Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking (\mˆ egkataleipontes\) . the assembling of ourselves together "episunagoge,". , as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
I can safely say that one of the most dangerous things in the church today is a new born again or one who has been saved for a while who goes on without being disciple in our Christian beliefs. It gets even worse when they try to move into a church leadership position without being a disciple of Christ. This is the reason so many churches are on different pages concerning what thus says the Lord, and make many fleshly decisions regarding church issues and business.
1. A commandment.
First, we see that going to church is a commandment, not an option. The Holy Spirit is speaking through the writer here in Hebrews by setting a high priority on church attendance. When I miss church a couple of times in a row there is something inside me that tells me I need to get to church. With most churches meeting twice and some three times a week there is no reason you can’t make one service.
2. An excuse.
Second, we have our excuses. Notice it doesn’t say if you feel like it, or if there is a ball game on that will conflict with its time on TV, or my child is playing sports that day, or I can work overtime this day God is saying seek you first the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 6:33). Many of us have all kinds of excuses why we have to miss church, but remember you may fool the pastor, but God knows your heart.
3. A difference.
Third, we see the difference in us and in others when we go to church. When we go to church we lift each other up in encouragement, true friendship, and true fellowship with each other, and with God. There have been dozens of times when I didn’t feel like going to church, but went anyway and had some of the best times and some of the best messages that my soul need to hear.
4. A testimony.
Fourth, we see going to church is a testimony. Going to church shows others and God my faithfulness to this commandment. It is a testimony to the world as to where my help comes from; my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2). Remember we share because we care, if you know someone who needs this message; please feel free to share it with them in love. May the Lord's peace be with you my friends!
The High Priority of Church
1. A commandment.
2. An excuse.
3. A difference.
4. A testimony.