Summary: Theme: Victory - Jesus Style - What it means to be a Victorious Christian Proposition: In this passage Paul shares three keys to living a victorious Christian Life: 1. Be Determined 2. Be Dedicated 3. Be Deliberate in Action

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Theme: Victory - Jesus Style - What it means to be a Victorious Christian

Proposition: In this passage Paul shares three keys to living a victorious Christian Life: 1. Be Determined 2. Be Dedicated 3. Be Deliberate in Action


Grace and peace from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ who came to take away the sins of the world.

All over the planet, people are fanatical about sports. All you have to do is to turn on the radio, T.V. or simply look across the fence and you will find some kind of sport being played no matter what time of the year. There is soccer, cricket, golf, baseball, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, tennis, swimming, NASCAR, boxing, track and field, taekwondo, wrestling, cheerleading, field hockey, rugby, wrestling along with motor bike racing and the list could go on and on. According to the World Sports Encyclopedia (2003), there are at least 8,000 different indigenous sports and sporting games.

How popular are some of those sports?1 The most popular sport on the planet today is the game of soccer which states that it has approx. 2.5 to 3 billion fans. Soccer is also played by more than 250 million athletes of all sizes and ages all across the world. Coming in 2nd and 3rd are the games of Cricket and basketball. They each report that they have as many as 2 billion fans. Believe it or not, volleyball and table tennis state that they have over a fan base over 900 million. Baseball and American football comes in at # 8 and #9 on the list of most popular sports with approx. 350 - 400 million fans each worldwide.

The names of sport greats can be found everywhere. In the sports world you constantly hear the names of individuals like - Floyd Mayweather ( who according to Forbes Magazine made 300 million dollars in 2015), Cristiano Ronaldo, Lewis Hamilton, Lindsey Vonn, Peyton Manning, Stephan Curry, Serena Williams, Mike Trout, Lionel Messi, Steve Smith, Kyle Bush and Jeremy James to name a few.

According to A T Kearney, sports is a 700 billion dollar enterprise.2 That means, if worldwide sports were its own nation, it would be listed as the 19th richest nation in the world. Globally we spend more money on sports than the GNP of nations like Switzerland and Sweden raise in a year.3

Sports have been around for a long, long time. We moderns are not the first people to be obsessed with sports. Before there was soccer, boxing, basketball and cricket ancient man enjoyed chariot races, running and jumping sports along with the throwing of the discus, hurling and wrestling.

Ancient Romans, Greeks, Chinese and Gaelics all had their "Olympic" games. Each nation and/or territory prided themselves on their athletic prowess. So too, did the citizens of Corinth. It is not by accident that the Apostle Paul uses sports metaphors in speaking to the people of Corinth. While the Greeks and the Romans had their Olympic games the Corinthians prided themselves in hosting what they called the Isthmian Games.

The New Testament shares that in order to support his missionary work, Paul was a tent maker. Tents were a necessity in ancient days, especially around great sporting events and festivals. With the lack of adequate housing, people would stay in tents while the games were being played. The tents provided temporary lodging for spectators and fans alike. No doubt the Apostle was responsible for some of the tents that were used during the Isthmian Games. I also believe that Paul was at least a superficial sports enthusiasts by reading such passages as "I have finished the race" and "I have fought the good fight." (2 Timothy 4) along with other passages that included sports metaphors.

In our passage here in 1 Corinthians chapter nine, the Apostle Paul wants us to understand what it takes to compete for the greatest prize of all - the prize of everlasting life in Christ Jesus. This life begins with the New Birth and continues through all eternity. Paul compares the Christian Life to a race and to a boxing match in which we are to suppose to compete to win. Paul believes that we are to live in such a way to bring honor and glory to our LORD. We are to live so that the others might see Christ and seeks salvation.

I believe we can glean from what Paul shares with us in verses 24 -27 three important keys showing us how we can all be winners in Christ. Paul desires and challenges everyone who reads his letter to compete and win the ultimate prize. He does not want anyone who starts off with Christ to not finish and experience abundant everlasting life. In essence Paul is saying - RUN, FIGHT, LIVE as a Winner. Run your life as a winner does. Fight the good fight much the same way as an excellent boxer. Model your Christian life as a winning athlete and not one that loses.

So, what are the keys to making sure that we live a successful Christian Life/

I. It takes a spirit of Determination

The starting point of any successful adventure begins with a spirit of great determination. Once we accept Jesus' gift of redemption and renewal we must then be determined to go all the way with Him. We must be determined to become the best Christ-like disciple possible. Anyone who has ever played a sport understands that raw talent and physical abilities can provide for you an edge but the true athletes are those that also have the determination to go the full distance. One needs determination to get the most out of that raw talent and physical ability.

In the Old Testament, King Saul at first looked like a winner. Physically, he was head and shoulders above everyone around him. He had the physical strength and the talents to be a mighty king. He possessed great intelligence and the Bible tells us that he was filled with the spirit of the LORD. It seemed like nothing could stop him. That is nothing but King Saul himself.

