Summary: Abraham left Isaac an inheritance, the Philistines robbed him of that inheritance. Isaac took the proper steps to reclaim what was rightfully his. There is a great lesson for us in this text as well.

Reclaiming Your Inheritance

Genesis 26:15-25

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In 1940, after Paris fell under Nazi control, German troops began looting thousands of artworks from

museums, galleries and personal collections across France. Today, one of those paintings hangs in the University of Oklahoma's Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Now, the daughter of its former owner wants the painting back. The painting is “Shepherdess Bringing In Sheep,” an 1886 work by French impressionist artist Camille Pissarro. It was stolen from Raoul Meyer, a Jewish businessman in Paris, during the Nazi occupation of France. Meyer's daughter, Leone Meyer, is suing OU in hopes of recovering the painting.


- Whether Ms. Meyer will be successful in her venture is yet to be determined. But it is completely understandable for someone to at least attempt to reclaim an inheritance that has been stolen. In our day it seems to be common for there to be a dispute over an inheritance. Unfortunately it is often family member VS family member fighting over an estate left behind by a loved one.

- There was a time in the life of Isaac, that he too had to reclaim a portion of his inheritance. Abraham left an inheritance for his son. This inheritance consisted of some valuable wells. Water was a valuable commodity in that day and age.The Philistines robbed Isaac of that inheritance they filled the wells up and stopped the water. Isaac did not sit idly by and allow the enemy to destroy what was rightly his. He took the proper steps to reclaim what the enemy had taken from him. Furthermore he did what was necessary to leave an inheritance for his own children.

- Maybe you were blessed to have parents and grandparents who left a spiritual inheritance for you! They taught you the Bible. They lived as examples before you. They made sure that you knew the plan of salvation. They helped you in your spiritual growth and maturity. They invested in you and taught you the ways of the Lord. They left a lasting legacy of devotion and faithfulness and had a great impact on your life.

- Maybe there are some of you who have indeed received this "spiritual inheritance" that I speak of. Someone took the time to dig some "spiritual wells" for you... And perhaps somewhere along the way your enemy (ol Satan himself) has come along and robbed you! Maybe he has taken certain steps to fill in those "spiritual wells" in your life. If you do not take the proper steps to recover what you have lost, then you are allowing the Devil to rob your children of their spiritual inheritance as well.

- When the Philistines attacked Isaac's inheritance he did not just sit by and allow this to stand. He went and re-dug those wells. He reclaimed his inheritance. That is exactly what you must do if your inheritance has been attacked by the enemy. I would like to look Isaac's response to the Philistines and preach on the thought "Reclaiming Your Inheritance. Let's begin by examining the fact that:

I. THE INHERITANCE WAS RECEIVED- v12 ¶Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. 13 And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: 14 For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him. 15 For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.

- Isaac planted his crops and harvested 100 times more than he planted. This happened because "the Lord had blessed him". He became rich and his wealth continued to increase. He purchased flocks of sheep & goats as well as herds of cattle. As a result of his success the Philistines became envious and they plotted against him. They filled all of his wells with dirt.

- A well may not seem very important to those of you on city water. But in Isaac's day a well was extremely valuable. And for someone with many herds and flocks a well was very important. For Isaac a well was much more than just a hole in the ground. A well was a source of life. The well sustained the people and the livestock. And in ancient times a well was an indicator wealth and prosperity. We see something important about these wells here in verse 15 "these wells were dug by the servants of Abraham."

- The wells were property that Isaac inherited from his Father. These wells were part of Abraham’s legacy. Abraham knew that his family, servants and his animals must have water to survive. The land where they lived was semi-desert land. Because of the dryness, water was as valuable to them as oil is to us. Abraham had his servants dig some wells. He named those wells And it was his intention for them to be an inheritance for his family

- I am thankful that there were some people who came before me who left me an inheritance! They dug some "spiritual wells" that I have greatly benefited from. I don't know exactly how long ago those wells were dug. But the good news of Jesus Christ was handed down from generation to generation in my family. And I hope to dig some wells for my children!

- Do you have plans to leave an inheritance for your children when you leave this walk of life? What are you focused on providing them with... A big house? Nice cars? A business? Expensive jewelry? Stocks and other investments? None of these things will matter in eternity! If you want to leave your family financially secure, that is fine. But first and foremost you must make sure that that they are ETERNALLY SECURE!!!

- Many times I have gone to the funeral home and spoke with a family about their Father who has passed away. And they begin to talk about "what a good man he was" They will say things like: ..."He worked hard and loved his family" ..."He took me hunting" ..."He taught me how to fish" ..."He sure did love the Crimson Tide!" - There is nothing wrong with any of these things! But these are things that will not matter in eternity! I hope and pray that when I die my girls can honestly look at you and say: "My Daddy dug some wells for us!" ..."He taught us about Jesus!" ..."He lived according to the Word of God" ..."He showed us the importance of serving the Lord!"

