Summary: This is a message of Grace & Salvation.

It’s Birthing Time

Luke 1:5-13, 17 & 41-44, 56

Tonight your word is “It’s Birthing Time”. Tell someone it’s time for delivery

We know that (John 1:1-5) says...

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

From the beginning God had a strategy and plan.

Strategy: a plan of action or policy to achieve an overall aim

Plan: the detailed proposal for doing or achieving something

Yahweh is not a God of empty ideas, but one of manifestations. Everything in his hand has been orchestrated through us for the perfection of his church. And if you didn't know, let me confirm that you are the church.

[I Corinthians 3:16]

”Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

We are his temple that he loves to dwell in.

In creation alone he first brought light out of darkness. All things created afterwards was due to light being present. Light not only reveals but it helps to bring life to a state of maturity. One way of capturing my imagination about life is to watch the nature channel, National Geographic, and especially the Earth series. The cinematography is outstanding. How visually appealing it is to see the circle of life. The details are so intricate they capture life created, growing and moving in slow motion.

The intricacies of how a grain of wheat goes from obscurity to notoriety. Unknown to known. From the back to the front. No longer the borrower but the lender. Some of you are unknown tonight. But wait until tomorrow. Gods plan is still working.

In the foundation of time the process was established that it may blossom in due time. First revealing the stem, then it's leaf. A beautiful masterpiece that is about to explode into an abundance of LIFE.

This is Life by design.

A design no one else can compose nor orchestrate. In that blue print he blessed us with a connection of two relatives. They will be the catalyst for what's to come.

Our story opens with Zechariah, a priest performing the course of Abijah (father is Yahweh). The course of Abijah is the 8th of 24 courses in a Hebrew calendar year. Which we are in the 4th month of Tamuz. For the priest on whom the lot fell he has the great responsibility for eight days to minister unto God through prayer and offering incense. This is more than likely a once in a lifetime event. Due simply to the vast amount of priests around this time.

Let’s put a weight on the significant moment through a question.

If you had the opportunity to enter into the Holy of Holies, where his glory rests, what would you ask of him? As he enters into the temple what does he enter into? Meaning we know he is there for prayer, and intercession is the urgency.

As a priest he has the weight of Israel on his mind. “Lord, bring the deliverer as you did in Egypt. For too long have we suffered under the hands of our enemy. I need you to send the Savior.”

However, I feel additionally, something private and personal was on his mind. You know what I am talking about. That request which has been held close to the heart. No one else knows about. A prayer no one else can give an answer to.

1: Don’t Discount your prayer

“Father, hear the cry of your servant. My meat is to do the will of him that sent me. In this Lord, you know my true, personal desire. Bless our house with a child that may continue on my legacy and carry your word in his heart. We are old in age. But I remember the story of Abram and Sarai. Do it for me Lord.”

And appearing unto him, the angel Gabriel.

[Luke 1:13]

“Fear not Zechariah: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son,

and thou shalt call his name John.”

I have to tell you that when an angel shows up we know there is a word from the Lord. And many need a word tonight. I don’t know what you have been asking for, seeking to find or knock to open. But the word comes through your silent cry.

Zechariah's long awaited word is that Elizabeth shall have a son. However with his disbelief he is permitted not to speak until it comes to pass. Many may ask "why did God make him mute"? Remember I said God has a strategy and plan? It may seem unorthodox but trust in what the Lord is doing.

Now here comes a young unknown girl by the name of Mary of Nazareth. Receiving a visit from Gabriel. Which also brings about a change in life.

In her conversation with Gabriel, she is greeted with a word that stuns her. “Hail thou that are highly favored. The Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” Her immediate response questions the manner of greeting. All Mary knew is that she was engaged to the house of David through Joseph.

2. Don’t Discount your Position

How can I have favor among women? How can I be well known when I know no one? These are all honest questions. However when God has leaned in your direction, something is coming your way. Remember, obscurity to notoriety.

