Summary: Do you know where you are?


And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? ~Genesis 3:9

After Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they instantly knew they were naked because they fell from God's grace. They sinned. They knew they were naked because they were no longer clothed in God's Glory.

God came down to walk through the garden and said, "ADAM WHERE ARE YOU?" God knew exactly where Adam was. He was asking Adam where he was because He wanted Adam to know where Adam was. Adam was no longer in God’s grace. Did he know truly where he was?

Adam had a choice to obey God or obey Eve.

Eve was deceived by satan and Adam was deceived by Eve. He listened to Eve when he should have listened to God. Do you know where you are? Jesus knows where you are. And so does satan. SATAN ROAMS THE EARTH LOOKING TO WHOM HE CAN DECEIVE AND DESTROY.

So I ask you brethren, Know where you are!