Summary: Paul declares we have been redeemed through the blood of Christ. The word redemption is a commercial term borrowed from the marketplace where human beings were offered for sale. Our only hope of redemption is in Christ Jesus. Updated July 2018.

For those not familiar with an Anglican service, there are four Scripture readings prior to the Message. Today's assigned readings are: 2 Samuel 6:1-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14; and Mark 6:14-29

This story is reputedly true ... though true or a parable ... it speaks to the importance ... of the One ... of one who can save.

It was almost 1:00 in the morning... when the phone rang.

Dr. Leo Winters, ...a highly acclaimed surgeon... was abruptly awakened ...from his night's sleep.

There had been an accident... and his skilled hands ...were needed... for immediate surgery.

The quickest route the hospital...happened to be through... a rather tough area of the city, ...but with time being a critical factor, ...... it was worth ...the risk.

At one of the stoplights... his door was yanked open... by a man with a gray hat... and a dirty flannel shirt.

"I got to have your car!" ... the man screamed, ...pulling the Doctor ... from his seat.

Winters tried to explain ...the gravity of the situation ...but the man ...would not listen.

When the doctor... was finally able to get a taxi to the hospital ...... over an hour had elapsed ......and it was too late the patient... had passed away ...30 minutes earlier.

The nurse told him......... that the father of the victim ...had gone to the chapel ...wondering why ...the doctor never came.

Dr. Winters ...walked hurriedly to the chapel... to explain ...what had happened... to him.

When he entered ...he saw the father kneeling in the front row, ... he was wearing a gray hat ...and a dirty flannel shirt.

Tragically... he had pushed from his life...... the "one "... The One...who could have... saved his son. (Pause)

O' Beloved......Scores of people... push from their lives ...the very...... "One" ... who can save them.

Save them... from the penalty and the power ...of their sin.

Countless numbers ...are too busy ...for the One ... The One...who can deliver them ... The One who can save them.

They cannot seem to find time ...for the One ... who can redeem ......their lives.

It is so tragic ... For life could be so different ... for so many ... if they... would only find time ... for the One.

If they would only make time ... for the One.

If they would only make time ...For Jesus.

In announcing the Savior's birth... the angel of the Lord declared to Joseph:

BIBLE "She (Mary) ...will bear a son, ...and you shall call his name Jesus, ...for he will save his people ...from their sin." END (Matthew 1:21)

And Our text... from Ephesians uses another word to address salvation: ......Redeemed.

Paul declares that we have been ... redeemed.

Redeemed How?......through the blood of the Lamb ... through the Blood of Christ.

Paul begins his letter to the believes gathered in Ephesus... rejoicing in that blessing ... that blessing of redemption.


Now...The word redemption ...... was a commercial term... borrowed from the marketplace.

A term utilized ... from a market...where human beings ...were offered for sale... to the highest bidder.

Condemned to this state ... these slaves ...were powerless escape.

Their only hope ...was redemption, ...... an uncommon process ...... whereby they were purchased ... in order be set free.

Scripture uses this tragedy of slavery ...... to illustrate...... our human ...predicament.

Without God's intervention, ... we are all ...hopelessly enslaved... enslaved to self ... and enslaved to sin.

Without God's intervention ......We are condemned live in bondage.

Enslaved by sin, ...... and unable liberate ourselves.

Jesus said. "...... "Truly, ... I say to you... everyone who practices sin a slave... to sin." (John 8:34)

Sin in traps us......Sin holds us ... rendering us ...powerless ... to escape... from Its clutches.

Consequently, ... try as we might, ... we in our own strength...are unable overcome sin.

In our natural... unsaved state ...we are at the mercy ... of sin; ... powerless ...against it.

Our only hope... is in Christ Jesus... who can redeem us, ... setting us free... from sin's penalty ...and power.

Describing what God has done for us, Paul goes on to say, ... BIBLE "In Christ... we have redemption ...through his blood." END Ephesians 1:7

The writer of Hebrews is clear ... Without the shedding of blood...there is ... "No remission of sins." Hebrews 9:22 (REPEAT)

Through faith in Christ ...we are delivered ...from the consequences ...of sin.

But that is only part... of what it means... to be redeemed.

For both ... our present ...and our future ...are affected.

When Redeemed ... We are no longer held captive...We are delivered ...from our old lifestyle... and introduced a new ... and better way.

Jesus said," If the Son sets you ...are free... indeed." John 8:36

Through the power ...of God's indwelling Holy Spirit ...we are able to say ... "no" sin. (Pause)

We are thus ransomed ... We are delivered... to live our lives ...on a higher plane.

Jesus Christ came to earth "To give His life a ransom ...for many." Matthew 20:28

In our text ...Paul rejoices the incredible blessings ...that come ...with redemption.

