Summary: Health is among the most important possession to mankind today; your health remains the strongest factor that determines the rate of how you would function in this physical world. In this Series "HEALING FOR YOU" You will learn to live free of sickness.

HEALING FOR YOU (Part 1) - Rev. Caleb Onwuka

"My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words.

Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they

bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body."

(Proverbs 4:20-23)

God gives us the secret of walking out of sickness into health. He shows us the most potent medicine of all time that will heal any and every sickness or disease without a side effect. "THE WORD" becomes our healing balm. We know no fear for all the horrors of terminal diseases that plagues this earth. We have an answer, an eternal cure for all viral illments without cure to human realm.

From our text (Proverbs 4:20-23) We can vividly see precise layout steps for us into the healing power of the Word. I believe that any heart that reads this scripture again without any sense of prejudice will see the same things i'm about to share with you.

First, God calls you "MY CHILD..." He wants us to understand the family bond that we share in Him. When you think that your life is about to be taken away by cancer and all that the doctors could say to you is "there is nothing we can do about it. You have 6 months to live, just as many have walked these path." At these moments, You will hear God saying "You are not just another human in the number to be beaten down by cancer. No! You are different, one of a kind." and with an eternal smile on his face he says You are "MY CHILD..".

A woman went to see her doctor and he threw a question saying "Has anyone in your family had a history of heart disease" and immediately she could see her father who died 2 years after a heart surgery and her uncle who suffers from high blood pressure and currently has a heart disease. Immediately a strange mist filled with doubts wells up within and she draws a conclusion "I might ended up just like them; perhaps it is a family thing"; but in the midst of the darkness God's word comes like a thunder bolt tearing every shade of doubt away "It is not a family thing, you belong to a new lineage and in this family, there is no record of heart diseases here" and with a loving arm he holds you and whispers "You are MY CHILD...".

Now, my goal today is to reassure you of your origin in Christ. You are birthed with a new life, in a new family with a new set of record, our DNA in the kingdom is wrapped up in the blood of Christ. You are a new creation and your genetic code cannot be not figured out in a medical laboratory. Therefore fret not, when their reports shows up with all the deadly viruses and bacteria infections. Do not spend the rest of your days on earth weeping through sleepless nights and wondering where in the world has God gone to. No! Never!! He has declared "I will never leave you nor forsake you..." (Deuteronomy 31:6). Refuse to lose focus of the Word. Do not allow the roaring of the enemy cloud the powerlessness of his threats. His is a defeated foe and forever all his diseases and sickness are also defeated together with him.

Substitute the medical result with the Word of healing. Sit down on it and pay close attention to God's Word "MY CHILD...". There is nothing so liberating than to understand whom you became in redemption. You are part of a family and not of a religion. It happened at the new birth and not by belonging to a religious group.

A family is not a bunch of friends living together. No! there is a blood link between us and that means we share the same life and the same strength runs in our immune system because our meal is His flesh and our drink is his blood.

Jesus said “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man

and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves." (John 6:53).

Our DNA runs with the same genetic coding of Christ. It is supernatural and cannot be seen under a microscope. It is the essence of who God is that keeps us alive; breathing the flames of the Spirit and walking in the Power of His Might.

Now the big question becomes:- "DOES GOD HAS A DISEASE OR A SICKNESS IN HIS BLOOD LINE?" If No? Therefore no sickness or diseases can survive in you any more.

The lab technicians runs the blood test and come up with a heart breaking report saying "You have been infected with a terminal virus and we are sorry to say that you have to live the rest of your life depending on drugs to survive" but the voice of God comes up saying " For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life." (Leviticus 17:11). I know your fears, I have an answer for you. For this reason I gave my blood as an atonement for your sins that the life of any disease might not succeed in your your blood. It is a perfect sacrifice, a grand substitution, my blood for your blood. My life for your life, my body for your body. Do not be afraid neither be thou dismayed for you are "MY CHILD".

As I meditate on our text today, I could hear the Spirit whisper to me saying "My Child..." that's the key right there into divine health" Get to know who you are until it renews your mind and nothing of this world can deceive you anymore. Not even the symptoms or the diagnosis that you heard. Your life is now built to function according to a higher law that's beyond the realms of this world.

I know who I am. Oh! Halleluyah. I am born of God, I have his nature at work in me. No disease can reside in me. No sickness can put me down. I have the report of His stripes forever stamped on me. It runs through my veins "I am healed!" and forever remained healed. What a wonderful confession for the believer.

Never surrender to the plagues of this world. Stand your ground and lift the banner of His Word high. When the pains comes, raise your voice louder than it feels and say "Greater is he that is me than the terror of sickness that is trying to take my beloved ones away."

Oh! Halleluyah. when I wake up in the morning. The first words that hits me is : God saying "MY CHILD". What a comfort it brings through out the day, knowing that the Almighty has his eyes on you. I am belong to Him. I am now his responsibility because I am His Child.

I feel like screaming out loud with all abandon and let all hell burn to the ground. "I am God's Child" and there is nothing the enemy can do about it. I shift my gaze from the sickness to my origin in Christ. I refuse to look at the symptoms but His Word. Joy to the overflow is been released upon me and I get to draw health from the wells of salvation.

Don't sit down there, as though God is a loser and His Word a fairy tale. No. Never!. ""For the word of God is alive and active in my bones, veins, kidney, heart, brain. Yes! It is sharper than any double-edged sword, cutting down every infection. Penetrating even to the dividing of my soul and spirit, joint and marrow and guides my thoughts and attitudes into faith filled actions that guarantees speedy recovery than any medicine ever known to mankind. (READ - Hebrews 4:12).

I challenge you today! Rise above the statuesque. Refuse be another number in the list of those taken away by sicknesses and diseases. You are different. God calls you "MY CHILD".

Part 2 to this sermon is coming out soon next week. Love to hear from you.

Rev. Caleb Onwuka

Gospel Transmitters Ministries