- Are you digging wells for your children? Are you going to leave them a spiritual inheritance? Abraham left Isaac an inheritance, he left his son some wells! But after a while trouble came along. Look with me to verse 15 as we see that:

II. THE INHERITANCE WAS ROBBED- v15 For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.

- The Philistines filled up the wells that belonged to Isaac. When a well would become shallow or even dry the people feared greatly. One of the strategies of war during this time was to fill in the well of your enemy. To do such a thing was the equivalent of dropping a bomb in our day. This was an act that declared war!

- What was the purpose of filling in a well? When a well was filled in there was no source of life giving water. the people would become dehydrated, discouraged and eventually they would be defeated. The Philistines didn’t want the wells for themselves, they just didn’t want Isaac to have them. It was their goal to seize his land and drive him away from that which was his. The Philistines were a declared enemy of Isaac. They wanted nothing more than to destroy his Father’s legacy and to destroy him personally!

- We face an enemy that is stronger and more cunning than the Philistines. Our enemy (Satan) is “a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”. Maybe you have had ancestors who dug wells in your life. Maybe you have received that "spiritual inheritance" that we speak of. Maybe you are born again and you have no doubt about it. If so, you must guard those wells in your life. Because Satan would like nothing more than to fill in your well! Why would Satan desire to fill in those "spiritual wells" in your life? Because he seek destruction.

- If he can fill up your well you will become spiritually dehydrated, you will become discouraged and you will become spiritually weak and easier to defeat! Maybe he has already filled in your well! If so this will have a detrimental impact on your life, if you allow him to! These "wells" may have been handed down from your parents and grandparents, but these spiritual wells were dug by your heavenly Father! He is ultimately the one who supplied you with your inheritance.

- Notice that when Abraham dug these wells he named them. Friend, your wells have been named also: And Satan seeks to fill them up and affect your spiritual health! Your enemy seeks to fill up your well that is named Joy, and he seeks to fill up your well that is named hope, and he seeks to fill up your well that is named peace!

- Isaac's wells still belonged to him, but they could not benefit him. He could not draw from them. Satan cannot rob you of your salvation, but when he fills up your well you cannot benefit from them. You cannot draw from those wells that will sustain you in your daily walk! Has he succeeded in filling up any of your wells? If so, then it is time for action! Isaac did not allow the Philistines to win this war he fought back and he continued to fight until he recovered what was rightfully his!!

- We have seen that The Inheritance Was Received, and The Inheritance Was Robbed. If you will look with me to verses 16-18 we will see:

III. THE INHERITANCE WAS RECLAIMED- v16 And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we. 17 And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.

- Isaac took the proper steps to reclaim his inheritance! Abimelech ordered Isaac to leave the country because he had become "too powerful". Isaac went to a certain valley and reopened the wells that the Philistines had filled in after the death of Abraham. Notice - v18a And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them

- Isaac did not just go somewhere else and dig new wells... He reclaimed HIS inheritance! Not only did he reclaim the wells, he restored their names. Reclaiming his inheritance was no easy task. He may have been very wealthy but the hydraulic drill wasn't invented until several thousand years later! He could have taken the easy way out. He could have forfeited his inheritance, he could have surrendered to the enemy...But he didn't, HE FOUGHT FOR WHAT WAS HIS!!!!

- What about you? Are you willing to forfeit the inheritance that has been handed down to you? Are you willing to walk away from something that is rightfully yours? If someone were to rob you of your financial inheritance you would be willing to take them all the way to the supreme court to get what was coming to you. Why then will you sit back and allow the enemy to rob you of your spiritual inheritance? It is time for God’s people to re-dig the wells that the world has tried to stop up! Has the enemy attempted to stop up some wells in your life? Has he succeeded in filling up any of your wells? If so, then it is time for you to get to the task of re-digging your wells! IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO RECLAIM YOU INHERITANCE!!!

- It is important that we maintain the wells that we have inherited! It is very important that we re-dig those wells that have been attacked by the enemy! But our responsibility does not end there! Isaac reclaimed his inheritance... he recovered the wells. But he also dug new wells. Perhaps he intended to leave some wells for his children!!!!

- Notice - v19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah. 22 And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. 23 And he went up from thence to Beersheba. 24 And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake. 25 And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a well.

- For the remainder of his life... everywhere he went, Isaac dug new wells! We too must be about the business of digging new wells! We must prepare a spiritual inheritance for our children! We must work to leave a lasting legacy that points them to Jesus. Not only should we point them to Jesus and teach them about salvation. We must live as examples for them. We must teach them and train them in ALL the ways of the Lord.

- When this life is over: It is not going to matter if you teach your children to be the greatest ballplayer. It is not going to matter if you help them to become the valedictorian of their high school. It is not going to matter if you help them to be the most popular. It is not going to matter if you push them to be successful in business. It is not going to matter if you die and leave them a great fortune! What will matter in the end are those things that will last throughout eternity!

- Have you been blessed to receive a spiritual inheritance from your forefathers? Perhaps the enemy has been successful in filling up your wells...You must take the proper steps to reclaim you inheritance. You must re-dig the wells, you must guard those wells and you must maintain those wells. And you must dig new wells to hand down to you children and your children's children! Are you willing and ready to do whatever it takes to "Reclaim Your Inheritance?"