King Saul did not possess great determination. He didn't possess grit and when the going got tough, he did started hiding and avoiding conflict. He wasn't resolute in his faith and over time started going backwards emotionally, physically and spiritually. King Saul started looking for excuses and scapegoats every time something negative happened in his life. He ended up a failure.

Years ago there was a story concerning Paul "Bear" Bryant and his Alabama Crimson Tide Football team. Coach Bryant was a football legend. He was an amazing teacher, coach and motivator. His players knew that if they were going to play for the "Bear" they would have to give 110%. They had to be completely determined to do their best.

The story goes that during one of the games his team was ahead by six points with only one minute left to play. Alabama had the ball and it looked like the game was all sewed up. All the quarterback had to do was to hand the ball off to the running back and the game would be over. Everyone in the crowd was ready to begin celebrating.

However, the quarterback decided on his own that he wanted to score another touchdown. He decided he would surprise both the other team and coach Bryant. He got in the huddle and called for a passing play. He just knew that the other team was thinking that he would hand the ball off, so, it would easy for him to throw a short pass for six more points. He would surprise the fans, the opposing team and his own coach with his intelligent play calling.

Stepping back, he caught the ball from the center, looked around and threw the pass. But the opposing defensive cornerback came around and suddenly intercepted the pass. He was a world class sprinter and was off to the races. Everyone in the Alabama crowd groaned as they knew what a foolish thing that their quarterback had done. Suddenly, everyone knew that Alabama was going to lose the game. There was no one on Alabama's team that could catch the defensive cornerback. It was an easy pick six and then the extra point and Alabama would lose the game. On the sideline, Coach "Bear" Bryant was livid.

Now, the Alabama quarterback was known for his arm but he was a lousy runner. He couldn't run a decent 40 yard dash. But that day, his feet were on fire. He took off running as hard as he could and caught the cornerback at the five yard line and tackle him. Time ran out and the game was saved. Alabama won.

After the game, the opposing coach went to the "Bear" and asked him how in the word his quarterback had been able to run so fast? "I thought that quarterback was slow? How did he catch my world-class sprinter?" Bear Bryant reportedly looked at the opposing coach and said, "You have to understand. Your man was racing for six points. My man was racing for his life." That quarterback was determined.

Vladimir Lenin, the creator of the Soviet Union bragged that he did not need a large army to win. All he asked were men who were determined to win. All he needed were men of resolve and grit. Men who would not volunteer their spare time but men who would give him their very lives. With those men and with that spirit of determination he could win any battle the Soviet Union would fight.

Jesus needs the same kind of spirited people. People who are determined to win in the Christian life. People who have spiritual grit and resolve. John Wesley bragged to his fellow Methodists: “Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.”

This morning, how determined are we to be the best disciple we can be for Jesus? How much spiritual grit and resolve do we possess? Are we determined to live a victorious Christian life? Have we nailed it down once and for all that we are going all the way for Christ and His Kingdom?

II. Alongside Determination, we need Dedication

Determination gets us going in the right direction. But very soon we will all face difficulties, trials and problems. That is where we must be dedicated to the core.

We must be dedicated in our training , in learning and in obedience. All you have to do is to look at any winning team or individual athlete and you will see a person dedicated to their coach, their teammates and to themselves.

As a young man, Michael Jordan possessed a great deal of raw talent but it was only through his dedication to hard work that he found success. Many people do not remember that Michael as a high school sophomore did not make the varsity basketball team. Another boy taller than Michael was chosen. Michael was placed on the Junior Varsity team.

Michael could have whined and bellyached but instead he went to work. He dedicated himself to become a better player. He practiced and worked and dedicated himself and by the end of the season he was the star of that J V team. His determination and dedication started paying off.

Michael continued to practice and work hard. He would work out in the gym and then again outside the gym. He practiced in the sunshine, the rain and the snow. At times he got so tired he could barely dribble or shot the ball. At times he was tempted to quit. But after thousands of hours of practice and playing, Michael became what many people believe is the best player to ever play in the NBA. He helped the Chicago Bulls win six NBA Championship titles. Over his NBA career he made over 90 million dollars on the court and today has made hundreds of millions off of the court with his tennis shoes - Air Jordans.

It all started with both determination and dedication.

There are millions of people each year that want to win a prize and that want to play professional sports or make it big in business. But the true winners are those that are determined and dedicated. They are the ones that come early to practice or to work. They are those that stay late to practice and work. They are those that put in the effort and the time necessary to be the best that they can be in their line or work or sport.

They don't meditate on how little they can do. They don't just want to just be average. They want to be their best and they strive to be their best. They paid the price. Serena Williams, Mike Trout and Stephen Curry have never been happy with coming in second place. Neither by the way were men and women like Moses, Ruth, David and Mary.

