Summary: In this passage Jesus shares with us some rather stark realities that mankind is at best Castle builders. That human saviors are only deceivers. That is the bad news. The GOOD NEWS is that God is King, Jesus is Savior and the Holy Spirit will lead us to everlasting salvation.

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Hebrews 10: 15-25 and Mark 13:1-13

Theme: Collapse, Deception and Marching orders

Proposition: In this passage Jesus shares with us some rather stark realities that mankind is at best Castle builders. That human saviors are only deceivers. That is the bad news. The GOOD NEWS is that God is King, Jesus is Savior and the Holy Spirit will lead us to everlasting salvation.


Grace and peace from God our Father, the Holy Spirit and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

This morning our Marcan passage should easily resonate with anyone born after the year 1990. You have grown up in a age when movie box office hit after movie box office hit have promoted a singular theme; that being, the coming collapse/destruction of our world and even our universe. Over the past 25 years Hollywood has profited billions of dollars from the production of apocalyptic movies and films. It seems like every other week or month there is a new movie dealing with the destruction of our world and/or mankind.

Apocalyptic movies have not always enjoyed such wide scale notoriety and popularity. Prior to the 1950's there were only about four or five major Hollywood films that dealt with the apocalypse or end time destruction. Americans simply did not have an appetite for such movies. However, during the 70's, 80's and 90's things began to intensify as Hollywood began producing about 33 major apocalyptic type movies a year. Then as the new century rolled around things began to really scintillate. From 2000 to 2009, Hollywood produced over 62 major movies dealing with the end of the world events. Nearly twice as many apocalyptic movies were produced in one decade than had been made in the previous two decades.

Currently, we are in year six of the new cycle and already 58 major apocalyptic movies have hit the big screens. This means that if we stay on the current trajectory by the time 2019 rolls around there will be nearly 100 major movies made dealing with the destruction of the world/universe in this last decade alone. That is quite a growth industry. From just a mere four or five movies just a few decades ago to nearly 100 movies today. Hollywood has found a profitable niche. And recently TV producers have began to pick up on the genre.

So, as we look at Mark 13:1-13, it may seem very similar to a modern day movie plot. In fact, if we close our eyes and allow someone to read the passage to us, we can almost envision it on the big screen.

+We can see the Temple as it starts to shake and large pieces of alabaster rock and gold come crashing down crushing and wrecking havoc. Perhaps it has been hit by a bomb or an violent earthquake. Perhaps a foreign army has come in to destroy it. (Actually, that is what happened in 70 AD).

+We can see the start and end and the restarting and continuation of war after war. Uniforms and weapons forever changing but the killing, pillaging and massive destruction simply being consistently constant. Mankind turning on one another and devouring one another.

+We can see charismatic leader after charismatic leader coming to power promising everything would be well under their leadership only to see them start wars and division. We can see false promises, false Messiahs and self-absorbed politicians rising to power.

+We can see earthquakes, famines, floods, climate change and the beginning of global devastation.

If we just close our eyes, our passage does seem like a modern day apocalyptic movie. On the surface it seems like something that should be alongside such movies as Resident Evil, The Maze Runner, Hunger Games, The Book of Eli or the movie , After Earth. Even World War Z seems like it would fit alongside of Mark 13 perfectly. It seems like we could make a mega hit out of what we read here in Mark chapter 13.

However, there is one major difference and it is that difference that makes all the difference in the world. All of those movies are simply stories someone made up. They are someone's fantasies and they are works of fiction. That is to say, they are not real. There is no impending attack of vampires, zombies or aliens. There is no impending attack of mega robots or ancient dinosaurs.

What we have in Mark 13, however, is the very word of God spoken by His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. And it is for that reason that we must look at this passage differently and that we must listen to each word that has been written. For Mark 13 has some foundational truths that we need to hear and absorb.

Hannah's song that we find in 1 Samuel 2:1-10 that was read earlier is complementary to our Marcan passage. 1 Samuel 2:1-10 reminds us that what Jesus tells us here is not something brand new. As beautiful of a song as Hannah's song is, it is a song about upheaval and societal change. It is a song that talks about destruction, chaos and radical transformations. It is a song about the joy that will come when the evil oppressors are destroyed and when the rich will be humbled and the poor are raised. If you really examine the words of Hannah's song, they like Mark 13 can be some scary stuff.