Paul calls our attention the glorious blessing... of ... forgiveness. (Pause)

I recently read a Christian card ...that stated: "If our greatest need had been information... God would have sent us educator.

If our greatest need ...had been technology, ...God would have sent us... a scientist.

If our greatest need ... had been money... God would have sent us ...a banker.

Yet our greatest need was forgiveness... So God sent us a Savior."

At the Last Supper our Lord said, BIBLE "this is my blood ........., which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." END Matthew 26:28

John's first epistle declares that: BIBLE "If we confess our sins, ...he is faithful and just forgive us our sins...and to cleanse us ...from all unrighteousness." END 1 John 1:9

God has promised that ... He will Forgive our iniquity ... and remember our sin No more." Isaiah 43:25

And Our sins will be separated... as far as the East is from the West.

God gives us...... what we, ... as sinners, ...could never earn.

The Greek word that Paul uses that is translated grace a word that was used ... when someone was ushered ...into the presence ...of royalty.

Through grace in Christ ...the door has been opened for us ... to enter into the presence of God ... finding forgiveness and fellowship ... in spite ...of our sinful pasts.

When we come to Christ ...with a spirit of repentance, ...God redeems us ...and pours out His grace ...upon us.

He blesses us countless life-changing ...ways. (Pause)

Lou Johnson was a 1965 World Series hero... for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

He tried for 30 years recover the championship ring...he lost to drug dealers... in 1971.

Drug and alcohol abuse... cost him everything from that magical season, ...including his uniform, ...his glove, ......and the bat he used... to hit the winning home run the deciding game.

When the Dodgers president... Bob Graziano, ...learned that Johnson's World Series ring ...was about to be auctioned on the Internet... he immediately wrote a check... for $3,457.00 and bought the ring ...before any bids ...were posted.

He redeemed the ring.

He did for Johnson ...what the former Dodger outfielder ...had been unable to do ...for himself. (Pause)

Beloved...God has done for us... what we are unable to do... for ourselves.

He redeems us ... and makes us the recipient... of His Amazing grace.

The blessings of God's grace ...were especially evident the life of John Newton.

He was raised in a Christian home for several years ... until his parents died.

While living with relatives... he was mistreated, ...abused, ...and ridiculed.

Unable to bear the abuse... he, ... though still a boy... fled ...and joined the Royal Navy.

From there his life went downhill ... as he became ...a drunkard ...and a brawler.

Deserting the Royal Navy ...he joined up with... a slave trader.

His life continued... to disintegrate ...and spiral out of control.

One day ...he stole the ships whisky ...and got so inebriated ...he fell overboard.

He was so close to drowning... that it was purported ... that one of his shipmates ...literally harpooned him ...and brought him back ...on board.

Consequently ...he had a huge scar... in his side ...for the rest... of his life.

Finally, ... one day during a storm ... he began to reflect upon some Bible verses... his parents had taught him... as a young boy.

He reached out to Jesus that night...and his life was redeemed; ...and ... he was forgiven.

But God's grace ...did not end ...with his salvation.

John Newton became... as scripture tells us, ... a new creation... in Christ Jesus.

When the grace of God entered his life ... When he matured Christ, ... he enjoyed a marriage ...that was example to all. (Pause)

Beloved...When we yield to Christ ......and experience God's grace... we begin to enjoy ...the restoration ...of what our life should have been like. (Pause)

I will end with this story that was shared with me...that may help Illustrate redemption...what Christ ...has done for us.

In 1927, West Africa... a blood specimen was taken from a native man named Asibi, ...who was sick ...with yellow fever.

A vaccine ...was made ...from this original strain of the virus... obtained from this man.

In fact, ... all the vaccine manufactured since 1927 by the Rockefeller Foundation ...and other health agencies, ...are derived ...from the original strain of virus ... obtained...from this one man.

Through the creative imagination of science, ...the blood of this one man in the West Africa... has been made available... to serve... the whole human race.

Beloved ... The blood of Jesus ...has also come to serve and to save ... the human race.

For the word of God declares ... In Christ we have redemption Through His blood. (Ephesians 1:7)

We are redeemed... through the atonement ... through the Amazing Grace of Jesus.

John Newton penned these words...after he experienced the redemptive power...the grace of Jesus.

I know the words are familiar ... yet for those redeemed in Christ they are forever new:

Amazing Grace sweet the sound

to save... a wretch like me.

I once was lost ...but know I'm found

was blind ...but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.

And Grace, my fears relieved.

How precious did that Grace appear

The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares

I have already come;

'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far

and Grace will lead me home.

When we've been their ten thousand years

Bright shining as the son

We've no less days to sing gods praise,

then when we first begun.

Beloved ...... That is......the Amazing Grace...of God.

Becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Beloved ... That is ... Being Redeemed.

Amen and Amen!

This Message is based on a Sermon by David Swensen titled "Redemption" and I commend it to you.

Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.

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