Summary: There are some basic things we should know about Spiritually Healthy Churches

Characteristics of a Healthy Church

Matthew 16:18

Introduction: illustration “Frail Health”

I. Why do we need to know what the spiritual health of the church is?

1. Good spiritual health is a sign of the true church. (Matthew 7:17-19)

2. An unhealthy church is an ineffective church. (Revelation 3:15-16)

3. God loves His church and made it to be healthy. (John 15:9)

II. How do we ensure we are a spiritually healthy church?

1. A church that is intimate with God is intimate with each other. (John 17:20-26)

2. A church that is intimate with God will see God work in their daily lives. (Acts 2:1-6)

3. A church that is intimate with God is obedient to God. (John 14:15)

III. What we need to understand about spiritual health.

1. Spiritual health is intentional. (2 Corinthians 13:5)

2. Spiritual health is maintained. (2 Corinthians 13:5)

3. Spiritual health of the church must be built by Christ. (Matthew 16:18)


Who would you have to build your church building? Would you do it yourself or hire a contractor?

In the same way we need to build our church’s spiritual health through Christ and not ourselves.

This means we must follow scripture with intention and carefully.