This morning, in Christ, we are challenged to have that same dedication. We must be dedicated to:

+Getting the most out of the equipment God has given us - His Holy Word

+To getting the most out of our private sessions with our Heavenly Coach - through our times of prayer, mediation and obedience

+Listening and learning from our spiritual mentors

+Getting the most out of our minds, emotions and bodies through the practice of the spiritual disciplines along with the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit

+Being the best "salt and light" we can be for Christ and Kingdom

+Abstain from every form of evil

+Lay aside every weight of sin that would cling to us

+We must be determined and dedicated to becoming like Christ.

III. Alongside Determination and Dedication it takes Deliberate Action

Alongside of being determined and having a spirit of dedication we must also be deliberate. We must have deliberate hopes and goals and we must be deliberate about accomplish those hopes and goals.

Paul tells us to not live like the boxer in the ring who is simply throwing punches in mid air who is not aiming at anything. All that boxer is doing is expending energy. There is nothing to win. Instead, Paul tells us that we are to have a target. We are to have a goal. We are to make sure that our punches land where we want them to land.

Paul tells us not to simply run the race with apathy. We are to run to win. We are to be determined to win and to be dedicated enough to prepare. But then we must be deliberate in our running. We can't simply stroll down the path. We have to have a purpose and practice but then also plan to actually win.

I remember a few years ago I was working with a bunch of children trying to teach them how to shoot properly shoot a basketball. They were just throwing the ball at the goal not aiming or not even really trying. I tried my best to get them to see that they have to shoot deliberately with the idea of actually making the shot. Anyone can throw a ball a few feet. But you have to learn how to deliberately shoot in such a way that you are going to hit the basket. You have to aim for the goal. The same principle is true in softball, basketball and in all kinds of sports.

And the same is true in our Christian life. We must be deliberate in our Christian walk.

This morning:

+ What is our goal as a Christian?

+What are we deliberately working for in our faith walk with Christ?

+ Who do we want to become and what do we want to do for Jesus?

In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus tells us the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. Once the man found the great pearl he was determined to buy it. But he would have never bought it unless he also went:

+ deliberately sold all that he had,

+deliberately went to the owner,

+deliberately laid down the money and

+deliberately pick up the great pearl.

He had to actually put his plan into action.

This morning, what is our deliberate plan for our life in Christ?

+ Is it to simply hope that at the end of the day, Jesus will take us to heaven?

+ Is it just to skate into heaven the easiest way possible?

+ Or do we plan on being the best we can be for Christ?

+ Do we plan on learning the most we can about Jesus?

+ Do we plan on being the best prayer warrior we can be for Jesus?

+Do we plan on fulfilling the Great Commission?

I dare say if our goal is to take the easiest road possible, then we need to rethink what it means to have a new life in Christ. Jesus said that those that follow Him have to pick up their cross and follow Him. In essence, Jesus was saying that if we are going to follow Him it will take all three of these keys:

+ Determination


+Deliberate Action

This morning, it may or may not surprise you but heaven is not to be our goal on this side of the resurrection. We do not follow Jesus just to get to Heaven. Heaven is part of the package. Heaven is not something we can earn or that we deserve. Heaven is God's gift to all His Disciples.

The Bible is clear on what our Christian goals are to be in this life here on earth. We find them clearly spelled out in Matthew 28 and Acts chapters 1 and 2.

Our primary goals are:

+To receive God's Salvation - to be born again by faith through grace alone

+To be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

+To be filled with God's Holy Spirit

+To be restored into the image of Jesus Christ our Savior and LORD

We are then live an authentic abundant human life here on earth until we are called home to heaven. We are to live a life in which a person is able to experience full redemption, renewal and restoration. We are to live a life in which we do our best to live a sanctified life in Christ, with ourselves, with others and with our world. We are to go and do what God told Adam and Eve - go and create God's Kingdom here on earth. Go and make disciples. Baptize them and teach them. Live out Heaven here on earth. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and body. Love yourself. Love your neighbor and love God's creation.

Those are our goals. That is what it means to live a Christian life here on earth. To accomplish those goals and to live a successful life we need Determination, Dedication and Deliberate action in our lives.

This morning, I want to invite you to the Table of our Lord Jesus. As we come to the table this morning to receive God's grace, mercy and love let us come with a spirit of determination, a spirit of dedication and a spirit that we will be deliberate in being the best Disciple Jesus has invited us to be in this life.


2 With 7 percent per year growth between 2009 and 2013, the sports market has grown faster than GDP in most countries in the world, especially in major markets including the United States, Brazil, the UK, and France. Long term prospects are strong - the revenues for yearly events are growing steadily, from $58 billion in 2009 to $75 billion 2013 and $80 billion in 2014. When you add in sporting goods, apparel, equipment, and health and fitness spending, the sports industry generates as much as $700 billion yearly, or 1 percent of global GDP.