[Zechariah 4:10]

“For who has despised the of small beginnings?”

[Matthew 19:30]

“But many that are first shall be last and that last shall be first.”

[Deuteronomy 28:13]

”And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath...”

(v:48 - )

“For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold,

from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”

Right now you think of yourself as unworthy. Unable to be a success. Stop it in the name of Jesus. He will remove the ‘UN” from your name. When God shows up with a word, know that favor is upon you. Any and everything that seemed or felt worthless now has value!

Mary, you may not have an intimacy with any man. But there is an intimacy with God.

I have to tell you still this is only the beginning. God is not done yet. His blessing is only the start of something great.

When God has set a word upon you that brings a fire, it’s time to run! Run! His logos is not void but filled with life, abundance, joy, a quickening.

(mary runs to see Elizabeth)

(v56..." and Mary abode with her about three months and returned to her house)

I never realized the connection for Mary to stay with Elizabeth awaiting the birth of John. The revelation I received was that the Holy Spirit will be present through the birthing pains. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

The Holy Spirit is keeping your mind and comforting you through the piercing pains of birth that no one else can assist with.

Just as a surgeon and his team preps for the delivery of a baby, ensuring everyone is in their designated position, God is preparing a team tailored just for you... because it is birthing time. But none on the team is greater than the chief physician who has special skills and techniques. Be assured that the team sent has developed years of training and preparation. God prepared them for this defining moment.

But most of all He has a strategy and a plan for what you need.

Did you not know he is not a God of ideas, but of manifestations? Nothing is just an idea waiting to happen. It will always be realized so that we can visualize. I'm talking about manifestation!

He will guide us as we leave one way of living for the next. The question is this.

Why would He leave us or forsake us? I mean He has done his part and blessed Elizabeth. and Zechariah. Blessed the virgin Mary and Joseph. He could just stand back and go about His business. Have you ever had someone that has walked with you from beginning to end? He is faithful.

3. Don’t discount the Promise


It's time for God to bring about what he has promised. You have to remember back in verses 13 & 14 that Gabriel said to Zechariah "fear not. Thy prayer is heard and thy wife shall bear thee a son. Thou shalt call his name John.”. But the most important thing Elizabeth is that many shall rejoice at his birth!

Didn't he do it!?

[Num 23:19]

”He is not a man that he should lie, nor son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it?

Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good”

Elizabeth, I know they used to talk bad about you behind your back and even in your face. To a point where giving up became a choice. It was considered.

But your time is now! And I'm here to tell you the reproach is off! The reproach is off!

Now look at you. Blessed, with an anointing to carry the anointed. Favor is on your side. Jehovah has looked upon your womb and blessed it abundantly.

[Ephesians 3:20]

“And unto him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above anything I could ask or think.

According to the Power that workers in me”

I have given you his name that will be written in the book of life for ages to come. Be careful and let no one change it. Zechariah it’s now time for you to speak. So that the nations will know that it was by my word it has manifested!

This is tied to his destiny. For I am bringing Grace to this place. Men and women of the most high. A time will come when you must stand your ground. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Gods word is his word. So was it in the beginning. So will it be in the end.

Don't despise the days of small beginnings. Don't despise the days of barrenness. Because God is about to take that small beginning and bless it beyond measure.

And when he does it, give him a shout!

He did a switch-arooh on your circumstance. He reversed what you thought was destined for infinite failure and turned it around.

God says give me your mess and I'll give you my best!


Drug addiction is now Addicted to his word

Famine is now Abundant health

Financial lack is now Financial prosperity

Serving false Gods is now Serving the Almighty

This is a message of Salvation is here! Johns name means Grace. Jesus is Salvation. But before salvation comes GRACE!!!

The bible says in...

[Ephesians 2:8]

”For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”

And being in the delivery room, the doctor says one, two, three...PUSH!!!!

In the name of Jesus. Push through. Press on!