they are a nation under God's Shield. Instead of it being a symbol of shame, it has become a symbol testifying of God's Protective Shield over His people. As long as it is flying across their land the Jews believe that they are under God's Protection, Defense and Guardianship. For them their flag has a built in faith statement.

If you look throughout their land you see their flag displayed in two major colors - in blue to symbolize that under God's Protection their land is safe and at peace. In red to symbolize in times of emergencies their God is there to help them. No matter what the circumstance - peace or war, tranquility or an emergency - GOD is their Shield.

Today we may not be of Jewish heritage but the Bible tells us that we are all children of Abraham by faith. Like Abraham we are invited to put our trust in the LORD. Like Abraham we have been invited to come out of darkness into the light of holiness. Like Abraham we have been invited to walk with the LORD and like Abraham we have been invited to allow God to be our Protector, Defender and Guardian.

This morning, in whom do you put your most trust? Your job? Your family? Your possessions? Your bank account? Yourself? All of those provide some level of protection. We could say that each of them could be a shield. But if life has taught us anything it is the fact that none of them can protect us, defend us or guard us like our LORD.

This morning, as we sing # 79 - THE WONDER OF IT ALL - let us rejoice in the fact that we can be under God's protection.

Contemporary song - Hillsong - Made Me Glad (You Are My Shield)

1It is interesting to read how many rabbis believe that Melcheizedek may in fact be Noah's Son Shem. and

2We see this same reaction with Gideon (Judges 6:22), the children of Israel (Ex. 19), Isaiah in the Temple (Isaiah 6), Zechariah (Luke 1) and the disciples (John 20)

3 For a fascinating look into the history of shield armor see