But both of them remind us of some foundational truths. Let me share with you three of those truths this morning:

1. Jesus reminds us that all things human - in the end COLLAPSES.

Psalms 127:1 reminds us of this very fact - "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."

Neither the temple (verse 2), the nations (verses 7-8) or the land (v. 8) will last. All of it will come to ruins. Everything that surrounds human beings and their kingdoms and enterprises are not eternal. Man is at best a sand castle builder.

It has always been that way. Ancient Rome proclaimed itself to be an eternal Empire that would bring peace and harmony to all its citizens. And yet, it brought about poverty, imprisonment and slavery. Where is the Roman Empire today? It is resting in a pile of sand.

From the mighty Roman Empire to the Mongol Empire, from the great British Empire to the Soviet Union we have all witnessed the rise and fall of each of them. They are all sand castles. They all collapsed.

It was said that the British Empire was so vast that at any given time wherever the sun shined it shined on British land. And so, the British would brag - THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE BRITISH EMPIRE. However, we all know that no longer is true. The British Empire has faded into the sunset. It too has proven to be a sand castle.

We in Americans better understand that there will be a day when our present world power status will no longer rule our world. We will no longer be the greatest power on planet earth. Our days are numbered. Sadly, that day may come to pass sooner than we realize due to our increasing debt, crumbling infrastructure and incompetent leaders. We too are only a sand castle.

Our world is quickly trying to turn to the UN as the next global empire and yet, it is only a paper tiger. The UN attempts to pass laws and enforce justice only to have those laws ridiculed and ignored. China, Russia, ISIS, Iran and the list could go on and on of nations that have no intention of coming under the leadership and rule of the UN.

All of this is only a reminder that everything man builds does not last. At best man is a sand castle builder. Everything man builds is only temporary.

It is only a stark reminder that when everything is said and done, we humans are not the ultimate power on this earth or anywhere else. While we may affect things for a few hundred years, the truth is God is the only one in charge. The truth we need to rest on the reality that The Father, Son and Holy Spirit not only created our universe but they are in control of our universe. We live and breathe at the pleasure of the Holy Trinity.

Jesus was doing his best to get across this very basic message to His disciples. He was not making fun of the temple or desecrating it. He was simply stating to his followers the obvious - anything made by human hands will not last. Mankind at best are castle builders. Anything built by human hands whether it is a temple or an empire is doomed to destruction.

Jesus then shares that Humans enterprises not only collapse they also are able to deceive.

II. Jesus proclaims that all Human saviors are False and Deceiving

In verses 5 through 6 Jesus foretells of Human saviors who will spread deception and lies. Human saviors who will promise a hollow salvation. Human saviors that will lead many astray from the truth of God's Word.

Over the years there have been many that have a attempted to play savior and LORD. From Buddha, Mohammad, the Emperor the Rising Sun and even to Hitler himself, people have attempted to proclaim themselves as some kind of global savior. Millions of people have listened to their lies and been led from the truth of salvation and redemption.

More recently, we have seen the likes of individuals like Australian Alan John Miller, Miami-based José Luis de Jesús Miranda, Brazilian-born Inri Cristo, Russia's Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop and Wayne Bent, (who is currently imprisoned in New Mexico) have all claimed to be Jesus Christ, God's Messiah. Each of them have attempted to make a great deal of noise but so far they all have only a few followers. However, Apollo Quiboloy who is the founder and leader of the The Kingdom of Jesus Christ The Name Above Every Name, a church that is based in Davao City, Philippines is another story. Quiboloy is a very charismatic person who has attracted some 6 million devoted followers. Four million of them are in the Philippines while the remaining 2 million are living abroad. Six million people believe that he is in fact the Messiah, the reincarnated Jesus Christ.

The list could go on and on as others have claimed to be the Savior of our World. However, the reality is there is only one Savior of our world and His name is Jesus. There is no other name in which a person can be saved. Only Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I know we all know this, but we must make sure that it is the capstone stone in our spiritual life. Jesus is why we preach. Jesus is why we witness. Jesus is why we teach. If there were more than one way to Heaven, more than one way to redemption, renewal and restoration then we should allow for that and even promote it. But there is no other way than Jesus. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Jesus is the only Son of God. And it is only through Jesus that mankind can be redeemed, restored and renewed into the image of God.

That is why it is vital that we talk about Jesus. That is why it is vital that we share the Good News. That is why it is vital that we proclaim His life, death and resurrection. That is why we proclaim His ascension and the coming of His Holy Spirit. That is why we gather each and every Sunday morning. We gather to be His community of faith. We gather to share the faith that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We gather to worship our LORD as Savior, Sanctifier and LORD.

+Nothing man makes will last - He is at best a castle builder.

+No human savior is able to save - They are at best deceivers who will lead people away from the Truth.

So, is there any good news in Mark 13?

Is there any good news this morning for us to hear and rejoice?

Is it all just gloom and doom? Is it all just sand castles and deception?

Praise the name of the LORD there is Good News. Jesus reminds us that as His followers:

III. We are to be proactive - we are given marching orders!

Jesus reminds us that we are to:

+Be on guard - verse 9

+We are to share the Gospel of Jesus with everyone - verses 9 -10

+We are to rely on the Holy Spirit - verse 11

+And we will be saved - verse 13

There was a time during WWII that it looked like Germany and the Axis powers were about to conquer the world. Britain was barely hanging on. The Russians were being stopped at every turn and our American soldiers were taking a beating. It looked like nothing could stop Germany, Italy and Japan from ultimate victory.

Winston Churchill, Great Britain's Prime Minister during that time was known for his inspirational speeches. Churchill knew his people were war weary and in despair. He knew that their very survival was at stake. He did his best to stir them on. He did his best to inspire them and encourage them.

Now, it must be remembered that not everything Churchill would be viewed as proper and polite. For example at a meal in which he was accosted by Lady Astor he had a rather terse reply. Lady Astor was rather displeased with Churchill at the time and told him:

If you were my husband I would put arsenic in your coffee.

At which it is reported that Churchill quickly replied:

Madam, if you were my wife I would drink it.

So, we might want to be careful about how many Churchill quotes we use. However, he is credited with saying something that while some may see it as a little salty it applies here in our passage. It is this:

" If you are going through Hell, keep going."

Now, what did Churchill mean by that statement? He that he wanted the men and women of his nation to know that if they felt like they were going through the pit of hell itself, (and they did) by all means do not stop. Do all you can to make it through to the other side. Don't stop. Don't give up. Do not let Hell win. Walk straight through it to your salvation.

In essence that is exactly what Jesus is telling His disciples and us this morning.

+Nothing made by man will last - we are at best sand castle makers.

+Human saviors are at best - deceivers.

+Only Jesus Christ can redeem, renew and restore our hearts and lives.

+So, disciples keep going - keep doing the things that I told you to do. Keep marching in the midst of all that may break out against you.

In verses 9-13 Jesus talks about being hated and persecuted and treated poorly. He goes on to tell the disciples and followers that even people you once counted as family and friends will betray you.

It is not a pretty picture. But underneath it all, Jesus is wanting his disciples to know that they are not to quit, not to become passive and quiet. Instead, they are to:

1. Continue to share the Good News of Salvation (Matthew 28:19-20)

2. Forgive one another and sinners - pray for your enemies (Matthew 5:43-48)

3. Heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead (Matthew 10:8)

4. Celebrate the freedom and power in Jesus Christ (John 10:10)

5. Stabilize their hearts and remain faithful to Christ (1 Peter 4:19)

6. They are to always obey the will of God, no matter at what cost (Romans 12:2)

7. They are to stay faithful to the leadings of the Holy Spirit (Mark 13:13)

Jesus knew that his disciples might get caught up in all kinds of things.

+ We can get caught up in our buildings and traditions.

+ We might get caught up in silly arguments that really don't matter.

+We can might get caught up in our own little traditions and rituals.

But we must understand, buildings will fall, traditions will fade away, arguments will only divide and never heal. Rituals are only means to an end. The only thing that will truly last is Jesus, His message and His Kingdom.

And so as we wait for the coming of the LORD Jesus we are not to despair over the fact that all empires, governments and manmade kingdoms will fail. We are not even to despair over the reality that many will proclaim that they are Jesus when in fact they are not.

Instead, we are to be pro-active. We are to go out and do the work of an evangelist. We are to go out and proclaim the name of Jesus. We are to go out and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are to endure to the end and receive everlasting salvation.

This morning, as we close let us sing an old favorite that does not get sung very much anymore. It has become a song that is no longer PC - but that is only because they do not understand its message.

As soldiers of Christ we do not march against mankind - we march against the powers and principalities of evil. Our battle is not against one another, it is against evil and all its wickedness. So, let us turn to ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER and sing.